True Enemy Emerged

At the same time, many miles away from Alderan, in the middle of the ocean, under a starry night sky.

On the MEH EWW scoop ship's deck, Duke Bere makes a statement. "Keep sailing, go to the main MEH EWW HQ."

Scoop boats are three-masted sailing vessels of moderate size. Designed for exploring the seas, this ship has only three cannons.

Since Duke did not feel like being bothered, he opted to take a position away from the crew of the ship. As he looked at the picture on his pocket watch and felt the cool night air, he smiled.

The picture was of a stunning woman who was beaming at him. The woman with the dark hair seemed to be flirting with the Duke on occasion.

A short sigh escaped the duke's lips. Her eyes welled up with tears.

He thinks back fondly on his married life. He finds joy in his time with his wife and in the vibrant colors of the world.