Jin's inner thoughts.

Sir Jake spoke after 2-3 mins.

"Our class is physical warrior class. What we do here is nothing new but practice. If some have a problem regarding arts they can ask me. You need to learn a new art you just brought tell me and I will guide you in it. The focus of this class is your basic development. I will ensure that you at least have a few basic moves you can use in a fight. I will individually guide anyone who needs it.

Before we start, I have an important announcement to make. 4 months later there will be a competition between stage 1 apprentice warriors. Based on the result of it your initial stage 1 apprentice list will form. "

This causes a huge roar among students. Sir Jake continues to explain more about art and which are suitable for which stats. How to increase body stats and which stats to focus more. Eric knows most of the things from Lee. Those who know this information go to the side of the indoor ground and start practicing their basic arts. After finishing the explanation Jake start guiding many students in their basic art training.

Eric can see that Jake mainly focuses on Nico and the children surrounding him. He thinks to himself. 'So Jake is trying to form a connection with S rank Nico. It is safe to assume that the mage teacher is also doing the same for Emily. I cannot let this happen. I need to start my plan from tomorrow.'

Thinking that Eric starts walking toward Jin.

(Jin pov 1st person )

I see that many students start doing their art practice in front of professor Jake. I scan the crowd and find that most of the students are doing some common basic arts. As a merchant, my family spent a large amount of money and gather many of the basic arts. I read the basics of all of them and then I selected the twin sword art as my weapon art. As for body art, my art is a common art that focuses on training the agility of a person.

My movement art is somewhat different than other commonly found arts. It is very close to the advanced level. My movement art focuses on combining my movement in a hard-to-counter combination of basic slash. Ideally, my art forces my opponent to follow a certain pattern, it traps them in my rhythm.

I do say I am somewhat successful in that. But many strong students can resist or counter my rhythm in a fight. I need more practice in that. One of those students is Eric. I still remember the day when we first fought. He was nothing at that time. His fighting style was very unorthodox without any pattern. He was able to trick me into that fight and I almost lose that fight.

After that, I saw him training in basic blade art with me. I was surprised that he did not even know basic weapon art. I was scared that if in our first fight he know about basic weapon art them maybe he would win that fight.

I was somewhat also relieved that once he knows basic art then it will become easy to predict his fighting pattern in the fight. Just like I guess I was able to see his fighting pattern in the fight. At that time our fight was more like me attacking him while him trying to survive by using his absurd high stamina.

Everything changed in the last few days of our training. He started doing weird movements in our fight and most of the time that cause his loss in the fight. But with each passing day, his fighting style becomes more unpredictable and he even starts beating me with those tricks. In just a few days he becomes unbeatable. He is completely counter to my fighting style. His fighting style has no pattern to it.

Now our fight becomes like for how much time I do not make any mistake against him. His only weakness is that he is more dependent on my mistake. His fighting style is a weird variation of defense style.

I need to train more otherwise he may leave me in the dust. So, I also start doing my movement art in the hope that sir Jake will come to me and guide me.

For almost half an hour I continue to perform my art. After that, I pause to look at sir Jake. I saw him guiding Nico and the students who are part of the Nico group. I stop doing art and start observing him. I find that he is only focused on Nico and Nico's group members. Sometimes he goes to Alliance group students and guides them. After these 2 groups, he very rarely goes to Emily's group members. Emily is not in the class as she chose the magic path and that is all.

He is only focusing on the Nico group, Alliance members, and a little on the Emily group. He is completely ignoring others. Like we are not even present in his class. This pisses me off. I see what is happening here and I am afraid that even magic class will also have scenes only difference will be that their main will be Emily and her group.

I look at other students who are not part of any large group. They all have solemn and worried expressions. Now, I know that teacher knows everything that happens in the academy among the students. According to teachers, those who are not part of the three main groups are extra.

I start questioning my choices. For the past 2 months, I only focus on increasing my strength while hiding my true strength. Maybe if I show my true power to the academy teachers then they will also focus on me as well. Should I join one of the 3 groups? But then what about Eric? I follow Eric because of my special sense. I trained in a special art which develop a special sense that help me make decisions.

At the time of the aptitude test, that sense told me something good will come out if I follow Eric than Miya. That is the reason I am following Eric. But that sense is not always right maybe at the time of the aptitude test it was wrong. I think now that Eric is only good as a training partner nothing else.

I took the risk but looks like I lost this time. I start making choices about whether to continue taking this risk or just do what was logically right. Maybe following others in a large group is better than depending on Eric only. But I do not want to get dragged into a large group. I hope Eric does something about this. From his personality, I know that he will definitely do something about this. Question if he does plan something do I follow him or just back out?

I was lost in my thought suddenly I saw Eric moving toward me. What will he do? Do I follow him more or go my separate way? I look at Eric's face. I see that Eric is serious but there is no worry on his face. He looks like it does not matter to him what Jake is doing. From my experience, I can tell from his face that he is now ready to make some kind of big move. I made my choice to join him maybe one more time. I want to see what he is planning. Fuck the safe choice, I want to join the fun with him.

--------(end of Jin pov)-------

-------Third person pov------

Jin also has a solemn expression after seeing Jake's biased behavior. He is frowning. Suddenly Eric walks toward him. Eric seriously speaks.

"Meet me in my room after the class. I need to talk to you."

Seeing Eric as serious as that Jin smirked. It has been two months since both of them were only training. Now it's time for some action. Thinking that Jin become serious and nodded his head. Eric starts observing others in the class. He also finds Ron in the class but Ron is avoiding him. In class, many of the Low D ranks has envious look on their face. Eric starts pretending to train while observing others.

Just like that class reached its end. At end of the class, Jake speaks a few encouraging words to everyone.

" Everyone must trained hard for these 4 months. If you get a good ranking you will earn more academy coins and will get selected for top-level armies of the academy. Do not think that a top-level army will only have stage 3 apprentice warriors in it. No, it is wrong. In war, each army must have more than 10 % stage 1 warrior. Joining a good army will ensure your safety and in war, you can also find an elixir to increase your talent. All of this depends on your strength so you must give your all in the test that is after 4 months."

Saying that Jake dismiss the class. Just as the class gets over Eric walks out of it in hurry. He moves toward the library. Just like him, many run toward the library.