
Part 59


Mother and I were still sitting in the back of the house facing the green fields at the foot of the mountain. This is a strange scenario for us because we usually have a view of the vast ocean. But I think this view is also beautiful, fresh air and more refreshing to the eyes.

"Aunt Kaikane once told me about the silver tailed mermaid ancestors. But it's not that detailed, where did you get this information?I know the story about my ancestors is much broader, " I asked Mother.

"The history of the ancient mermaids with silver tails and scales was only told by your father Romualdo to us by your late mother. He told it to us on the island of Karikit where we used to go. When your father was still with us, he often told us about the history of their race. That was a fun experience your real mom and I had, I wish I could have those times back," my mother replied reminiscing all the moments they had.