Lost my memories

"Ander, Ji-ho came to pay you a visit. Should I summon him inside?" While Anderson was changing his coat, Rang said.

"No, I will come."

"Long time, no see, Ji-ho. How are you getting along?" said Anderson with a bright smile.

"Yes, I am fine..." Said in a hushed tone by a person in a wheelchair.

"We met after such a long period, yet you appeared to be in such a state of anxiety. What happened?" When Anderson asked a question, Ji-ho remains silent.

"A meeting was hosted at a Dutch club in 2017. I went to the meeting since the informant gave me the information." To Bo-ra, Park and Jeong, Lee said.

Bo-ra wondered, "Is the meeting held between Jeson and Anderson?"

"No, at Anderson's meeting with Johnson, he was the China dealer, and he was in charge of other countries dealing with Anderson."

Park asks, "Then Jeson wasn't at the meeting, right?"

"Yes, he wasn't there. However, he was the one who detonated the bomb. We didn't look into it before since everyone at the meeting pretended the bombing didn't happen."

He continues, "So we didn't take any action, and we also didn't have any evidence to arrest them. They were so thorough that nothing was ever left behind. Even though they are enemies, they have never revealed other identities to cops."

"That's why we haven't had any proof so far."

Bo-ra mused, "How would we arrest them then? How can we put an end to their business?"

"There is only one way to bring them to the real world."

Park curiously asked, "What is that?"

"Rang, start the car."

Rang was driving the car, "Can you tell me, where are we heading?"

"Blue Mountain palace."

Rang was bewildered, stops the car. "Blue Mountain palace! Why are we going there? I shouldn't even call the backup crew. Should I give them a call?"

"No. That is unnecessary. Just drive the car."

Aera enters the hotel, "Sir, could you tell me the Lucas room number?" she asked the receptionist.

"Wait a minute, Mam. He is on the 15th floor, room number 109."

She murmured as she entered the elevator. "I should forgive my father. How much longer can I go on like this? It will only hurt me. As a result, I am going to forgive my father and I will do it." She walked up to room 109 as she stated.

She walked into the room and looked around; no one was there. She takes the bedroom, where her mother and father are packing their belongings. She attempted to contact, but she didn't.

Aera's mother asked him, "Why are we leaving so instantly? We didn't even try to console Aera. How could we possibly go, while things are here in such a bad state?"

"What are you talking? When did you start to care about Aera? She is capable of taking care of herself. Aera is not in danger; it is we, who are in danger. Aera is our weakness." As he spoke, Aera appeared to be so disappointed that tears welled up in her eyes, but she fought them back.

Aera's father continues, "If anyone knows about Aera the fact of that she is our daughter. They will threaten us. Now tell me, who is in jeopardy? Stop talking crap, pack the things."

Aera left the room with a frustrated frown on her face. At the same time, Lucas emerged from the bathroom and was shockingly looking at his parents.

"What are you two doing?"

Aera's father said, "We are leaving. Pack your belongings as well."

Lucas yelled at him, "How many times do I repeat? We are not leaving. Is it due to Anderson that we've decided to leave?"

"Yes, we are leaving. You don't know everything there is to know about him. I've known him since he was 20 years old. He won't leave us that easily. Stop conversing and prepare to leave."

"Dad, stop it… For the past month, Anderson had been staying with our Aera."

Luca's parents get shocked, "What on earth are you talking about?"

"Yes, you heard it right. Anderson remained for a month at our Aera's residence."

"Our only option is Aera," said Lee.

"Aera!" exclaims Bo-ra, who is staring at him blankly.

"Aera is Bo-ra's friend?" said Jeong.

"Yes, Bo-ra's friend. She is the only one who knows both Anderson and Jeson very well. Anderson, on the other hand, he fled away. We have Jeson, and with Aera's help, we must apprehend Jeson."

"Mr. Lee, how could she show us his father to us? Regardless of the fact that he is a Mafia boss, he is her father. She'll never do something like that. We ought to find another way."

"Please let me know if you have any other ideas. After a long time now we have all the big fish, but no evidence or support to capture them. We now have Aera as a bait fish. If we use her properly, they all fall into our traps."

