Chapter Twenty-Eight: And so, the Curtain Fall on the Final Act (Grayson)

Why is it your aim to protect him?

Grayson stands at the edge of a lake, looking at the reflection of the stars in the sky from the water's still surface. On the other side of the lake, now only dots on the horizon, are the debris of the White Cathedral. It was truly a pity, how such a beautiful building had to be burned to the ground, but there was no other way his plan would have worked. Hopefully, everything went as planned, and Grayson could finally bring peace to Schweiz.

Two pairs of footsteps come into Grayson's range of hearing. He lets a slight smile overtake his expression, knowing who they are without turning around to see them.

"I suppose you've come to kill me?" Grayson's voice echoes in the empty night, and he stares at his own reflection in the water that stares back at him.

"No. Just thought you'd like to know Reko's alive," one voice replies.