Army and Elites

Lee speak.

Eric node his head in confirmation.

1st personal strength.

2nd powerful subordinate or people to win in the war.

3rd powerful backing to handle the pressure for us>

Hearing Lee, Eric frown as from Lee's word he knows where this is going but he does not like that suggestion.

Eric resorted saying

"Lee if I become much stronger then I will not have to rely upon anybody."

Upon hearing Eric's denial about the 2nd and 3rd points Lee calmly explains.

Although Eric is still not convinced, he let Lee continue.

A major task is those for which the system gives the most points to a warrior in the war. At the end of the war, those with the most point will be given a reward that helps them increase their strength and leap above others of the same level.

A single person can do many mini goals but for a major goal, they will never be able to compete with those with large armies. Master, you need to information, minions, scout, strategy and many things if you need to score more points.>

At this point, Eric frowns and asks?

"Lee why is that? I do not understand your point"

"Is it not just to give them respect."

Eric shakes his head in denial and spoke.

"Well, I do not know care to explain."

Every achievement of the army will get distributed among army members. Higher members get more points to compare than lower members.>

Saying till now Lee stopped and let Eric process the information. After a few min Lee continues.

In time you are getting points for completing 1 task. A person who is commander of an army with 1000 people will be able to complete 1000 of those tasks. The Commander of that army will get a few percent from each task.

It is still low for lower war but what about a war where million to billion warriors participate? Those who are commanders will leave their colleagues behind in the dust. Let me ask master do you able to compete with those people? To reach their level you need resources and information. There are many ways to increase your strength alone but those ways are full of danger. If you are alone then you can lose your life at any time.

You need to decide for yourself which path suits you more master. You need to remember that if you walk alone then you need to fight against thousands in the regional war. At higher war, you have to go against millions and billions.

These things are still quite far. You must experience war than choose for yourself, which path suit you more.>

Eric has sweat rolling down from his forehead just thinking about that. He accepts the fact that he must experience first and then choose. Eric still asks.

"Isn't 2nd and 3rd point the same then? What is the difference between powerful subordinate and backing?"

Now second is the family system where a warrior starts his own family and later people of that family become commanders in the army.

There is a cult system where like-minded people follow a person and form their army. There are many other ways out there.>

"So, you are saying that every academy is part of the same big army and the headmaster of each academy is the commander in that army?

But if that is the case then why does each army fight with the other in a regional war? Why kill someone in the same army"

"Selection of the elite you say."

Eric starts thinking. At the time when he was part of Griffin academy, he hears the name of the elite but he never sees them. Eric asks so how they select the elite then.

Master, each organization has a different way to select elite like someone who performs better in war or some promote their family members. It depends. >

"OK. You said that at the time of war we have the option to select the army we want to be part of then why I do not get any option."

In the academy, there may be many different internal groups but all of them come under the Academy. The regional war is all about the war between different academies.>

Hearing this Eric's pupils expand in awareness. He always thought why the academy training them now he knows that they are training them as meat soldiers for their elite or family members. He now gets that the Regional war is nothing but a training ground.

The training ground is a grinding place that selects Diamonds from other stones. He becomes more excited as he thinks about the war. Whenever he thing about the war the scene where Max sitting on the mountain of corpse replay in his mind. This gives him goosebumps.

Many of Eric's doubts get clear but he is still not sure about many things. So he asks Lee.

"What do I do now? which organization do I join? and how to find people for my army?".

Eric dumbly stares at Lee. His whole world is spinning right now. At first, Eric was disgusted by this idea then he remembers how his father on his death bed talked about his mother and how her mother abandoned him because of his low talent.

Eric clenched his fist in anger as he realizes that maybe his father's words were true. Lee sees his master's reaction and continues.

Eric does not say it but he chooses to avoid doing what his mother did to him. Changing the topic Eric says.

"Lee those are things for the future. For now, tell me how to increase my strength. Joining any organization will happen after these 2 years and 4 months. For now, let's focus on 1st point how I increase my strength when I am will be mortal."

Master as a mortal you cannot train more physically but you can train yourself mentally and emotionally.>