Chapter 12: "The World Does Not Revolve Around Me."

Wake up, freshen up, get out the door, walk to the bakery, prepare the baked goods. A routine that feels all too familiar to Charlotte.

Adding to this list of steps is buying the newspaper. In order to keep up with the time, Charlotte decided to get the paper every time she walks out of the house.

Meeting with the young boy who gives out newspapers, she grabbed a copy, paid the boy, and looked at the date.

'Seems like it has been two days since "yesterday". Yet, there is no murder? Odd...'

Going towards the shop, Charlotte found today was too smooth, to the point that it is abnormal.

Usually, by now, something would show up and happen or she would find out about some shocking information, but apparently not.

'The world doesn't revolve around me anyways so maybe today will be a nice rest day-'

That blonde hair young woman Charlotte knows oh so well appeared again.

A bit timid yet brave, she walked into the shop and waved her hand.

"Good- good morning!" Charlie shyly spoke up.

"Hello, Ms. Blossom! Care for a pastry today?" not letting her up, Charlotte swiftly replied.

"Yes! Of course!" she went over and picked some baked goods out.

Although hesitant, Charlotte slowly spoke, "So... are you feeling a bit better?"

Charlie visibly froze for a moment before coming to her senses.

"He- he came and found me the day after we spoke."

Charlotte widens her eyes.

'Coincidence? Intentionally? I wonder...'

"We talked things out," she continued.

"And he got back with me after we talked things out. He said he wanted to give it another try."

"I- Oh my, how very unexpected."

'You still want to stay with him after what he did? Is it the social norm during these eras?'

"Yes, but it is alright. We are doing... fine."

"Well, I am glad you... made up?"

Charlie walked up to the counter and Charlotte was once again hit with those mesmerizing eyes.

Charlotte gave a small sigh and consoled, "If one is not happy, the logical thing is to do what makes you happy, no? If you aren't happy with being with him, you have the option to leave."

Hearing what Charlotte said, Charlie smiled.

"That is what makes love complicated. I- I feel like I need him as I have much to give to him.

"I... love him. I want to stay with him. Although I am not the best partner."

She ducked her head down and hid her face.

"I will be okay."

"I can only take your word on it," Charlotte nodded.

"If you need any help, really, come to me and I will see how much assistance I can aid you with. Happiness should not be a chain, just like the action of freeing oneself shouldn't take extreme measures," she told her.

"You are different." Charlie suddenly said.

"I don't mean that in a bad way, really. I just- you aren't like the other people. You are too kind..."

She begins walking out and said, "I'll come back soon!" and then left.

After staring at the door for a couple of minutes, her head started to turn.

'She looked guilty. As if she were to blame while saying such sweet words.'

'Did she really love him or did she just say so for the looks and others? I doubt she will actually come to me when she needed help.'

'But am I kind? Well, I guess to her I look like a very benevolent person. I keep reaching out a hand to her but are these really just words?'

'No, I feel like I need to help the girl in order to uncover something big. I am going with my instincts right now.'

'But am I so different from the other normal people in this era? I have gotten that comment twice now and I don't want a repeat.'

'Is it because I look kind that she is wary? Ah- figuring this out will take a bit.'

'But back to her lover, would he really just get back just like that? Why did she seem so guilty speaking about her love for him?'

'She is definitely hiding something big, something that made them split up in the first place.'

'His act of getting back with her proves his love for her. So, what really made them split?'

'Is it because she- no, I shouldn't think badly of someone I just met, especially someone I am trying to reach out to and understand. I can only dig deeper for the complete story.'

'But still, how is this related to crime? Is she a part of the crime or just a side plot?'

'Racking my head won't do me any good. There hasn't been a murder today either. So she must be important if I time skipped to a day to only progress meeting and know her.'

She slapped her cheek with both her hands.

'The world does not revolve around me. I just happen to be a part of this, not in the middle of it.'

The following days, the time would skip for two to three days. The time skips were repeated three times.

Each day she would meet Charlie Blossom and their relationship deepen little by little, as if her purpose was to understand Charlie Blossom.

Throughout this, no murders have yet to happen, even when Adam Levington and Detective Cromwell go through that door.

'How odd. What is this progressing?'

Just as she question her actual purpose, she was pleasantly surprised at a certain event.

It was like every morning. She woke up. Freshen up. Went to the bakery. Grabbed a copy of the newspaper.

Yet the newspaper reads:

Tragedy in Whitechapel

Wednesday, August 8th, 1888

'You time-skipped it three months later?'