"We shouldn't allow you to." Rang was told by a security guard.

Anderson approached him, "Rang, wait here. I'll take care of it."

Anderson enters the building, and is greeted by someone. "Anderson, welcome to our Blue Mountain. I've invited you several times in the past. But you've never visited here before. Now what brought you here?"

"Out of curiosity, how magnificent do your Blue Mountains appear to be?"

"Shall we have a drink then?" Both walk into a lobby.

"Do you handle all of your business here, Kang?"

"Yes. This is a location that I never leave. Everything is contained within this Blue Mountain. Swimming pools, helipads, clubs, and females... It's all in here. You won't require the outside world."

Anderson comes to a halt near a chamber, where he hears a peculiar noise. Kang said, "Anderson, what are you looking at there? Come on this way."

"Ahh... It hurts. Gently treat me." Han-na shouted in agony as he treated his back.

"Hey, you showed her, that you are strong. Now you're wailing like a child. Do you have a thing for her? That's why you were acting so strangely," said Lim.

"What is this gibberish you are talking? How do we reveal our frailty to others? What if she tells Bo-ra about us?" Han-na manages the problem in some way.

"Ahh… Bo-ra... If she tells Bo-ra, our prestige at the office will be shattered. We should suppress this minor pain because of our pride." As he said, he placed an ice bag on Han-na's back.

Han-na again screams with pain, "Ahh..."

"Ander, what are we exactly doing here? Time is 11p.m. We should leave." said Rang. Outside the Blue Mountain Palace, Anderson and Rang are waiting.

"It's time to go. Lights have been turned off," said Anderson as he stared at Palace.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Inside Blue Mountain palace."

Rang stopped him, "Aren't you aware of how many security guards are guarding here?"

"I know. That's why I am going alone."

"No. I, too, would like to accompany you."

Both sneaked into the palace undetected. "This building has 30 floors. There are security guards on every floor, as well as CCTV cameras. Kang has reserved a room on the 30th floor. And—"

Rang asks, interrupting him, "Why are you telling this? Where are we going?" Anderson took the fire exit stairwell. After that, they both headed to the 15th floor.

"You search on that side. I'll take this side."

Rang shook his head and proceeded forward before coming to a halt. "What am I looking for?" Rang confused.

He made his way to Anderson again "Crazy bastard. What are we looking at, tell me that first? Is it some antique collection, money or gold or guns?"

"I forgot to tell you. A girl," said Anderson.

"Girl! Girl…. Girlfriend, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes. But not my girlfriend, Ji-ho's girlfriend."

"Morning, I heard some strange sound from this place. Do you have a gun?"


"Hey, jerk. Why didn't you bring a gun with you?"

"We departed without any guards in the morning. So I thought we were going to a restaurant."

"Hey, are we two dating? Why would I want to go out with you? You wait here, I will look into it." As he said, he enters the room.

Anderson walked into the room and looked around. There were numerous rooms. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a woman crying. He approached the source of the noise. "Lucy!"

She gazed at him, terrified, as he said that woman's name. Anderson said, "It's okay. It's me, Anderson. Ji-ho is eagerly waiting for you. Come." He extends his hand to her, and she shakily grasps it.

Then they both exited the room. "Does anyone happen to be nearby?"

Rang replied, "No."

"We should leave." Some guards noticed them while they were moving.

One of the guard said over the walkie-talkie, "There are a few people sneaking into our place. Make the guards aware of the situation."

The three of them are being pursued by guards. Anderson urged, "Take this path. Get out of here as soon as possible. I will divert them."

Anderson deviated from the path and struck one of the guards. A strong contingent of security personnel came. He smacked them all with one hand. Anderson was beaten in the head with an iron rod by a guard as he was hitting guards. He fainted a little, then he slammed into them all again.

Rang started his car. "Anderson! Wait. Still Anderson is not coming," Asked Lucy.

"Don't worry, he will come out safely." As Rang assured, Anderson stepped in front of the car.

"Ji-ho..." Lucy cried as she held Ji-ho.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

"I am not hurt."

