24. The Attack (1)


"Thank you, so with this we end today's class, students you are free to go anywhere inside the city, but don't go outside today you will have a free day.."

"Yaay". *cheers*

"Let me let me finish it first, today you will have a free day and tomorrow will be the day of your special exams"

"Hahaha good luck kids"

Saying so the man disappeared out of students sight and all the students who were excited and cheered now had no mood to cheer.

"Oh man, will it be written exam again i will once again fail in those"

An average looking blonde haired young man complained as he held his head.

"It won't be idiot, we are here inside the base city of the tower, it would be a combat test"

"Huh? why do you think so?"

"Sigh i don't think academy will waste it's money to take students on sightseeing inside the tower which is full of monsters just to write an exam"

"What you say makes sense"

'Sigh' "let's go Michael, i want to buy a new weapon for myself, i heard that we can find better equipment inside the tower"

"Ok let's go"

Looking at the two figures who were leaving a man clad in white armour who watched them from distance frowned.

"What happened Will? You don't seem to be in a good mood nowadays"

"No nothing, it's just i am not having a good feeling about this exam"

"You are overthinking, this is just the first floor of the tower what threat could we face here"

"Yeah i guess you are right"

"You are thinking a lot after you come back after meeting the old man, what did he said"

"No nothing he just wanted to ask about Michael"

"Michael? your new student?"


Will replied to the man who wore green robes and held a sceptre in his hands.


"I don't know, he didn't mention it to me but something is going on in the association and I think it's somehow related to Michael"

"I do admit that something is going on in the association, i mean the truce between all three races? I don't think that the old man will ever approve of that after his whole family died in their hands. But how does it all be related to that dumb kid"

"I don't know, it's just an intuition of mine"

"You seriously need a break, the old man may have mistakenly called you and when he didn't know what to talk about he must have made an excuse of Michael, you know how clumsy that old man is"

"heh, i know i think you are right i should take a break and go for a vacation"

"You should, I'm also heading to the 50th floor, the new city is going to be built there they need my help, bye"


Will looked at his best friend departing back and smiled.

Next Morning,

"Hey losers!"

Amongst the chatters of students who gathered for the special exam a loud voice rang which attracted both Michael and Jeremy who were busy admiring their new swords and armour.

"What do you want James"

Before Michael could react Jeremy got ahead and looked straight into the brown haired giants eyes.

"Cool, cool Jeremy, I didn't come here to make any trouble i just want to make sure that this idiot remembers our bet"
