Senior year



(28,261/100,000) -> 71,739 left.


Finishing the speech both warriors disappear from the ground.

A commotion broke on the ground.

"That is."

"What the heck most of the things I already know."

"Hell, they do not tell us anything about the academy and its facilities."

"Damn, Did I make the wrong decision to select black academy."

Eric sees that most of the students are shouting and expressing their dissatisfaction. He also finds this lack of information unpleasant but he has an idea that things will definitely not be that simple in a black academy. This is the academy of elites and the strong. Academy will definitely do things to select elites from all other students.

As he is thinking about the reason behind this half information he heard the sound of multiple feet step walking toward them. He Turns his head and finds that a group of 50 students enter the training ground. They all are very disciplined and march toward the platform on the training ground.

Eric sees that A beautiful girl with long black hair is walking in front of the group. That girls wear a black combat dress. Eric finds her pleasant to his eyes. This group of 50 student walk just below the platform and then they turn toward 1000 students. They do not walk on the stage.

Reaching there that black dress girl comes forward, she starts speaking in her beautiful sweet voice.

"Good morning, everyone I know that most of you still have many doubts left. We are from a year senior batch from you. We will help you to clear some of your doubts.

I want everyone to form a small group of 20 people."

Following the instructions, groups are formed. Watching this she turned around and nodded. Every person in a 50-person group disperses and goes toward a group.

A boy with golden brown hair comes toward Eric's group. Jin is also part of the same group as him. Eric sees that most of the boys have a little frown on their faces they want any girl to come to their group for the explanation. If boys are annoyed to see this beautiful boy coming toward them then girls are in joy.

That boy comes near them and speaks with a smile.

"Hello everyone I am Alan."

Alan looks around the group and starts speaking.

"Well you must have many doubts and questions but first let me finish what I have to say."

Watching everyone nodding their head he continues.

"First you need to know the basics about how our academy functions. So our academy is class-based. There are more than 600+ unique subjects taught in the academy by different instructors. You can say that each teacher has their own specialization. We can attend classes of these teachers after 3 months when mandatory 1 months classes finish.

Now to attend any class you will need to pay coins academy coins. Our Black skeleton academy work on a point-based system. Before your first war, you will each get some points based on your potential and ranking. There are many other tasks you can do to earn points. I do not know much about them though.

Your main focus should be on earning as many points as you can so you can take as many classes as you can. Points can be used to buy herbs, information, premium food, and many other things. Everything outside the basic necessary needs points to purchase them. These points are known as Academy coins.

Moving on, you know that The regional war will finish in 3 months at that time seniors will come back from war. All students in the academy it at Level 0 also known as Apprentice soldier rank. Those who cross this rank will be sent to other places to train. I do not know much about this.

In the academy, there is a hierarchy based on strength and performance in the war. You can say that your strength and war performance will decide how you will be treated in the academy.

There are 5 ranks based on that.

1. Cores Students - These are the most powerful stage 3 level 0 apprentice warriors. They represent our academy so you need to respect them whenever you will see them. The top 5 strongest students in our academy will get this position.

2. Elites - These are the student who has the most power and influence among their ranks. These are known as the future of the academy and they get many privileges. The

3. High ranks - These are students who are lower than the Elite but they have their privilege.

4. Neutral - Normal students with no extra privilege.

5. Worker - These are the worst student. They have to fix the amount of work every day to survive.

There is one additional rank outside the official ranks.

Slaves- They are the plaything in the school. There can be personal slaves or community slaves."

Hearing the last part everyone gulps down. Seeing the fear in everyone's eyes Alan smirk and continues.

" Now I tell you, what these ranks represent unofficially. First are Core students currently there are 5 of them. These are the rulers of the school. Not only they are the most powerful but they also have thousands of students following them officially or unofficially. A sentence from them can result in life worse than death for you."

Just talking about cores sends shivers down Alan's spine. Controlling his heartbeat he continues.

" Now moving on to elites. This rank is only for 2nd and 3rd-stage apprentice warriors. 2nd rank has 10 elites whereas 3rd has 50 elites. Elites are second only to teachers and cores. Elite rank is not purely based on strength it includes potential and influence. You can say that elites are those who will contest for core seats.

3rd is high ranks. This is what the majority of us will fight for. There is a ranking system for each level. The higher your rank more points you will get to spend. 100 top rank of stage 1 and stage 2 get a major increase in their academy coins as for stage 3 I think it's top 500 ranks. So your major goal is to compete to get a high rank in the level 1 list.

Next is Normal, these are people lower than high ranks. They will get a bare minimum amount from the academy. These are those who are only here to fill in numbers.

Last is Workers, this is only for the 2nd and 3rd stages. The last 10 percent of the ranks will have to do work as they will not get any points from the academy. Workers are those who are weak as well only survive in war because they hide there. Stage 1 does not have workers because those who survive one war will become stage 2 workers."

Hearing that worker rank is not for them causes relief to them but hearing the last part once again shivers them. Alan continues,

"That is for hierarchy. Now moving on to facilities where you can use your points. Points can be used to purchase art, scrolls, and skills. You can attend special lectures using points. Points can be used to buy anything in the academy shop. There are many other uses you can find on your own.

These are common knowledge in the academy, anything else you want to know you need to find yourself but for today you all has 1 question you can ask me and I will try to give their answer. Now you can raise your hand if you have any questions."

Hearing this everyone raises their hand. Scanning the group Alan pointed toward a girl. Seeing this she asks shyly.

"Who is currently most powerful in the list of stage 1."

Everyone in the group stares at her. Seeing that she looks down toward the ground. Alan scans everyone and replies seriously.

"Currently everyone on the list is at war and most likely those who survive the war will become level 2 apprentice soldiers before the next war so they are out of the list. Level 1 list starts anew after every war."

Saying this Alan pointed toward Jin. Jin asks him.

"Alan as you guys mention you are 1 year senior from us then why are you not participating in the current regional war."

Everyone nodded at Jin for the good question. Alan reply.

"When we join the Academy only 1 year left from the regional war. Academy gives us the choice to delay one year. Participating in war with one year of preparation is suicide. We will start forming our core with you guys. Next war we will have 2000 students in level 1 from this year and around 1000 from the upcoming year. In total, around 3000 students will be at stage 1 at regional war from our academy."

Alan pointed toward a bulky guy who is a corner of the group. That guys ask confidently.

"I want to ask where we can learn techniques."

Hearing this a smile formed on Alan's face as he speak.