"I'm relieved. Thank you, Anderson," said Ji-ho.

"Ah... Now only you are smiling. You didn't even greet me in the morning." Anderson smiled as he said this.

"I am sorry. When I lost Lucy. My thoughts became stuck. Lucy was the only thing that sprang to mind." As he said, he walked over to Anderson in his wheelchair.

Ji-ho placed his hand on Anderson's face as he bowed his back. "How are you doing? When I heard that you had returned, I was overjoyed."

"Yes. I am in good shape. Nothing breaks me. You know that I am immortal."

Anderson's neck was stained with blood, which Rang noticed. 'Sir, your head is covered in blood."

Aera was drinking in a bar solely. She is already a little tipsy. "I am the one who causes danger to them! How could they say such things about me? They have no idea how I managed to go through the years without them."

"Please give me two more soju bottles." She continues her drinking, "Was it my fault that I was born? Did I plead with my mother to give birth to me? They are the ones who have given life to me. Now they are blaming me."

"That doesn't even make sense. Now, they are going to leave again. Then leave, leave, leave..." she shouted, in an inebriated state. "I will look after myself. I have me. Leave, leave..." She passed out in the bar as she screamed.

Anderson undergoes a CT scan in the hospital. While Rang and Ji-ho viewed his results on the computer.

Anderson said during the CT scan, "Hey, it is just a tiny bump on my head. Why am I having a CT scan?"

Ji-ho said, "Stop talking, and stay there for a few minutes."

Rang asked Ji-ho, "Is he all right? Is there nothing wrong with his head?"

Anderson said, looking at the room in Ji-ho's cabin, "I thought, you've built another two-buildings like this. But now also you are staying in this hospital. Why?"

Ji-ho hit Anderson's head with a report file. "I am not a politician who steals money from people and constructs structures. I am a Doctor."

"Yes, doctor."

A nurse entered Ji-ho's cabin, "All the results are here, Doctor."

Ji-ho looking over the reports. While Anderson asked him, "Am I okay?"

"Yes, you are alright." Said calmly Ji-ho.

Anderson said with a smile, "Hey, Rang. I told you I was fine. But you didn't hear me."


Rang asked, "What but?"

Ji-ho said, "You've been supposed to be in a coma for the past five year."

Anderson was shocked, "What? Coma…!"

"Yes, you haven't had any memories from the last five years, right?"


"Now, nothing wrong with your body. Everything seems fine."

Rang asked, "Sir, haven't you had remember anything, where have you been for the past five years?"


"If my guess is right. You were injured as a result of the bomb explosion. Isn't that when you forget everything? There are certain indications that you have suffered a serious brain injury. However, someone took great care of you. That's why you recovered so quickly."

Anderson wondered, immersed in his thoughts, "Who's that?"

The next morning, Aera wakes up in her bed. "How did I end up in my house? Last night, I had a drink at the bar. And what happened? How did I get here? Nothing came into my mind. Ahh... My head hurts."

"If Jimin had been in here, he would have made me some hangover soup." She sighed with frustration.

She was strolling down the street when she became aware that she was being followed. She turned around abruptly, but no one was there. She felt again as she resumed her walking.

She sped up and came to a stop next to a car. She laced her shoes while watching in the rear-view mirror, conscious that she was being pursued. A bunch of men was following her. As a result, she moved quickly.

Then she took off running as they pursued her. "Everyone's staring at me but I can't stop, why? Why? Why...?" These question driven on Aera's head. "Some people think maybe I robbed things, which is why they are after me, but I am not that sort of person", she breathe heavily; look so tired and the sun is too scorching.

Still, thoughts kept popping into her head, "After a few drinks, I lost track of time yesterday night and may have killed someone in that state. That's why the four men chasing me, no, no, no…." turn around look at their faces.

She's scared of height but there is a 6 feet wall in front of her. "If unexpected things happens in my life, I tell myself, it's okay, thank you for letting me experience these things too".

She didn't give it another thought, suddenly climbing to the top of the wall and ready to jump on the other side. "I should be alive because, Ahh..."