02-Lesson-Part 2

"You're okay, Jaq?"The bald boy redirects his hand away from Jaq and towards the silhouette.

A hideous horn protrudes from the skull.It's black eyes are unfriendly.Sharp,yellow teeth in it's massive mouth on it's scowling face. It's skin is redder than the bricks from the collapsing building.

"O...o..."Jaq sweats.

Aoi appraises the beast."8 feet,1057kg,no vulnerable pressure points,so far..."

"What are you mumbling to yourself?"Rykyo sweats."We have a big problem in front of us."

"Did you say 1057Kg?"Jaq's eyes widen."How are we supposed to take on that thing?"

"It would be easier to find a weak spot and take advantage that,but I can't find any."Aoi sprints toward the beast at a frightening speed.Jaq follows, despite having being close to half a kilometre away from the beast,he arrives before Aoi,who was merely 11 metres away.

Jaq leaps,attempting to kick the beast's head off,"Aoi,I watched an anime where this works with Oni, follow my lea..."*SMASH*. Jaq finds himself lying on the ground in a a small crater.After 0.000001 second,the beast appears behind Rykyo,who was previously 9 metres away,he kicks the boy on his left rib cage, sending him flying many metres away.

"You ignored me."Aoi gets in stance.She raises her left hand in front of her,resting her right hand on her lower limb,pulling back her right foot while lowering her centre of gravity.

'Left rib.'

Aoi swiftly moves to he right, effectively dodging the fist that appears less than a second later.Rapidly spinning multiple times,she chops the demon's left rib that was left exposed due to it throwing the fist.

A blue beam strikes the beast's forehead, causing it to stumble backwards.More beams strike it's forehead like bullets as it is forced to move backwards.

[Jinn magic:Laser Party]

"Demon, hoc tibi praecipio ut ad infernum redeas!"Rykyo blasts blue beams from his right hand,holding it as though it were a pistol and supporting it with his left hand.

Jaq stands up as his eyes glow.His hair extends as it gets wet and his skin turns pale.

He launches himself gripping his hilt with both hands.Aoi manages to make the demon lose balance by sliding her leg across the ground, sweeping it off it's feet.

[Flowing water fist: Caution-wet floor]

Jaq,in the air,smiles,exposing his sharp fangs,"This,is the anime style beheading!"

[Vampire blood sword art:1440° rotation]

The boy slices through the demon's neck like butter.The demon's body lies on the floor, stagnant."We're lucky."Aoi stands.

"For what?"Rykyo drops his hands.

Aoi walks to the demon's body and kneels,"It's only an imp."She reaches her hand towards it's chest..."Had it been a little higher...a fiend,a vamp,a legion,we would be dead now."She digs her hand through it's now open neck,pulling out it's still beating heart."

"Our mission is complete. We've obtained the heart,now let's go back to school."Jaq's hair dries up as his skin returns to it's peach colour.His fangs retreat before he throws up at the sight of the dead demon and its heart in Aoi's hand,blood trickling down her arm dripping on the red pool.