Chapter Eight: Gifts (Felix)

I'll sacrifice my life for you.

Felix stops in front of another store's darkened windows, peering inside for any sign of movement. Though he is certain Reko can hold his own against anyone, he can't help but worry for the young boy.

What he said to the others was true, though. Reko has a kind heart, but people never take the time to speak with him, confiding in Felix that they are scared of him.

Scared? Of an orphan boy whom Felix saved four years ago? When Felix first heard the claims, he thought his soldiers were just exaggerating. But, once Felix began to observe Reko whenever he was training with the other recruits, he began to see why.

The boy was vicious and merciless. He had no regard for his safety nor that of others. Whenever someone tried to talk to him, he would either not respond, turn away, or argue if absolutely necessary.

There were a few times when some soldiers insulted Reko for being an orphan. It was during those conversations that Reko would turn violent and unpredictable. Felix even had to step in one time and separate Reko and another soldier, seeing Reko wield his knife and appear unafraid of bringing harm to his peer.

After that, Reko avoided talking to anyone. He shut himself off and never argued with his superiors, even if it was evident that he didn't like the orders he was given.

Felix, as the squad's captain, made it his responsibility to try and speak with Reko on a daily basis. Even if he got one word in reply, it was progress to him.


Felix freezes. He recognizes the voice, but the word they say is foreign to him. They speak again, and Felix turns around, thankful to see who he is looking for standing in front of him.


Reko stands several feet from Felix, looking him in the eyes as the young man sighs in relief.

"Reko! Why did you wander off all on your own? Do you know how long I've been looking for you?" Felix looks down both sides of the street the two are on, which were softly illuminated by the rising sun.

Reko just shrugs and continues walking. Felix falls in beside him silently. He can catch Reko's head turning towards the windows of certain stores, and notices what may catch his gaze. He realizes the boy is mainly looking into the windows of stores selling clothes. Felix lets his eyes scan over Reko's outfit, slightly offended.

It was Schweiz's standard white military uniform. Sure, it was a little bloody and dusty- Wait, bloody? Why? Was Reko injured? By whom? What for? As these questions swarm Felix's head, he fails to notice Reko standing in front of a store's window several feet behind him.

The young man blinks several times once he realizes Reko is no longer by his side, before turning around, and spotting Reko. He walks towards the boy until he is beside him again and can immediately see what he's looking at.

Around a black mannequin's neck is a crimson-colored scarf. Black tassels with small white jewels at the bottom of the strings decorate the ends of the item, and Felix spares a glance at Reko's face.

He is in complete awe at the scarf. His eyes are wide and focused on it, while his lips are just slightly parted as if he has just seen someone whom he idolizes. Felix puts his hand on Reko's shoulder, and the boy breaks out of the trance he put himself in and looks up at his superior.

No words pass between them. Reko angles his eyes straight ahead as he begins walking away, not even looking back at Felix or the scarf. The general casts his eyes upon the scarf once more before catching up with Reko.

The boy turns left again, and after a minute more of walking, Felix sees the familiar openness of the market square and the low white fence around the café. He can see Leon, Engelard, Kasumi, and Nicholas at the same table Reko and Felix left, eating what Felix recognizes to be the food from the café.

He takes a few steps near them, then looks over his shoulder at Reko, whose eyes lock on the plate in front of his chair.

A pile of scones sits on the plate, and a smile crosses Felix's lips. Who knew Reko loved scones? He watches as Reko walks over to his seat and sits down, picking up a scone and taking a bite out of it. Felix begins walking towards the table, then pauses, his eyes lingering on Engelard.

The young man turns around and walks away. He, for some reason currently unknown to him, can't apologize to Engelard. He tries to search his mind for an answer but fails to come up with one. It couldn't be because he threatened to kill Reko, right? Just because he tried to before wouldn't mean he would attempt the feat again...

Right? Right?

Was he positive Engelard wouldn't kill Reko? He would be able to know anywhere from a few minutes to a single second before it happened. What if Felix wasn't fast enough? What if he misjudged the kind of person Engelard is? What if... What if...

Felix finds himself standing in front of the same store's window that drew Reko's attention. His eyes focus on the scarf, and he debates whether he should get it or not. Eventually, he sighs and walks over to the store's front door, and pulls it open, much to his surprise.

He takes a few steps inside, and looks over at the single front counter, vacant of any person to accept money for what Felix is about to buy. The man carefully removes the scarf from the mannequin and turns around to face the counter.


Felix instinctively draws his pistol, pointing it at a young man, only a few years older than he is, standing in front of the counter. He holds a letter in his left hand and holds it out in Felix's direction.

"Who are you?" Felix's gaze does not dare leave the man, and he silently looks him over for any sign of weapons.

The man gives Felix a friendly smile and shakes his outstretched hand which still holds the letter.

