Secret out



"I swear it wasn't me, I swear on my grave I didn't tell her". He tone was not a bit convincing.

"Well you're the only person who knows so who did Harry?".

"You two should not be on the line when some lines don't have seniors to supervise them and still make noise, seniors should be responsible and set an example for others". Barbara hissed before stamping angrily off to start the assembly.

"I'll go to another line we'll talk later, I think she hates us now".

"I don't care, I actually have no feelings for her so she can hate me all she wants". I said.

"Yeah but she's going to start hating me too and definitely spread rumors, I just don't wanna imagine her bullying your Caroline girl". Harry whispered softly before heading to a different line.

The que on the assembly ground was surprisingly long this morning, late comers won't be a problem today. Barbara stood solidly in front conducting the assembly, she was on duty this week.

"Now, morning devotions". She called forward two Muslim students to lead and then, "Caroline and Dare from SS1 A come out and lead the christian students".

Of course she would do that!. I rolled my eyes and tried not glare at barb, she scrunched her face up at me knowingly.

"..In the mighty ...". Caroline began.


".. In the mighty...".

Caroline was able to go through the prayer without a mistake but when she started to recite a psalm Barbara interrupted. "No, we recited that yesterday, recite psalm 121".

"Emm, I don't know that offhand". Caroline mouthed.

"Well and you call yourself a Christian?". Barb exasperated.

"I will recite it". Good thing the arrogant Dare had something in his brain. He said the psalm for her and the prayer ended, the two went back to their spots.

The assembly continued and finally ended after 30 long painful minutes, groans and moan of exhaustion could be heard all over, the students marched to their classes and the prefects got together to do our meeting even though there isn't much to be said today, we finished quickly and headed to our classes.

"So you like someone right?". Ada said catching up with me.

"Excuse me?".

"Abeg no act holy with me. Barb told all the girls about it last night. She said the girl goes to our school, for some that didn't know the girl before Barb called her out intentionally this morning so we can all see her. She's cute sha I give you that". Ada smiled.

"I don't like her, she's just my sister's friend and barb is making it up because I said I don't want to go out with her. What else did she say?".

"Ohh!. Really?. You know she's not the only one that likes you, so the other girls, I mean, those Tolani, Mary, Goodness, the likes sha they really hate the girl now and things won't be funny for her".

"Can you tell anyone that asks you about it that I said she's not my girlfriend. Please. Just to like stop the stupid rumor. Please".

"Alright fine but you'll owe me one. So... Does it mean you're single?".

"See you later". I walked ahead of her.

I wouldn't have been bothered if it was someone else barb told everyone about, I wouldn't have actually cared if she started to bully a student just because of me, it has happened before but not for long, the students apparently transfered.

I would hate to have Caroline bullied, I like her but it's not like I want to date her. I guess I was just used to having her in my house because of her friendship with my sister and seeing her probably made me infuriated.

But barb is just being stupid and childish, whatever her plan is, whatever she thinks she's going to do won't make me even consider dating her cat.

"Some nice girl you have there". Mariam, my seat mate grinned at me nudging my shoulder.

"She's NOT my girl. Please stop that". I said stiffly.

"Oh ok. Sorry then, but barb said shes so certain you're in laaave with her, barb is insane about you".

And that's exactly why I will never ever like her.

   🔥Dare's POV ❤️

"Babe, donut or cake". I wrapped my hands round Caroline's shoulder cheerfully.

"Neither!". Her friends quickly pulled her away from me. "Stay from her oh!. Is it by force, she said she's no longer interested so let her be".

"I wasn't talking to you Short stack. I was talking to my babe".

"She's not your babe".

Gosh what nosy friends she has.

"We heard Piper is searching for you, maybe you can go and meet her in an emptying classroom and do the same thing you did yesterday with her". The two girls dragged Caroline away from me before I could lash them out.

I hissed, frustrated by their actions. Caroline would have definitely forgiven me again if not for those nosy freaks.

I didn't get a chance to talk to her during the day, she ignored him and Piper was always on my back, she would quickly hold me whenever Caroline was near.

After school I got the chance,

"I'm walking you home today". I ran up to her and grabbed her arm.

"No!!". Olamide and whatever the other one's name is immediately pulled Caroline from my side.

"Are you people crazy? Get the fuck away from her now!". I didn't let go of Caroline, I pulled her towards me but her friends didn't let go.

"Stop! Stop! Don't cut off my handsssss". Caroline shouted freeing herself, I admit it had turned to a tug of war.

She glared at me and went with her friends.

"Bye babe. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you too". I said after her.

I'm going to still pretend we are dating until she forgives me again.

"Good afternoon mum". I said sitting down in her office.

"Uhm uhm. I heard Jacob isn't in school today". She didn't even look up from whatever she was checking.

"Oh I didn't realize. He's too unimportant for me". I took money out of her purse.

"Hey why? What again?". She asked.

"I have headache and I want to buy drugs when we get home". I lied. But she didn't ask further questions.

"Good afternoon ma". A girl knocked and came inside the office.

"Good afternoon Barbara. What are you still doing in school?".

"I just wanted to report to you. There's a girl in ss1 class that has been disturbing our head, he didn't come here to report her because he's so nice but I'm here on his behalf. She has even started threatening him. Shes a slut ma and she should be sent out of this school".

"And who is this girl".

"Her name is Caroline White".

I jumped on my feet immediately, "Ehm who?. Caroline White in my class? You must be mistaken girl!. Caroline white is my own girlfriend so there's no way she throwing herself on your head boy". I shouted forgetting I wasn't supposed to let mom know I had a girlfriend.

"But she is. I said she is, Allan is in my class and the girl even comes to threaten him in front of us".

"When? I said when ohh?". I found myself asking. I've been tailing Caroline almost everyday so that's impossible.

My mum sat watching us battle.

The girl suddenly became silent as if thinking of a lie.

"See mum? She definitely lying. See how red she is now. I can swear shes lying. The Caroline I stay with all day everyday. She doesn't even go to ss3 class".

"I will come back with more proof tomorrow ma". She said awkwardly and walked out.

"So you have a girlfriend?".

I turned to my mom and she had a teasing smile across her face.

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💕 Xoxo 😘💋