
Part 62


"Fuck! This is the only time I've been insulted like this in my whole life! I've done everything to attract and get him but still nothing!" the words I hated in front of Lexie. I still remember how I surrendered and gave myself to Mao but he rejected it. It was one of the most embarrassing parts of my life.

"Maybe Mao is gay that's why he's not attracted to your charm? You know gays won't be attracted even if you show them the most beautiful portrait of your pussy," Lexie answered me.

"Excuse me, Mao is not gay because when I entered his room I saw a collection of playboy's magazines. And sexy posters of semi-nude women!" I answered her, defending Mao's sexuality.

"Even a gay man can collect playboy magazines. In fact, more gay men collect play boy magazines to keep them updated on new brands and styles of lingerie worn by women. They love doing their style," Lexie insisted