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"Wow, this place is really quite enormous. The interior of the building resembles a little city. Amazing…!" Aera amazes as she wanders into the building.

She observed that the palace is equipped with CCTV. "It has a sizable restaurant, a gym, casinos, a bowling alley, and indoor golf, among other things..."

She overheard a man says, "Clubs, all sorts of drinks there..."

Aera says as she turns to face the man, "Hello, Mr…?"

"Don't be formal. Just call me Kang."

"Yes, Kang. Then, this place is truly outstanding."

"This building has a name, which is Blue Mountain Palace. I appreciate your kind words. I wondered, after receiving compliments from someone as attractive as you; whether I had created this palace for this gorgeous girl warm words… Thank you for your compliments, I feel so grateful."

Aera smiles awkwardly, "You own this place?"

"Yes. It's my palace. No one enters or exits the Palace without my consent."

As they were conversing, Aera eyes caught indoor shooting range, "You have this too?"

"Would you like to fire?"

Aera is holding the weapon with wearing gloves and safety glasses. She hesitantly says, "I don't know how to shoot; could you please teach me."

Kang blushes, he embraces Aera's hand, deliberately touching her hands. "Lift a little bit of your arms, gorgeous. Focus on the target. Then allows the bullet to fire," as he says, he rubs Aera's arm.

Aera asks, "My brother Lucas is also your friend."

"Sort of."

"Then my brother is also engaged in the Mafia thing…"

"I don't think so, gorgeous. To my knowledge, he is running some law firm." "That's it. If you shoot like that and practice more, you will be better at these," says Kang.

A guard informed him, "Kang sir, you have a visitor."

"We will catch up, later," he departs as he mentioned.

"Such a pervert guy."

Bo-ra enters the hospital room where Han-na was admitted. He wasn't there as she looked around the room. She asked the nurse, "Nurse, you know, there was a young man admitted here. Do you know where he is?"

The nurse retorted, "He was discharged in the morning, left with a woman."

Bo-ra wonders, "Where did they go?"

Han-na displays some photos to the bartender. The bartender stare at him, blankly. Han-na says, "I was the one who called before, wanted to know the details of Anderson."

"Ohh… that man you are," as he says, he looks at the photos, which show Jeson and his wife. "I am afraid, he isn't Anderson."

Jenny is observing their discourse with a blank expression. Han-na said, "He is Jeson. Do you have any knowledge about him?"

The bartender thought for a brief period of time. "I'm not familiar with them. But if you visit this place, you might get some answers." Han-na receives an address from him.

"Are you certain that we will find Aera?" Jenny asks.

"I am damn sure. This is the best approach to quickly locate Aera." Then they rode off on the bike.

"Are you conscious of the messes you made?" Lee heard Senior Park speak aggressively.

"First off, Senior Park, it's obvious that I didn't make a mess. I endeavored to restrain them. But how would I be able to stop them without even the aid of law enforcement?"

"I no longer have control over it. You are no longer required to handle the case."


"It is higher-ups order. Now it's out of my hands. I have no power over their decisions. Now onward, this case will take over by-"

Lee interrupts, "Does that make sense? I've been working on this case for almost ten years. I investigated these cases even when I was working in the states. How could you do this to me? Only now I got near to everyone. To catch them, there are only a few further steps to take. Just give me some more time."

"I know very well, Mr. Lee. But it's not feasible. You may take your vacation. Get some rest and get out of this Mafia mess for a while."

"Vacation, my foot."

Anderson waves his hand towards Brian, while he smiles at him gently. Brian leaves the place.

Cho wonders, "Is that enough? Just a wee bit of smile. He didn't even inquire as to Anderson Sir's well-being after five years?"

Rang replies, "Hey, this is how intelligent individuals exhibit their affection toward loved ones."

"Sir, I don't understand."

"That's why you're dumb; they are brilliant."

Aera is searching through her belongings and asks, "Where did that go?" She anxiously looked everywhere in her luggage, but she was unsuccessful.

She entered her mother's room, "Mom, did you happen to see my couple Teddy bear in my belongings."

"No, Aera. We brought all the things from your apartment. That's it. We didn't miss anything."

"Ahh…. Shit…"

"Is that really important to you?"

"Yes, Jimin..." she tries to say, but pausing for a moment before adding, "I once visited you with Jimin… no, with Anderson. Do you remember him?"

"Yes, I remember his face."

"Then why couldn't you recognize his face? The fact that he is the Anderson. You work for the Mafia alongside our father. How were you unable to identify him?"

Aera's mother claims, "I didn't do anything with your father. I never interfere with your father's business."

"What does that even mean?"

"When he conducts his business, he always leaves me alone. I know nothing about your father's business. He sometimes locked me within the house. He never mentioned the Mafias to me, not even once."

Aera was shocked, "Then when the attackers attacked that day, you fought back."

"It is self-defense. I should safeguard myself in case something goes wrong because I need to be alive in order to protect my kid. So I learned some defense."

Aera sighed, "Every time, when I try to understand about our family, it becomes more complicated. Whatever. Thank you for saving me."

"Rang sir...!" Cho rushes overs to him.

"What? What happened?"

"Someone sneaked into our residence covertly. No, no… someone escaped our residence."

