Drug theory.


Yo, I am up for a chapter run.

Will release 100k within this month so support me by reviewing, and commenting I need the rain of power stones. Let's go for today's chapter.


Eric continues.

"After that war, I try to get treasure from her but then she drugs me something because of that I slowly started losing my strength. Seeing my condition academy teacher supported her as I became useless in their eye.

Then one day academy abolished my student contract with them. At first, I was confused about why they do that then I came to know that someone was planning to get rid of me to impress her who now become part of the rankers.

They started by beating me daily. Because of my poor performance in the war, I was already got treated badly but after these people start beating me daily my life become hell. One day they form a group to beat me. I tried to run away from them. But they corner me on the edge of a cliff.

I was very depressed from all that was happening to me. My dream was slowly getting out of my sight. Each day I practiced very hard but my strength was decreasing instead of increasing. I made up my mind to leave the world. I jump from the cliff to end my life

Before anyone kills me, I tried to end my life by jumping in the river but was somehow able to survive and here I am that is all to my pathetic warrior saga."

Saying all that Eric starts laughing at his past foolishness. He was once a fool who want to prove himself to the world. Now he does not need to prove to anyone. Eric smiled hoping for his bright future.

'I will become strong to do all I wanted, to win the war, to become the Monarch of Altasia'

Thinking to himself Eric waits for Lee to speak.

Eric did not have to wait much as Lee start speaking after some time.

"Yes, that summary."

'So, he only wants to know what causes problems in the core. I stupidly speak about my whole life.' Eric thinks embarrassingly.

Eric becomes confused. He does not remember anything about him getting drugged the first time which Lee is saying.

Eric bombarded Lee with many questions.

"But Lee, If I was drugged then why did I never feel it? and if someone drugged me one time then why it will show effect after so many years? What type of drug do I have in my body? "

Lee speak.

When you were forming your core then all the drugs present in your body activate. Their purpose was to hinder you to form a mana core and even if you form the mana core they surround it and make mana difficult to enter in your core. All this will result in making your potential low.

Master, your potential is not low. This is work of drug why your potential is D rank. Whoever drugged you want to hinder your growth.>

Hearing all of this Eric was at a loss for words. His life becomes miserable all because of someone he doesn't even know. He starts thinking about people who can drug him. He first thinks about his father but then rejected it as his father used to beat him because he was weak. His father must not know about the drug. Then he thought about his mother who abandoned him according to his father. He shakes his head as he does not know anything about them.

He stops thinking about all that and motion Lee to continue.

Now both drug has opposite work. One wants to enter your core and the other need to stop anything from entering your core. They both clash and a mutation happened. You can call this new mutation the 3rd drug. This drug forms within your body and both the first and second drugs are now fully destroyed in the process. At present, you have this 3rd kind of drug in your body.>

Eric's mind was spinning from this drug theory. Did his body become a drug factory? The more he heard it the more he find this all thing creepy. Eric speaks to Lee.

" Is this 3rd drug function to absorb mana from my mana core?"

"Well that's good but what about my mana core."

For now, the best choice is to let all the energy disperse from your core it may make your core fragile for time being but we do not have any way to remove the drug from your body. Once all drugs get destroyed you can start your warrior path again.>

"That's it, I thought it will be something harder than that."

Hearing all this Eric has a few doubts but he knows that Lee is more knowledgeable than him so he decided to do that. After a few mins of pondering Eric asks.

"So, Lee how much time does it takes for all these drugs to get destroyed by my body."

Eric is surprised to hear that and immediately spoke.

"So much time, what I will do in that time how will I train then"

Seeing Eric's depressed face Lee asks?

Hearing the question Eric speaks after some thinking.

"Well, obviously it's power. When you are strongest everyone will fear and avoid you can easily score a win in the war."

"If you say it like that then do intelligence and strategy most important in war?"

Hearing Lee Eric get more confused if it is not strength and nor intelligence then what is it? Is it a combination of both? After mins of brainstorming and a few more guesses, Eric said with a defeated face.

"Can you answer now?"

Hearing the answer Eric almost smashes his head. The answer is so common but he still did not get it.

Hearing Lee Eric rapidly swung his head up and down in agreement.