
Part 43

"Yurena cursed me, she told me I was going to die. Have you seen how weird she is? She can do these things because she is an emissary of darkness and she will sow terror in the whole world," Maxine continued to complain.

Mao just laughed while scratching his head, he couldn't believe that Maxine's thinking reached such a high level.

"And how are you supposed to die? Your finger will be stuck in a spindle wheel and you'll sleep for a hundred years? Don't tell me that the curse can only be broken with a true love's kiss?" Mao's ride in her story, he couldn't stop laughing.

"Don't laugh at me because I'm telling the truth. She said I'll die and drown in the ocean because I'm a sinful person. Just kidding, she's the only one who's crazy to come up with such weird and morbid ideas," she answered, she couldn't help but be annoyed.