Chapter three

Seven years later

My whole body was numb. My eyes were irritated by all the tears I have shed. My chest hurt as if a big ass elephant was sitting on it. My wolf howled inside me in pain.

I was the only one left in the cemetery, not able to depart from my deceased father. I shut my eyes at the pain that invades my heart at the mere thought.

I had nothing left in this world now.

Three years earlier I lost my mom to cancer. It was a painless death for her and I was grateful. A soul such as her didn't deserve to feel pain.

It was hard, but somewhat tolerable because I had my father to rely on. And it kept me occupied with the fact that I had to care for him, despite he was capable of doing stuff for himself.

I would clean the house, make dinner, keep the garden alive and stuff like that. I've been working since I was fifteen, unable to stay at home, doing nothing after what my parents did to me; saving my life and getting me a family. I had to do something, to help those who took me in, despite that they didn't need the extra money.

After mom died, dad and I grew even closer. He was my best friend. He would lend me his books and once I finished the book we would sit in the living room to discuss the book. It was fun.

I miss him. So much.

I feel so alone right now.

They never had kids, so only friends came to his funeral. At least the ones that were still alive.

I growl lowly.

This was why I didn't have friends, because the loss was too painful, and after mom's death, I didn't want to go through such pain again...

Until now.

What was I supposed to do now?

Yesterday, his lawyer came to the house and read dad and mom's will. They left everything to me. The house, their possession and their money, which was a huge amount of money. It seems that they took care of their savings very well, opening a savings account when they got married, sixty years ago.

My mind was elsewhere, so dad's lawyer would help me.

I decided to keep the house, because that was what was left of them. Their essence was in that little and cozy home, but also decided to rent it to an organization whose purpose was to rescue girls that were trafficked. The house would help to keep them safe and hidden until the organization finds them a new and safe home. The only condition is that they would keep the house as it is. I offered them to keep the furniture except for the special chairs that my parents used and their bed and dresser, which would go to a storage warehouse with the rest of the stuff that was inside the house.

I just knew that I needed to leave. I was suffocating and needed to breathe. My wolf needed to breathe and run with freedom. So, once I settle everything with the house and my parents' belongings, I would pack my stuff and fly to my dream place: Russia. I didn't like the idea of leaving my parents alone, but they would understand. Besides, they have each other.

"I love you mom and dad" I whisper to both of them, both graves rested beside each other.

I still couldn't believe they were gone. Forever. I only got eleven years with them, eleven amazing years. But they went on a blur and now I wanted to go back in time and enjoy them a little more. Eleven years are nothing when is about the people you love.

I wanted to find my biological parents, but where to start? I was scared to make a blood test, fearful that they would find out I wasn't human and lock me away. I guess I'll figure it out eventually. Now, it was time to focus on myself. I needed to find out who the real me is, now that I have no one to rely on.


Moving on is hard. Doesn't matter what you are trying to move on from, the struggle is real. My heart was too deep in my relationship with my adoptive parents. My heart was already compromised when they picked me up that night, because they didn't just save my life, but they were also the first people I saw after the incident, the first memory I made with someone, and now that they were gone, forever, it left me in pieces.

Detaching myself from their memory took me weeks. The mere thought of storing their belongings, their essence, threatened to tear me apart, but I knew they were going to be forever in my heart. My adoptive parents won't be forgotten.

Now I was leaving who knows for how long, but it comforted me to know that they were going to be there once I return.

I look behind, just before entering the plane, to stare at the stars. Somewhere there, they were looking after me, and somehow I knew they weren't sad about my departure, but prideful that I was doing something by myself for the first time.

I was terrified, but I knew something great was waiting for me on the other side of the ocean.

I give my ticket to the woman there and she guided me to my sit in business. The flight was going to be long and I wanted to be comfortable, scared of having a panic attack in the tiny seats in the economy section. I'm not good with strangers, and the idea of sitting next to an unknown person for long hours, stressed me to no end. So I gave myself this treat.

I place my bag under the seat and settle in the seat next to the window. Can't believe I was doing it. I was going to Russia for Pete's sake! God. Just thinking about it is just crazy.

I was always the strange girl in school that stood close to their parents, though, for the students there, my parents were more like my grandparents. I would skip camping trips, scared that something might happen to mom while I was there, in the middle of the woods with no signal.

My classmates would laugh at me, but they didn't know the truth behind my behavior and wasn't about to explain myself to those idiots. They were meaningless to me, just people I had to coexist with until I graduated. They were just nameless faces. So when they thought they were being funny or smart, I just ignored them, they didn't affect me.

Though sometimes I regret not getting more independent from my parents, now that I was all alone. I didn't try to get prepared for what my life would become once my parents died.

I was just glad they taught me everything I need. Like cook, clean, to sew. My dad taught me what to do if the car brakes, or how to survive in the wild. I guess I could fend for myself, but that didn't mean I would miss them any less.

I close my eyes as the plane started to speed and thank my parents for the life they gave me and for helping me become the woman I am today.

I was heading towards my very own adventure, and I was excited and terrified at the same time, wondering what I might encounter.


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I feel like I'm talking alone *sad violin playing in the background*

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Lots of love! <3