Author's Note!

Hello fellow readers! Thank you for clicking into my story. Welcome to my world, is nice to see you here!

I'm Jossie and this is my first non-fanfiction novel and written in english.

It's really possible you'll notice english is not my native language, so if you spot any typo or grammar error, feel free to tell me, but don't forget with kindness! Cuz I have feelings and they are made of glass even if I pretend to be made of iron

I really enjoyed writing this story and hope you enjoyed too!

I'll publish a chapter every Monday and Thursday at 1:30pm

And remember! Every comment will be rewarded with a golden star!

*sings* YOU'RE SO GOLDEN! Nananana na nananana

Love is also rewarded so comment and vote and cry and laugh and melt.

Oh! That reminds me... I don't consider myself very funny, I mean I can tell a joke and act all crazy, but I am the one that laughs more of my own jokes than anyone else... I tried to be funny in this story, but I don't know if I succeeded. So if you laugh, make me know! And if it sounds awkward, that's probably me trying to be funny lol

If you have any questions I'll love to answer them.



I also wanted to add my social media in case someone liked to contact me.

Instagram: jossierichardson

tiktok: insatiable_author

Not really good on social media, but I'd love to hear from you x