Path selection.

Currently he and Jin walking toward their building. As they are walking Jin asks him.

"Hey Eric did you decide your path or you will decide it after forming your core,"

Eric replies.

"I already decided my path. I will choose the physical path what about you."

"Damn, mine is also a physical path. Common let's take our weapon today."

Eric nodded his head and they both come to the reception desk of the building where a warrior is sitting. Just like them, a few more children have decided on their path. They both also go there and told the warrior about their choice. Warrior nodded his head and then write their detail on some paper. He told them to go to the arena and select weapons from the storage area. They both nodded their head and start walking toward the arena. The route to the arena is flat painful ground without any construction. Jin once again asks Eric.

"Hey, Eric which weapon do you like."

"I never prefer a particular weapon what about you."

"I always train in short twin swords."

"With wind element and short swords, you will be like assassin type"

"Nah, assassin focus one hit lethal attack. While I want to be a swordsman with a fast attack."

"Oh, so you want to be an assassin like a swordsman."

Hearing this Jin stared at Eric with a weird look.

"Well forget about me what kind of warrior do you want to be."

Hearing this Eric remembers his discussion with Lee. As he never trained with any weapon, Lee rejected Sword and spear saying they need much practice and time for a good result and he only has 3 years. Moving on rejecting many weapons because of their complicated use. Finally, they settle on Blade. Eric speaks in a casual tone.

"I want to be a hard-to-kill warrior."

"Like those with huge armor and shields."

"Nah, You will know it."

Saying that both start walking in silence. They reach in front of the arena their they find instructions to reach the storeroom which is connected to outside the Arena. They wanted to see the arena from the inside but the arena is closed and no entry was allowed.

They walk to the side toward the store room. Reaching the storeroom they find that there are already many students present there. Eric and Jin both wait for their turn to select weapons. Eric comes to know that those who select Magic path need to go to the library behind the arena to collect some knowledge. Eric knows that for physical warriors their weapon is the most important thing in war whereas for magic path knowledge rules.

After some time it's Eric's turn to select a weapon. He enters Inside the storeroom. He is in shock to see so many different kinds of weapons piled up in groups. Weapons are arranged in sections like Swords, Spears, Axe, etc. There he finds many unique weapons.

Eric goes toward the section of the blade. There are many kinds of blades present there. There are large 2-hand blades to many small one-hand blades. Many blades have weird shapes and sizes. Eric starts to examine each of them one after another. He is trying to find a suitable blade for himself.

Among them, there is a large one-hand blade with a slight curve on it. The outer edge which is the cutting edge has many sharp saw teeth on it whereas the inner edge has a straight Sharpe slight curve. Holding the blade Eric fell in love with its shape.

Picking up the blade he swing it a few times. The blade is half the size of Eric himself. On both sides, sharp edges make it quite flexible compare to one-edge blades. A large white leather ribbon attaches to the handle of the blade. He decided to take this blade as his final weapon. The blade has no scabbard but a long letter strip attached to it. Wrapping up the blade with a white leather strip he walks out of the storeroom.

Outside Jin is waiting for him. Jin is caring two small twin swords on his back. They both are in a scabbard on his back. Nodding to him both start walking back toward their building. They need to save time and form their mana core as fast as possible to get high potential. Collecting the manual from the reception desk they start heading toward their room.

Before entering the room Eric turned toward Jin.

" Hey, Jin after forming the mana core why don't we practice together?."

Jin replied with a smile.

" Of course, we will practice together."

Nodding with a smile Eric enters his room.

"See you after a few days."

Jin shouted from the back. To which Eric just nodded his head.

Closing the door Eric sits on the bed. He calls Lee. A blue spirit appeared in front of him and speak in his mind.

" Lee now what is my potential? As you know I already have a mana core so I want you to tell me about my potential. Is it D like last time or other anything else?"

Eric becomes happy that he has so high potential then he shakes his head and speaks.

"No that is too much risky. Let's take the lowest value as my potential. I will do things by considering the worst case. So my potential will be an A grade."

'A grade, that means I have 20 days more than everyone else. That will help to get some basic.'

Think that Eric spoke to Lee.

"Lee designed a training plan for me."

Str-(Strength) - measure the raw strength of an individual.

Agl-(Agility) - measure the speed of an individual.

Int-(Intelligence) - measures the mana control of the mind.

Stm- (Stamina) - Responsible for endurance.

Will - Measure the soul power.

Dex- (Dexterity) - Responsible for control over body parts.

Each warrior is unique depending upon their stats, skills, and the arts/Scroll they practice. For better results, you need to focus on a few stats and arts. Now for which stats do you want training?>

Lee directly asks Eric as Eric already knows the basics.

"Hmm, let's see I want Stm as the main stat. Str and Dex should be next."

* [Basic blade style.] - Blade Art for absolute beginners. Practicing it will lay a foundation for blade wielders.

* [Hyper breathing] - Breathing art increase stamina and lower stamina consumption. >

"I get it why you recommend these 2 arts but are they sufficient."

* [Heavy steps] - Focus on building strength in the lower body with each step and use it explosively.

* [Clown steps] - Weird movement for dodging and making the enemy confused.

*[Rotation steps] - movement art that will focus on defense around the user. Good to use for those with low agility.>

Seeing all three art Eric thinks to himself.

'All three art are good but I do not want to focus on defense so no Rotation steps. Clown steps and Heavy steps both are good but Heavy steps will be good if I train Str as the main stat'.

After a few more thoughts Eric decided.

"Lee I will choose clown steps."

*[Mind Eyes] - Increase focus and sense of presence around you.>

Confusedly Eric asks.

"What is the sense of presence."

Hearing mind-eye description Eric wow in admiration. He can fully imagine how powerful it will be at war. Lee's voice once again comes into his head.

Without much thought, Eric nodded his head. suddenly too much information flooded his mind causing him a mild headache. Eric lay down in bed waiting for the pain to get less. Although he does not experience much pain his mind becomes exhausted while trying to process the information. Without much control, he fell asleep.


Hope you like the chapter. Do comment,