17. Louis Bernard

"So what do you want Sir Bernard?"

Lucifer sat opposite an old man and secretary Jules in his living room sofa.

"Straight to the point? Ok first of all I apologize to you because i was not able to meet with you yesterday i was busy with the meeting with other investors about the new city we are going to build"

"It's fine i just came to get the keys of this villa, I was also quite surprised to find the secretary Jules to be one giving it to me, it was just a small thing"

"Oh hahaha that saves a lot of our troubles we can't let our investors be unhappy with the services we provide, hahaha so let's come to the main reason why i came here"

Louis smiled as he looked towards Lucifer and his smile vanished and he seriously spoke.

"I heard that you wanted to support Mr.Morris"


"Oh so i want you not to"

"Why may i ask?"

"Because it's wrong, we can't make a truce with those monsters"

"Monsters? Mr.Louis i don't get what you mean, how can you classify vampires and werewolves as monsters"

"Because they are, those undead bats and wild dogs, it is very dangerous to have them free"

"Those are some weird names you got there, but if I'm not wrong vampires and werewolves both have lived on this planet with us since the beginning, though hidden they were always amongst us"

"Haha yes they were and what did they do, they sucked on humans' blood and had caused millions of casualties"

"So? blood is their only source of food like us humans i don't see any problem in that and as far as i know vampires don't like the taste of human blood so they keep their distance from it, and as for werewolves only young ones go berserk in their wolf form, i don't see any problem or threat with truce between all of our three races"

"You are young and inexperienced, you won't understand"

"Yes I'm younger than you and admit that I'm not as experienced as you are but you know what.."

Lucifer leaned closer to Louis and looked straight into his brown eyes.

"..I hold shares and have the right to speak in the meeting"

Hearing Lucifer's reply Louis didn't know what to say, according to agreement they made with his grandfather, that after him his descendants won't have any right to interfere in the decision making of the association if they didn't awaken and have become an adult.

Lucifer's father didn't awaken to be an inheritor and Lucifer in the novel didn't awaken but he is now, which grants him rights to speak out in the board meetings.

Seeing Lucifer being so stubborn, Louis could only sigh.

'sigh' "I get it, you don't have any plans to change your mind do you. So let's change the topic, i heard from Jules that you didn't want to enter my academy, can I ask the reason why?"

"Why? it's simple it's my own choice to enter your academy or not and i don't have any plans for entering, but yes thank you for asking"

"That's not the answer i want. Every awakened inheritor wants to enter our academy but you don't. You want to give up on such an opportunity to learn from the best inheritors which everyone envies can you tell me why?"

"I said it, it's my choice"

'Sigh' "fine"

Sighing once again to himself Louis got up.

"I will take my leave then, it was a pleasure to meet you young Lucifer "

Louis left along with Jules under Lucifer's guidance.