Group break down

Eric woke up. Today is the most important day for him. If the thing he is planning today becomes successful then they will earn fame.

Thinking about all that Eric gets up from his bed and starts wearing his training clothes. Getting ready he walks out of his room. Standing in the long plain corridor he looks at the side room.

He looks at Jin's room. He thinks to call Jin for a movement, but then he remembers that last night they were sparring against each other till late at night. He has Hyper breathing to help him remove his body fatigue. For Jin, it will be a problem to get up so early today thinking that he start walking out of the building.

Students have different times they prefer to train. Many students train at the night. This is all possible with the use of the Advance magic tool that produces bright light at the night on the training ground. That tool is a large and advanced version of the Light bulb tool that is placed in every room.

Still, most of the students who train at night are those with weak strength.

As Eric moved in the corridor he find that there are a few rooms which have a 'Do not disturb' tag placed outside their room door.

Well, every student used these tags when they were forming their mana Core. He finds out that there are 3-4 rooms that have these tags on the second floor of his building only. He does not know the exact number but 150+ students have E potential. These students are still in the process of forming their mana core.

The thing is Academy does not even care about these students. Academy choose not to wait for these guys and started classes. It is like the academy telling them that they are not needed in the academy.

If he has to compare black and white academies from his past and present experience then Black skeleton academy is much harsher than White Griffin academy. In White Griffin academy E potentials are trained like others. White academy trained E potential warriors to use them as meat shied in the war. But still, they are teaching them but from what he sees till now in the Black academy there is no space or resource for E's potential here.

He knows that most of the E's potential will either die in the first regional war or work as a slave after the war. Eric makes a mental note to himself to plan some way he can use this E potential for his benefit. It is better to use them as fast as possible till they have some value.

Putting aside that though for now, he walks out of his building. Getting out he finds that many are training on the ground. As for the part of the training ground near the building, no bigger group has claimed it. As this is the most backward part of the training ground no one is interested in it.

Eric looks at the training ground he finds that many groups are training there near the building. Some groups have high-level warriors who are not part of the big 3 groups. They are practicing with their small group. These people are his training partner after Jin and Ron.

Instead of going to the training ground, Eric starts running on the track around the ground. His morning exercise consists of hardcore running and some light training.

Eric starts doing his morning training. While training he starts going through his plans in his head. In today's plan, he has a major problem. He does not have all the information which need to properly execute the plan but he is hoping that with the right mindset he will create enough chaos to somehow get through it.

He decided to go with this half-baked plan because he know that no one in the academy will dare to kill him until he break establish contract with the academy. Even if a thing goes south he still will have a chance to come back from it. From his experience, he knows that strength rules in the academy. Now that strength may be power, Strategies, or even popularity. If anyone in the academy has any of these qualities then he will live a king life otherwise serving under some is the best option he can take.

Eric is still not sure about his exact potential but even if his potential is S+ that is still not enough for him to achieve his goals. To achieve that goal he needs lots of resources and knowledge. Academy will only provide him all that if he shows his worth to the academy. From all these gambling matches he plans to establish his power in the Black skeleton academy. He will show them that he is no pushover and that he also has power.

Currently, he is running on the large track around the training ground. As he takes a turn he finds 3 people standing there waiting for him. They are his soon-to-be ex-group members. Everybody in the group knows that this group has no future. He needs to wrap up this group situation.

He pauses there looking toward them he motions them to start running with him and then once again start running. No, it's more like jogging now. Others follow him. He Speaks to the only male who is waiting for him.

"So, Why are you avoiding me, Ron? I do not think anything happens between us for you to avoid me like this."

Ron replies in a slightly aggressive tone.

"What the hell Eric? Do you think I am stupid? You must know what happen between us and Jin."

Eric nodded his head and speak.

"Well I do know his side of the story but what about your side Ron."

Ron replies in an irritated tone.

" I do not come here to tell you about this and that story. I'm here to tell you about our decision."

Eric stops running he turns toward Ron. He calmly asks.

" Our decision?? Who all present in this 'our'."

Ron loudly replies.

"It's me and my sister. I do not know what your ho is doing here."

Eric turns toward Jenny and speaks with a smile.

" It is true Jen. "

Seeing his smile Jenny blushed but then she firmly compose herself. Today she has to stay strong. She will not lose to her lust. She just nodded her head. Eric turns toward Ketty with a smile and asks.

"Is this your decision Ketty?"

Ketty also becomes flustered. Before she could speak, Ron butted in.

"I am telling you she is with me. Stop trying to use your cheap trick on my sister."

Eric looks at Ron after hearing this. He asks Ron.

"So Ron what is the decision you are talking about."

"You know Eric our team has no future so that's why we joined another group."

Eric knows this is going to happen but he still fakes anger and asks.

"What the hell, You join another group without even telling me anything about you leaving the group. Do you take me as someone who will simply allow you to do that?"

"Shut up Eric, I am not here to fight with you. I am only here to tell you that I joined the best group out there."

"Ohh, What is the name of the best group you are speaking of."

"Why would I tell you that."

"So are you afraid of me or something?"

"fck who is afraid of you? Let me tell you I joined Nico's group. That group is far better than yours and Nico is the most powerful among us. You cannot do anything against him or his group."

Eric just nodded his head without speaking anything. See this Ron smirk and speak.

" What speechless, Now stay away from me and my sister."

Saying that Ron comes close to Eric. He looks directly look into Eric's eyes. As Ron is bigger than Eric it is like Eric looking up while Ron looking down at him. Ron bends a little and whispers in Eric's ears with a wide smile.

" I am leaving you this time. If I ever find you trying to come in mine or my sister's way I will show you how bad I can be. "

Saying that Ron turns around and then speaks to Ketty.

"Let's go sis we are done here."

Saying that Ron and Ketty both walk away from them. Jenny on the side is in a little shock by this thing. She is expecting that Ron will break the group but she does not expect that he will break it like this. She is internally very happy with Ron. She also wants to do something like this to Eric but shh she does not have the guts and power to do that.

She looks at Eric's face but what she sees once again shocks her. Eric is smiling no he is laughing damn. She tries to see any distress on his face but no he is really happy.

'Is this guy a psycho or something how can he laugh at this situation.' She thinks to himself. At this time Eric mumble.

" Interesting, Very interesting."

Mumbling to himself he starts running once again. He completely ignores Jenny and starts doing his daily exercise.