Chapter sixteen

When I finished getting dressed, again, I leave my quarters to join the rest at the common room, anxious to be close to my mate. When I walk in I frown when I don't see her in the room.

"And Riley?" I ask, already getting a bad feeling.

Carmen and Rebecka look up at me, confused.

"She said she rather go to your room because the scent of Elena was all over the place" Carmen replies scrunching her nose in disgust.

I feel the color draining from my face.

"She is not there" I mutter, my brain working on a dreadful image of what could have happened. "Elena irrupted in my room"

They all understood what must have happened. In a second, I have all the guards looking for her. Felix followed her scent to Rebecka's room but it ended there. Later I am being informed they picked up her scent outside and into the forest. I knew where she have headed.

My packmates and I got into two different cars and drove toward her pack, my heart beating hard. I was afraid I scared her away, that I hurt her when she saw another woman in my room. What if..?

What if she saw her kissing me? I feel dread freezing my whole body. No. I won't lose her because of that spoiled brat. I swear I'll make her pay.

We arrive at her pack in record time and park the car in front of the packhouse. I step out running toward the front door that was being opened by the alpha, who's been already notified about the situation.

I knew his father was torn. He wanted to go hard on me for hurting her daughter, but have to hold back because I was the crowned prince. To be honest, I would never hold my title against him or any of her family, so I wouldn't blame him for wanting to punch me.

"She is in her room" he only says.

I go upstairs following her scent, having to restrain myself from kicking her door down and take her to the car right away. I needed to remind myself to take it easy. She's been through a lot, I didn't want to overwhelm her.

I arrive at her room right when I hear her mother speak.

"Then let's get you back to your mate-"

I smile, liking that she was already willing to go back to me.

"That won't be necessary" I speak up, gaining both of their attention.

Her mother silently leaves the room, leaving me and my lovely mate alone, closing the door behind her.

I stare at her, with my heart constricted.

I wasn't really pleased with her running away from me, again. I want her to be confident enough with me to go talk to me. I knew something was bothering her, I wanted her to trust me. Thinking that she didn't, in fact, trust me, hurts me in so many ways.

I just wanted her to know that she can be herself around me, and that I'll love every single part of hers that she'll shows to me.

"Running away from me again, my love?" I chide her shaking my head, and clicking my tongue.

She lowers her gaze and bites her luscious lips.

"What are you doing here?" she finally speaks, staring me directly in the eye.

Her question took me by surprise.

I tilted my head, looking at her with curiosity.

"Well, I don't know if you are aware or not, little one, but we lycans don't let go of our mates" I say lowly, smirking at her, devouring every inch of exposed skin.

She looked like a goddess, despite her tear-stained cheeks.

I hated that I caused that.

"Even when they decide to mate with someone else?" she replies, looking away, noting the way she clenches her jaw, as if she was stopping herself from crying again.

Her accusation left me speechless.

"What" I barely say, still reeling about her words.

What did she mean by that?

She suddenly turns to look at me with an angry expression on her face.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" she spat, as if she lost all patience. Watching her all riled up kinda turn me on, though wasn't the right moment to claim that pretty mouth of hers just yet. "Do not take me for a fool, Alec! I don't care if you are the prince or my mate, but I won't be anybody's mistress!"

She is standing now, mere feet from me. Her cheeks are flushed and her chest which was barely covered with the robe she was wearing, was raising up and down, and damn what a sexy view.

I shake my head.

Focus man! Or you'll screw up. Again.

"Who said anything about you being a mistress?" I ask, genuinely confused.

"Elena!" she yells as if it was obvious. I greet my teeth, knowing if I go ballistic in fury, I would totally scare her shitless. "Don't pretend you don't know about it, Alec" she chides now lowering her tone, like she was tired of everything.

I close the distance between us and hold her face close to mine, making sure our eyes were connected.

"Love. My sweet sweet mate" I breathe out, caressing her nose with mine, realizing that such a small touch already made me crazy with need. "Do not listen to what that witch has to say. You are mine, and I'm mating with you. No one will stop me from making you mine" I say, noting her cheek blush and I smile loving the effect I have on her.

"But..." she mumbles, I could feel the insecurity in her tone.

"Yes, my parent made a deal with Elena's father, the prime minister, that we would mate when my father steps down and gives the crown to me, but I never planned on following through with that deal. I made it very clear to my parents that I would only mate with my destined mate" I explain to her, and she expels a breath of relief.

"Still, I am a little bit concerned about her, Alec" she says looking at me with those doe eyes of hers. I frown.

"Why? Did she do anything to you?" I growl, barely able to hold my lycan at bay. That Elena witch was trying to screw with the love of my life.

"She threatened me the day of the party. She told me that you two are to be mated and if I step in her way she would kill me"

I close my eyes and have to pull her against me and bury my nose in her neck to calm myself. I inhale a great amount of her scent, already feeling my lycan calming down. Damn, the power this little she-wolf has on me.

I pull her away and look down at her.

"I won't let her touch a single hair of yours, and if she ever speaks to you, or hurt you or anything, you tell me, understood? No more running away" I say firmly and she nods and hugs me, goosebumps spread over my body when I feel her cold nose nuzzling my neck.

She felt so damn good in my arms. I would never let her go.

"Now that everything is settled, why don't we pack your stuff so we can go back to the palace- home?" she simply smile at me and I swear, I was a puddle in her hands.


Hello beautiful people!

Writing and reading romance makes me feel so aloneTToTT lol. At least I have my pets(:

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