Chapter 20: "It's Not Bad To Be Self-Aware"

Warning: Depictions of infertility, harming/violence.


'She cheated?' Charlotte began to puzzle.

"I wanted to make sure! What if- what if it was your fault?"

"My fault? You went and did the blasphemy with multiple men, you uncontrollable wh*re!"

"No! I did it because I love you- what if you were the reason why we couldn't have a child?"

"Nonsense! Where is the reason in that? You just wanted an excuse!"

"No- please no, I didn't mean it. Please don't leave me!"

Her voice started to break into sobs and slowly died out.

It was as if their roles miraculously changed. She became the one kneeling under the man.

"I forgive you once but you seek it out again. What am I supposed to do in such a situation?!"

"No- please-"

"I also loved you. I love you so much that I only want to have you! You are mine! Yet you continue to-"

What started as an argument that seem to release pent-up emotions.

Shouts and screams could be heard from one party, whereas cries and sobs can be heard from the other party.

As time goes on, it became more incoherent and words were no longer words.

Charlotte stood there, as if she was nonexistent, trying to make sense of these incoherent shouts.

At some point, they started to fight it out. Of course, it posed a challenge considering how one of them had a weapon but she was very reluctant to use it. In her state of mind, she was physically weaker and was easily overwhelmed by the man.

As she is trying to wrap her head around the complete picture, she heard footsteps.

'They finally came...'

Exasperated, the two in front of her started to run, not minding the fact that they went in the same direction.

Charlotte heard the voice of the detective she saw earlier today.

"Split up and round them up," he commanded.

Also not letting them go, Charlotte also bolted towards them, unwilling to let go.

It was as if it were magic, but London fog started to thicken as it became misty.

Charlotte chased them into an alleyway only to find there was nothing, a mere dead end.

Seeing how the people around her also stopped their search, she silently cursed and found Detective Cromwell.

She then told her story as the witness to the crime.

"So the killer seemed to be a young lady who bears the name of Charlie Blossom?" he questioned.

"Yes, she and I lived together for a short while and I noticed patterns in her schedule as she would sometimes return late."

"I see..." he muttered.

He raised an eyebrow at Charlotte and darkened his eyes.

"I have to verify whether or not you are an accomplice Ms. Charlotte. So please, do tell me the truth."

His toned became sterner as time went on.

Charlotte gave him a long sigh and changed her tone of voice, completely changing her normal playful attitude. She looked him directly in his eyes and spoke.

"I put my life on the line when I say I have no part in what she does. I will tell you in detail about her situation and the information she told me. I swear I will not lie as I have no reason to do so. Although we knew each other for a short amount of time, I don't bear much sympathy towards her after what I saw tonight."

The detective gave her a deep look, assessing her character. He slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

"I sure hope you will do so Ms. Charlotte. But we still need you to accompany us to the station for questioning and identifying the killer."

With that being said, Charlotte went while trying to piece together what happened tonight.

The interrogation was long, as Charlotte had a lot to say.

They recorded every detail Charlotte told them and even suspected her of lying at some point. But they couldn't find any loopholes in the story so they began to trust her a little bit more.

While waiting to be released, Charlotte sat in a chair at the station and quietly took a sip of water. Her throat moistened and she felt a bit rejuvenated.

'All of that talking made my throat dry...' she frowned.

While waiting for everything to be settled, a young police officer came up to her. He seemed like he wanted to have a brief chat.

"You... aren't supposed to be chatting with me you know?"

"Well... I can't help but be curious you see," he cheerfully replied.

'He reminds me of Levington...'

"Though, an encounter like yours is one in a millionth. How did you manage it?"

"One step at a time? Coincidences are scary."

"Though it is a bit shocking that the killer was a woman, we would have never thought about it. Although Detective Cromwell did mention it briefly that we weren't looking wide enough, I guess it would have never come across our minds."

"I don't find it that surprising."

"How so?" he looked up at her curiously. He puts his hand on his chin and repositioned himself, giving her his full attention.

"I had a hunch, even before I knew her, that it may be a woman. Of course, I had no evidence to back it up. But a killer targeting only women, a woman could do that as well. You could already imagine the reason. Due to intense hate or jealousy, or something along those lines, it would make a woman kill."

She then tilted her head and stared at the ceiling, as if lost in thought.

"Although, everyone always assumes women would kill or commit any crimes because of love. That is what a woman has associated with anyways. Isn't that curious? How did they become the symbol of affection and love?"

The young man then laughs.

"Aren't you also a woman?"

"It's not bad to be self-aware."

They both laughed and heard footsteps coming.

The young man was whacked on the head by the person behind him.

"You aren't allowed to talk to suspects Levington!" the cold voice of the detective echoed throughout the room.

"Levington? You... are the brother of Adam Levington?"

"Yes! It seems that you know my brother. I guess him writing a bunch of newspaper paid off."

"He writes for the paper?"

"Isn't that how you know him?"

The detective gave the young man another whack and shooed him out of the room. He left the room with a pout on his face.

"Sorry, he was one of the youngins who recently got into the force. He is a bit... well... young."

"Not at all, waiting all day is tiring. It was nice to talk to someone instead of being stared at," Charlotte chuckled.

"Now, you came because I can leave or you have something to say."

He gave her a heavy sigh.

"The name Charlie Blossom doesn't exist."