
A boy is standing on the edge of a huge cliff. His body is filled with multiple injuries. He looks in front of him. There are around 10 children who are bigger than him surrounding him.

He completely ignores them and looks at the back of the group. There he found a girl surrounded by a few boys. His blue eyes stare at the girl. His eyes have no emotion in them. He is disappointed not by the girl or anybody else who surrounded him but he is disappointed by himself and his life.

He looks like a person who has no will to live. Getting a last look at her he closes his eyes and falls from the cliff. As he is doing down in his mind there is only one regret that he is not able to achieve anything.


A body of a boy of age around 15-16 is floating along the flow of the river.

By some miracle, his body is tangled with some vine around a log in the river. Even though unconscious his chest is having ups and downs on the log indicating his faint breathing.

In this silent scene, log carrying boy goes downstream along the river. The river is surrounded by a thick forest. With an unknown destination Log and the boy rides on the river.

Sometime later River dived into many different branches. Log follows the branch of the river which leads deeper into the forest.

After floating for many days, the log-carrying boy enters a small cave. Now the aggressive flow of the river becomes gentle. Log gets stuck inside the cave. This mark the end of the long-lost journey of the boy and log.

Inside the dark silent cave, a blue lite suddenly appears. A blue spirit with no proper face and human build comes near the boy. He is floating on the ground. Spirit presence is more like a hologram. He starts examining the body of the unconscious boy. After a few min of examining the body of the boy, Spirit nodded his head.

Spirit look at the ceiling of the cave and loudly shouted.

His voice echo in the whole cave.

After a few secs, a Black screen appears in the cave. It floated near the boy.


Universal System

Legacy by – axaxxxxxfajxxxxxx

Checking the participant ---- No legacy found.

Asking permission for legacy transfer?


After a few min of waiting, no reply come back.

In case no reply comes in 20 sec Legacy will get a transfer automatically.


After 20 sec with no reply, a blue light showed on the boy.


Congratulation to mortal Eric to get his legacy.



Showing the last message the black screen gets disappear from the cave.

Seeing the completion of the process the blue spirit enters the forehead of the boy.

Cave returns to its previous quietness.

Slowly time seems to pass inside the dark cave with only faint breathing of boy can be heard. He is still unconscious on the log.


After who knows how much time, Eric slowly opens his eyes. He finds himself staring at the dark ceiling of the cave.

In low voice, he mumbles to himself.

"I survived. Hehehee haha..."

After a few minutes of laughter at his situation, Eric said to himself.

"What the point of me living, nobody wants me and nobody needs me? Then why I did not die why, why …?"

Shouting to himself his eyes become numb and tears start flowing out of his eye.

After venting out his emotion he lay lifeless on the log. He has no emotion left in him, just like a dead body, he waits for his eye to be permanently closed. A few hrs passed in wait for Eric to reach the final destination of his life.

Suddenly in front of his eye, a blue spirit appears. It looks like a human but has no face. Spirit bow to him and a voice enter Eric's mind.

Although this all looks amazing Eric gave no response to the spirit. He still stares at the ceiling of the cave.

Not minding him, the spirit spoke.

After saying that spirit starts transforming. It's body transform into that of the man with a lean body and long height. Its now has a handsome face. Even though Spirit is still blue, the color of it eyes are dark blue. After the transformation spirit has a armor and a long sword on him. Eric see that these are all projection but they all look so real in his eyes.

All this is noticed by Eric as the spirit now floats in front of him. Eric and Spirit stare at each other. Spirit starts speaking.

Instead of a voice coming into his head now, the sound vibrates in the cave.

"Hello, I am or was a person name asda—XXXX. You may not able to hear my name so just call me Max. I congratulate you to get my legacy. For you to get this legacy mean you are in dire need and you also lost hope in your life. Do you want to died as waste or start new to became a Warrior. Do you want to end your life as looser."

Saying that a smile appears on the spirit's face. Eric eyes are still emotionless as ever. Spirit continue.

"Well, whatever ever it's not like I can question someone.

I want to say something to you. The harsh true to the greatness. Path to Monarch is a lonely road. All of it depend on your strength. If you are strong then you can live however you want. With strength you can do what ever you want. But without strength you need to stay alert and lonely.

To get that strength you need to sacrifice and betray many. You need to follow your path you belief till you die. You must not change that path. "

Saying till now a sad smile formed on the spirit's face. In a sad somber tone, the spirit continues.

"You will question yourself. You may doubt the meaning of your life. You will ask yourself if is it the right path. You will want to end your life. But believe in yourself and your path."

The figure of Max wailing and mourning even affects Eric. He can see in Max eyes that he life was full of hardship. In front of the miserable site of Max, even Eric's hopelessness seems nothing but a small problem.

His focus is now on every word coming out of Max's mouth.

Saying till now Max took a pause seem trying to control his outburst. Putting a determined face Max spoke.

"At the start, you have to work hard. You have to tire yourself to death every day. Whenever you want to quit remember the throne. Remember your dream. Remember you are doing this not for anyone else but yourself. "

A crazy smile formed on Max's face. Even his voice becomes loud like he is shouting.

"Slowly you will feel it. The more strength you achieve clearer you feel.

Feeling of the Power. Feeling the taste of true freedom. You can become a hero or you can become a god. The path which I follow is the path of vile."

Suddenly eyes of Max start shining and a scene appears in it. As Eric focuses on Max's eyes the picture becomes clearer.

Inside the scene, there is destruction everywhere.

The ground is filled with corpses of many species. At the center of the field, there is a mountain made from corpses.

As Eric's attention is drawn toward the scene, the voice of Max continues in his ears.

"You see the corpses these were the people who come in my path. They were those who once laughed at me. They try to hinder me. There were many who I even did not know.

This is the path of vile. The path forms from corpse mountain and blood river. This is my path."

At the top of the mountain, a devil-like figure covered in blood was sitting. Suddenly the figure starts laughing.

"hahahhaha When you climb your corpse mountain then you will FEEL.

As my legacy holder, I want to show my way of the vile path. I want to make your own path and form your own rivers of blood. Do what you desire. Let the world know the Nightmare of the war.

Let the world see your corpse tower. When you reach the top of the tower then Feel…"

Saying till now Max's voice stop and the man on top of the corpses in the scenery turn his head toward Eric. From just a stare Eric's whole body is shaking from fear.

Forming the same Crazy smile and staring at Eric man shouted.

"Feel, the joys of being alive. Felling the taste of becoming strong. hahahahahaha"

Spirit start laughing loudly and collapse, Cave returns to its creepy silence.