Training in Academy

It's been almost 2 months since Eric's first day in Academy. In the past month, he was training nonstop. His training consists of 3 hrs of running and many other exercises to increase his stamina. He practiced block and parry with Jin. Then he spars with Jin and others non-stop. All this was only possible because of Hyper breathing art. Whenever he got tired he starts hyper breathing which increases his recovery speed too much.

As it has been almost 2 months most of the students finish forming their cores. Only E ranks one is left. Among the 2000 students combining both years, there were 2 students with S rank potential. 30 students with A rank potential. 300 has a B rank, 500 has a C rank potential, and almost 1000 with a D rank. The rest are E ranks.

There are 3 major group forms among students. 1st Is the group formed around Emily. Emily is the same black-haired girl who comes to them onstage following fifty students. She has S potential and she is like a head of senior-year students. They have around 300 students as part of the group.

The next group follows Nico and Chole, Nico has S rank potential and Chole his childhood sweetheart has A+ potential. If Emily is the Leader of the senior year then Nico is for the current year. Almost 250 students follow these guys.

3rd group is run by 10 people. 10 A potential student joins a force to form a group they have 500 students under them. But they are not united like Nico and Emily groups. The rest of the student has their different small groups.

Everything was normal until C ranks potential come out. At that time many students from their group start stealing from other individual targets. Now to make themselves safe from robbery students start forming groups. Some smart ones form groups with higher rank potential students thinking about the future. Seeing them many others start doing the same. These high-potential students start forming their unique rule within the group. At that time it became like you need to join a group otherwise you will get beaten.

At that time both S rank comes and form the largest group to oppose others. The different large group joins hand to fight against them and that is how the current situation happens.

Eric and Jin remain out of this struggle. Eric is weak compared to others, He may be able to beat some of them using his experience as a bandit but when it comes to art he is quite behind them. Many of the students train in weapons since they were kids. They are training in intermediate or advanced art unlike him who still learning the basics of blade art. Jin is also not much stronger than him. Because of their potential, nobody robs them. Nobody wants to offend A or above ranks.

Eric and Jin have formed their own small group. Their group has 5 students. Eric, Jin, Ron, Ketty, and Jenny.

Ron has A-rank potential. He is a warrior and his main weapon is a large war axe. Ron has a massive 2-meter bulky build. He has brown shoulder-length hair. He mainly focuses on strength. One day when both Jin and Eric both doing their spar. Ron approaches them and asks them to join their 2 men's groups from then on they train together.

Ketty is Ron's sister. She has bright blonde hair. She chooses the magic path. All she does is follow Ron where he goes. She has C rank Potential. In Eric's eyes she a piece of baggage for Ron At least now. The last member of their group is Jenny. Eric's new night partner. She is also from the magic path. She has D-rank potential.

Eric's day contains exercise and sparring within the group and sometimes with other groups. At night Eric meditate and practice Mind eye art And obliviously a daily exercise session with Jenny.

From all these practices Eric can now use Hyper art while doing other activities. He has a feeling that once his gluttony task is finished then he will get a major boost in his strength. Opening the blue training screen he checks the time left on it.


Training Path of seven sins:

Price: --

Greed: --

Wrath: --

Envy: --

Sloth: --

Lust: beginner

[ you are new to the path of lust. Able to sense someone Lust near you. Resistance against charm from the opposite sex increase.]

Gluttony: Eat and starve.

Task 1: Eat and Starve.


· You have to eat till you almost die.

· You have to starve till you almost die.


TOTAL TIME left: 1 year and 4 months.


After seeing the blue screen Eric thinks.

'It's still a long way to finish. From tomorrow both mandatory classes will start. There is only one month left when the regional war will end. After that everything thing will change. Let's do what I can do within this one month. After that, I think, I need to join a part of the inner academy then the real harshness will start.'

Finish his thought Eric shouted to Ron.

"Ron Let's go for one more round today."

Ron weird stares at him and replies in a weak tone.

"Hey, how you have so much stamina man. You already fought 5 rounds with Jin, 5 rounds with me, and 2 rounds with someone else you still want more."

"Well, my main stat is stamina as you know."

"Still, see Jin is already unconscious from exhaustion."

"Oh, I knock him hard that's why."

"You hit hard on Jin. You think I am crazy."

Hearing that Eric can wryly smile. With all his stamina training his strength and other stat have lagged. His next best stat becomes Will because of constant training in Mind Eye art. Eric's spar mostly contains block and parry from his side. This makes the spar boring and long. He achieved initial mastery over both parry and block. Now he plans to focus on clown steps and his attack to increase in strength, dexterity, and little agility. Eric speak

"Come on Ron this will be the last spar of today and I will attack this time."

"OK, but only last time for today."

Ron reluctantly accepts the offer. Both of them start fighting. On the side, Jin is still sleeping. Besides him, both Ketty and Jenny talk to each other and observe the spar between the boys.

Waking up Eric finished his daily workout. Today is the first class of the academy. After a quick shower, Eric walks out of his room. Outside just like him, others are walking toward the school building behind the Arena. Today's first class is general knowledge of Warriors.

As he steps outside his room Jin also comes out of the room. Both nod to each other and start walking toward the destination. They do not find any other group mates along the path. After entering the school building they follow other toward a huge room.

Entering the room. Eric can see a huge hall. There is a center platform. Many chairs are around the platform. The position of the seat is ladder-wise. Seats closer to the platform are lower in height and the further the distance gets the higher the height increase so everyone sees the platform.

Eric can see a path from the center of the seats leading toward the platform. Font seats left on the path are occupied by Emily's group and the right side by Nico's group. Middle sit are filled with Alliance members. The last seats are filled by those who are not part of any of these. Finding a corner seat Eric sits down. There is still a few mins left before class starts.

From his side, Jin asks him.

"Hey, Eric What do you think they will teach us in this class?"

"I think it will be more about war-related stuff."

"mm, I am waiting for Warrior class. That will be interesting."

He just nods his head. After a few mins, a warrior in black rob enters the class. The whole class of 2000 students quiets down. After reaching the podium Warrior starts speaking.

"Good morning everyone. I hope you are excited about this class. "

Everyone nodded their head. Although the warrior is speaking normally everyone can hear him clearly in this large room.

"I am Muza, your teacher. Let me tell you what this class is about. There is much knowledge that is quite common for us warriors but a mortal knows nothing about them. There are some interesting history and the war-related thing you need to know before your first war and much unique stuff."

Saying that Muza took a pause and after thinking something he continue.

"As this is your first class let us talk about some general questions and a little bit about history. So the first thing is what do you know about the world we live in? I am talking about Altasia here."