"My name is Ace Secara. I'm a traveling merchant, and-"

A scene materializes before Felix. A boy, a few years older than Reko, aims a pistol from far away and shoots. Felix watches in horror as whatever was shot from the gun catches Reko in his neck, and the boy gives out a cry that is cut short as he closes his eyes and falls forward. His head ends up on the plate, sending the few scones left upon it to disperse onto the table.

The scene ends, and Felix drops the scarf, bolting from the store. His pistol still drawn, he sprints as fast as he can and emerges into the market square. He heads towards the café, jumps clean over the fence, and frantically looks around for Reko.

He spots a few arrows littering the ground in various areas. The chairs the others were sitting in are on the ground, and Felix lets his eyes linger on each person.

Leon's sword is drawn, and his body is turned towards a building near the café. Engelard lets his arms roam around, an arrow notched in his bow angled towards the sky.

Kasumi enters Zürich, breathing heavily as if she had been running. She reaches the café and shakes her head, soliciting a cry from Nicholas.

"We must find the young boy and interrogate whoever took him away as soon as possible! Ah, Felix-"

It falls completely silent at the mention of the general's name. Everyone's eyes meet Felix's, and the young man lets his pistol fall from his hand as he follows, landing on his knees.

"Reko... I'm so sorry! I-I shouldn't have left him alone! What if he's going to die? It's going to be all my fault!" Felix cries, and everyone averts their gaze.

"He's not going to die. Grayson is not that cruel, and I believe Aaron has taken a liking to him since the last time they talked. If he is put in danger, I promise I will ensure no harm will come to him. You have my word," Ace's footsteps are heard from behind Felix, and the young man turns his head to look at him.

He doesn't believe what Ace says for a second, but what can he do about his doubts? All that is left to do is wait until Reko either comes back safely or Felix hears about his death. Felix prays it is the former.

Reko would come back alive. He had- no. He needed to. For Felix's sake. For everyone else's sake. For the war's sake, he was needed. Without him, Felix would be unable to fight this war and bring peace back to Schweiz.

Maybe, just maybe, Felix could use this opportunity to his advantage. He pushes himself up, though Nicolas offers him a hand, and turns to face Ace.

"I have no reason to believe nor doubt what you are telling me. If you are trustworthy, allow Reko to stay wherever he is taken. He'll gather information about the war," Felix can hear gasps and other sounds questioning his decision from behind him, but he keeps his narrowed eyes on Ace.

"Alright. I'll do the best I can with that request. And here's this, before Grayson wonders why I left so early in the morning. I would advise you to keep moving, though. The longer you stay in one place, the more ambitious Grayson becomes concerning you, General Adelric."

Before Felix can ask any more questions, Ace turns around and leaves the same way he came. Felix spots the red scarf in his right hand but decides against following him.

He turns to face the other four people, who all finally gain the courage to look him in the eyes. But, only Leon speaks up.

"I work under Grayson and have talked with Ace on multiple occasions. I can tell you that Ace is true to his word, but as for Grayson's cruelty... All I've heard are stories of horror and blood," Leon's words make Felix feel no better about leaving Reko alone.

Nicholas puts his hand into his cloak, and out a bouquet of bright, colorful flowers of different types. He offers it to Felix with a smile, and the general can do nothing else but take it and return his smile, though it is half-hearted.

"Please give Reko the bouquet when he returns safely. He is sure to at least like one flower from the varieties present. Now, how do we go about recusing him while he provides information about the war until then?" Nicholas walks over to the plate in front of Felix's seat at the table, picks it up, and offers it to the young man.

Felix recognizes what is on the plate immediately. A slice of nothing other than German Chocolate cheesecake. He looks at Nicolas, and hesitantly accepts the plate, along with the fork.

"How did you...?"

"Oh, I'm quite good at guessing these types of things. Now, if I could only guess Reko's favorite flower..." Nicholas turns away, picks up his toppled seat, adjusts it upright, then sits down, gesturing for Felix to sit down as well.

The general does so, and the others follow. Felix can see Leon was in the middle of eating a sandwich of sorts, Engelard some cookies, Kasumi a pile of fruit pastries, and Nicholas a bit of everything.

Felix casts a glance at Reko's empty seat and the scones on the table as he takes a bite of cheesecake. His mind is suddenly filled with thoughts about last night.

That man. Why did he force Felix to step down, and would kill him if he didn't? What were his plans for Schweiz's military? Was he going to have them all join the war against their wishes? Would he have them all executed?

"It's alright, Felix. We're going to rescue Reko, end this war, and put you back in your position as soon as possible. I can promise you that much."

Felix looks over at, surprisingly, Engelard, who meets his eyes with a serious expression. Felix wants to reply with an insult but forces himself to smile and say two words.

"Thank you."

Everyone resumes eating, and quietly talks amongst themselves, either about the war, their own lives, or Reko's disappearance. Meanwhile, Felix closes his eyes and whispers to himself.

"I will save you, Reko. Even if doing so means seeing myself die a hundred times over."

Words and phrases used in this chapter:

Komentaja/Kommandant- Commander

Schweiz- Switzerland