A Night To Remember

Part 48

"Cheers! Just drink juice, I know you can't drink alcohol," Kurt said happily, he and Yurena decided to celebrate in a small store. They don't want to waste the opportunity and even more they don't want to spoil the moment of their victory. That's why they did even a simple celebration. A bag of chips and soda will do!

"I really don't like the taste of alcohol," Yurena answered, while eating crackers. You can see the satisfaction on her  face while eating simple food.

"I didn't know that fish crackers are your favorite," Kurt asked her.

"Of course, this kind of food is also delicious. I often only eat raw fish there," the girl answered.

"Raw fish? As in? Ahhh I know, Sashimi might be your favorite," Kurt answered.

"Sashimi? What is that?" Yurena wondered.