Chapter forty-four


We are currently in the third shop and I have mixed feelings about the situation.

I still hope to find the perfect dress, but I'm so tired and starting to hate all this. I've been in and out of multiple dresses and I wanted to scream. I hate shopping, taking off my clothes over and over again. It is probably because I'm lazy.

"Maybe I'm being picky" I say, feeling bad that everyone in the room is just there doing nothing while waiting for me to pick a dress.

"Uh..." Carmen opened her mouth to speak but Annie interrupts her.

"It's normal for a bride to want the perfect dress. Don't stress and pick a random dress just to relieve us" she smiles at me. I look up at her thankful for her words.

"But you are still being picky" adds Carmen rapidly. Annie glares at her with deadly eyes. Carmen just looks everywhere but her desperate to escape her penetrating gaze.

"Let's head to the next shop," says Ellie "I have a good feeling about this one!"

"That's what you said when we left the first shop" mumbles Rebecka with an annoyed look on her face.

I bit my lip, feeling bad for them.

"Well, if you want to leave..."

"Hell no!" Carmen exclaims "I didn't get this bored for nothing"

"Sorry..." I whisper feeling guilty I hadn't truly liked any of the other dresses.

We arrive at the fourth shop and tell the woman that was assigned to help me what I was looking for. She first shows me one with a closed neck, which I didn't like much and she then smiles brightly and disappears to the back of the shop. A few minutes later she comes holding a big bag, and when she opens it I smile with relief and hope.

This has to be the one!

With her help, I put the dress on with some heels and walk out to hear gasps and whistles.

"Tell me this is the one!" yells my mother beaming at me.

I spin in front of the big mirror, feeling the material caress the bare skin of my legs. It has a sweetheart neckline, is sleeveless, and showed off half of my back.

"This one!" I say excitedly.

I go back to take off the dress so the shop can save it for me to take and then we went shopping for heels for the dress and the jewelry I'll use with it. I was really excited. I felt like a princess from the fairytales I loved when I was a child.

We arrive back at the palace and Ellie pulls me aside. I groan inside, hoping it wasn't about my weight.

"Are you sure the dress doesn't feel too tight on the stomach?" she looks at me with concern.

I was getting pissed at her comments. Do I really look so fat? I'm trying to be careful as to not eat so much junk food, and I started training today, so I'm hoping to lose some pounds for the wedding day.

"Yes, Ellie, I'm sure" I repeat and turn around to go to bed before I say something I might regret.

Maybe I should try harder on eating healthy, and do better at training. I have to get better. The last thing I need is Alec thinking I'm fat too. That would break me.


I fall back to the bed with a sigh. I was so tired, and my feet were killing me. I was really hungry, but too tired to move. Damn it.

All this situation has made me forget about my anxiety about the wedding, which I'm grateful for. I don't want to keep thinking about it, there's nothing I can do. I have to remind myself that I am mated to the crowned prince, and he has a responsibility with the kingdom, and that responsibility becomes mine as well as his mate, as the future Queen.

That word keeps sending shivers over my body.

I woke up startled when I hear a door close and soon see Alec arriving on the second floor. he sees me with a surprised look and then a guilty expression takes over his features.

"Sorry I woke you up, love. Thought you were still with the girls" says quietly taking his jacket off and sitting at the edge of the bed. He looks at me with those warm eyes of his filled with love and tenderness and I melt under his gaze. I loved so much this man.

"It's okay. Didn't realize I fell asleep anyway" I smile at him lazily. Alec runs his hand through my hair, a pensive look on his face.

"Yeah, you still have your clothes on"

I groan, too tired to stand up and change.

I feel Alec taking my shoes on and I sigh with contentment, my eyes closed. He changes me into the t-shirt he was wearing, because he knows how much I love to sleep with a t-shirt that has his scent, with a tenderness that almost made me cry, if I wasn't on my way to falling asleep again. The last thing I feel was Alec accommodating me up the bed and under the covers, his head on my chest and our limbs intertwined.

There was nothing better than to be in my mate's embrace. Is where I wanted to stay for the rest of my life.


Hello beautiful people, first of all, thank you for reading so far, really appreciate it! and secondly, this chapter comes as a gift because it came out shorter than the others.

Enjoy x