8. Ambition

"You should really get a girl and start dating"

On our way Ian suddenly said something which made me a bit surprised and looked at him.

"i proposed to Bonnie a day before yesterday and"

"Don't tell me, you are seeing Bonnie"

I was surprised because of Ian's surprising reveal, i knew that Ian had a huge crush on Bonnie, the hottest girl of our school but for him to date.

"Well some things happened, Robert and Aisha forced me to propose to her"

"Robert and Aisha?"

"Yeah i was hanging out with them and got sick of their flirting and in rage when they asked me to propose bonnie i did it"

"And it worked"

"Yes it did she also admitted on having feelings for me and we are officially dating"

"This is something big"

"Hahaha i was really envious of Robert and Aisha the way they were always flirting from now me and Bonnie will make them taste their own medicine"


We reached our building and got out of the car.

"I don't care what you say but i do want to have the same relationship as Robert and Aisha"

"Good luck with that"

On our walk to the elevator we noticed a man completely drunk and crying beside the elevator.



Both Ian and I were surprised to find the same man we were talking about a few seconds ago completely drunk.

"Robert what happened to you?"

Ian ran towards the red haired man and asked in worry.

"Oh uhm IAn MY friEnD*sniff*"

"Robert what happened to you? why are you like this?"

"Hahaha whAt HappeNED I aM DruNk can'T YOu see, I am SaD IaN sHe cheAted on mE"


"Yes ThaT WhOre AiSha CHeatEd on me"


"She SlePT WIth My BRother In MY OwN BeD Ian*sniff* Bitch"

Looking at drunk Robert we both went silent.

"All the best"

I patted Ian's shoulder who didn't know what to say and walked inside the elevator.

Getting inside my apartment i took a shower and sat on the sofa thinking about the future ahead.

From the timeline i think it is the beginning of the novel where Michael, the protagonist has yet to awaken.

I thought about the future events as my gaze gaze landed on the photo of a young man who looked similar to me.

"I promised you that i won't interfere with their lives father, but i have to break that if not I will lose everything i have"

"I will steal his future chances and take the throne for myself and torment him but i promise to not kill him"

I closed my eyes as i took the oath, i already have wealth which almost no one could surpass in this world and influence too but not the strength.

I want to have that strength with me and sit on the throne which all beings have their eyes set on, the reason for gods to die, the reason why inheritors are created.

As i thought about the throne and inheritors i remembered the vision i saw when i awakened that being who himself was made up of the whole multiverse No the whole multiverse was made up of him.

"Who was he?"