No help is coming

This was the first time Felix had met a monster.

Monsters that resemble humans are more terrifying than other types of monsters. These monsters terrorize the minds and hearts of humans, leading them to imagine... Is it a human who becomes a monster? Will I also become a monster in the future?

Its teeth yellowed like a tard. Round eyes full of lost sacs moved quickly, locked on Felix. The creature paused for a moment, just like Felix.

Felix slowly backed away until its back was against the wall. Felix's chest heaved as sweat poured down. His knife trembled like his eyes. How to fight that thing? He thought.

As fast as a wild animal, the creature pounced on Felix.

Dodging to the side, Felix kept his distance and faced it with a dagger. The creature spun around, running to attack.

Fire envelops Felix's fist. A single fist to the face pushes the creature backward, swaying but not falling. Felix stabbed it in the chest, and the dagger was embedded there. Oh no. It's stuck!