Physical class

"Just because I speak the truth you want to shut my mouth. If you want the thing to work your way why don't you leave the group and join some other ones? No, it is better if I just leave this group I am fed up with this babysitting job. I will talk to Eric right now."

Both Jenny and Ketty rush toward the boys. Seeing Jin talking about leaving the group they panic. Ketty starts apologizing.

"Jin I am sorry it is all because of me. Please do not leave the group."

"You want me to babysit you more? No chance I am out of here."

Jin starts walking toward where Eric is running. Ketty tries to grab his arm to stop him but he removes its force fully and gets out of there. Ketty starts blaming herself.

"It's all because of me, I am the reason this happens. Our group will break, and Jin will leave the group."

Ron tries to console her.

" Ketty stop, It's not your fault. This is bound to happen one day."

She said with tears in her eyes.

"But brother Jin will leave the group."

Jenny speaks this time.

" Eric will also leave with him. You think they will separate from each other after all this time."

Ketty turns toward Ron and wants to confirm this. Ron just nodded his head. She panic.

"Brother, what happens to the group after they leave?"

"don't worry we will join any different group."

Ron thinks to himself. 'I knew that this day will come, But suddenly they are leaving the group what they want to do. Forget about them which group I should join. The only option is Emily or Nico's group. Only with them, Ketty will remain safe. Joining them will make me work under them. I never want to do that. Eric, Jin I will show you what happens when you foil my plans.'

Thinking that Ron started consoling Ketty. Jenny has her thought.

'I plan to survive under that fool Eric, but this Jin folds my plan.' She watches Ketty with envy. At least Ketty has a nice brother who cares for her what about me? Sigh to herself she says goodbye to Ron and walks in a different direction.

Small groups which form around Eric break down. Everyone goes on a different path with their thoughts.

Jin Walk toward Eric with his swollen nose. Eric raises his eyebrows and asks in a serious tone.

"It is done."

Jin nodded his head and speak.

"Eric I still do not understand why we have to break the group this early. I have to get punched because of you, you have to tell me the plan now. I get that the group has no future but still, we can wait 1 month till the war ends. What about Jenny?"

"Hold on Jin, first tell which of them suspect you."

"mm, I think Ron did suspect me. He is behaving like he knows this will happen. All I see is a surprise on his face nothing else. Jenny may also have some doubts. Ketty is a simple girl so I do not think she suspects my act."

Eric just nodded his head and start doing his workout, Trying to ignore Jin.

"hey hey, you do not tell me anything. Come on at least tell me the basics."

Eric smiles at Jin and speaks.

"Do I look stupid to you Jin, you know the basics from start? Why do you follow me if you know nothing."

Jin stops speaking after hearing it. After a few secs, he has his own creepy smile matching Eric's.

"Ahh, I cannot hide it from you. When did you find it that I know."

"When you start using only attack against Ron."

"man, I have to follow you. You only use block or parry against him, It is only right if I attack him with speed. We have to look like a perfect pair. One good with attack and the other with defense."


Eric starts laughing loudly. Jin's Smile extends to his whole face. Suddenly Jin draws his sword and attacks Eric. Countering him Eric tilt his body at a weird angle and slash his blade toward Jin's neck.

They stop at the last movement. Eric's blade to 1 cm away from Jin's neck. Whereas Jin's right sword is about to precise Eric's heart.

"tsk, High-speed bastard."

"tsk, fuck this annoying movement."

Both put their blade and start running again. Eric speaks in a serious tone.

"Jin, I do not ask you to copy me."

Jin mumbles his own thoughts.

"I am smart. I do not get your whole reason behind this, but I think there are a few points I understand. "

"ok, Wait till the 2nd class is over I will explain my plan to you. For your all efforts, I will tell you 1 answer now."


Nodding his head Eric speak.

"You ask why I leave Jenny right? It is simply because I am bored of her. I want someone else."

"Boring, I already guess that. As expected of a bad guy like you."

"Haaaa, you want to become a hero then?"

"I never say that. Bad guys need bad followers right? hahaha"

After that both quiet down and start running in the field. Eric moves toward the side and seeing Jin following him he thinks to himself.

' I now know something about Jin. Jin always needs benefits. As long as I provide him with some kind of benefit he will follow me. We both have our plans but siding with him, for now, benefits me. Let's hope he does not play any tricks on me.'

A bond of partnership forms between Jin and Eric. They both are using each other for their plans. The goal is to become strong. This is the start of the most dangerous duo ever present in black skeleton academy.


After 2 hr both Jin and Eric enter 2nd class. It is a huge indoor ground. This class only has physical path students. Around 1000 people are present on the ground. At right time a Warrior with a bulky build enters the Class. The class has no platform or anything. The warrior walks toward the students. Instead of a robe, he is in training uniform.

Standing in front of students he Loudly speaks.

"Hello, I am Jake your physical teacher. Let me tell you some basics before we properly start the class.

So what this class is about?

Some of you were never properly trained. Or many of you guys may have problems regarding how to train in arts. I am here to help you. Now you may ask what art is or much other detail regarding art. I am telling you briefly that art is the technique that physical path warriors use. Now more detail about what art is will be taught in Professor Muza's class. I will only speak about the practical use of art and how we train in arts.

So Art is a technique to practice the mana flow inside your body in a special path to increase your output. For example, sword art help to increase the power of your cut, and movement art increase your speed.

Many basic arts do not require mana to practice. I think most of you train in those arts as mortals can also train in basic arts. Above them is advanced art like this."

Jake picks up a sword and slashes it in the air. A wind cut produces from it and it travels a few meters before disappearing.

"This is Sword slash advance art. You can learn this art only when you master basic art. Training in advanced art takes many years. Mastering may take decades. Now there are 4 types of art.

Weapon art, Movement art, Body art, and special art. You can guess from the name that weapon art is for a weapon. Fist and palm art are also part of weapon art. Movement art is for evasion and speed. Body art is for training in your body stats and special art is a unique art that gives you unique powers.

Arts are also divided into many levels based on their strength. These are Basic, advanced, Unique, Epic, Legendary, and Mythic arts. Now, why are they named like this I do not know? For that, you can go to the library to find that.

This is all about the theory of art you need to know. If anyone of you wants to learn advanced art you can purchase it from the library.

Let me tell you that the Physical path is all about fighting and training. You will achieve very little if you do research or focus on knowledge. If you want to focus on Knowledge and research then you took the wrong choice. The magic path is for research and study. The physical path is for repeated training. As a physical warrior, your focus should be on your body."

Taking a pause Professor Jake said.

"Moving on let me tell you about body stats and skills."