
Part 54


"They're worse than I expected? Why did you say this? What are the elders going to do? Can they still hurt us even though we're on the ground?" my wonder mixed with fear. I had no idea that the elder mermaids had the ability to hurt and punish us even when we were not in the ocean.

"I think they have the ability to do it. I remember a story about a mermaid named Alisa," Aunt Kaikane recounted. 

Mother hid and supported, "Yes, I remembered about Alisa. She was the very first mermaid who was charged with the sin of betrayal and death then," she answered.

"Who is Alisa?" I wonder.

"The thing about Alisa happened a long time ago. Kaikane and I were young then. She was the first mermaid to be punished for betraying our race. Your situation is almost the same now," mother explained. 

"How did she betray our race? Is her sin so serious to impose the death penalty?" I asked, wondering.