"Ahh… What are you saying? Who sneaked, and who escaped?"

Cho calms down, explains, "I noticed someone who jumped over the walls when I was patrolling around the house. That implies that someone broke into our property, right?"

"Check the CCTV, and tell everyone to inspect each and each room." As Rang says, he tries to knock on Anderson's room door, but didn't.

A black-coated man states, "We caught the guy on CCTV." He sped up, entered the CCTV room.

Cho says, "Who is that? I can't see his face. He is covered from head to toe in black, including a mask, cap, and jacket."

Rang says, "I know who he is." Again, he dashed inside Anderson's bedroom. He pulls back the blanket, where Anderson should have been; there were some pillows. "Ander...," he screams.

Aera moved sneakily, trying to escape the palace without being seen on any CCTV cameras while hiding her face with a scarf. "Ahh…. Where should I go?" she exclaimed as she leaped out of the walls

Anderson sat down on a stone bench in front of the sea. He was calmly gazing at the moon and the sea waves. While a man walked up to him says, "I looked up the address you provided. When I queried the neighbors, they replied that they had been there for four days before; suddenly, they vanish out of nowhere."

Anderson received Aera's photo from that man. He is somberly glancing at the picture.

That man adds, "When I looked around the farm area, that was in a completely ruined state."


"The entire flower garden and the house was in horrible condition and had collapsed."

Aera somehow located the phone booth. She eagerly dials the number, but she hears, "The number you have dialed is unavailable…"

"What is that? Shit... How could I reach him? I know nothing, except his number." She let out a frustrated groan. She emerged from the booth and noticed a sea in front of her.

She moves while feeling the chilly air. A man wearing a black jacket passes her as she walks. "Jimin also this man's tall… his shoulder also broad like him…"

Anderson is the man who is walking in front of her. Without noticing one another, they were both strolling while taking in the sea breezes.

Rang takes off, Anderson's blanket, and asks, "Where did you go last night?"

"Ahh… why are you bothering me at this early? The blankets, please."

"Answer me first."

"Just went to get some cool breeze."

"Air...! Nobody in our parties is a fan of Mr. Brian as an international dealer. Our close friend had attempted to kill you. To attempt to kill once more wouldn't take very long. Avoid leaving without guards in a careless manner, please."

"Okay, I get it. I won't step outside anymore, without guards. Just give me a little sleep time. Step outside," said Anderson.

"Then..." Rang stumbles.

"What? What? If you have nothing to say, just leave."

"Ander… In…"

Anderson gets out of bed, sits, "Spit it out"

"Jeson arrived here…"

"What arrived? Has he visited our residence?

"No, that's not what I meant. He is a guest at the Blue Mountain Palace of Kang.

"It's great to hear the good things in the morning," Anderson exclaimed while laughing heartily. "Kang had the nerve to fight back against me, with Jeson, whoa…! He is really something."

Aera left the gym after seeing several guards bring some women who had their faces covered in black cloths.

Aera wonders incredulously, "Who are they?"

"They are workers," Aera heard a voice on the other side.

She turns around her gaze on the voice heard side, "You startled me... What workers?"

Kang explains, "As you can see, this palace is quite big. How could I manage this palace with just men? I need some women to make this palace glitter even more."

"Workers...! But why did your guards bring them in with their faces covered?"

"You have a wide range of curiosity. But you know what, some secrets must lie in the dark, if you know about that, you can't able to get sleep."

Aera looks slightly alarmed when she sees him. He adds, "Then how was your night-out?"

"What? Night-out...!"

Kang smiles, "I told you already. No one enters or exits the Palace without my consent. You are so brilliant, how could you manage to avoid, without getting caught by any cameras. However, I caught you with my eyes."

"Mr. Kang… Sorry, Kang. Please do me a favor. Don't say these things to my brother, would you kindly. He will become even more enraged with me if he heard about these. Please."

"Avoid worrying, I'll keep my mouth shut. I won't spill anything." As he said, he gets closer to her ear, whispers something.

Lucas saw, when Kang is whispering something in Aera's ears. He intensely approached them, abruptly pushed Kang violently aside. Aera exclaimed with shock, "Lucas...!"

Aera yells, "Lucas, have you lost your mind? Why are you acting like such a rogue?"

Lucas warns him, "Don't do your pervert thing towards Aera. Next time, I won't slide it off."

Aera concerns, "Are you all right, Kang?"

"I am fine. He is just a little boy, with a bit of a temper, like his father..."

Lucas shouts, "Aera, get back to your room. Now." Aera walked away from the scene.

Kang steps near to him, "You care more about your sister. May I know, why is that?"

"That's none of your business. I warn you again; don't even get close to the air she breathes."

Jenny and Han-na were visiting gangsters, gambling centers, and various pubs and clubs. Unfortunately, they were just unable to find anything about Jeson.

Jenny says, "Why is it so difficult to spot the Mafia? He is so famous, right, how is it possible that no one is aware of his whereabouts?"

Han-na explains, "That's how they work. Without any preventive strategies, how could they indulge in several illegal activities? If they do, they get caught easily. Use your little brain, Jenny."

While they were conversing Jenny's phone rings. She was stunned to see the name, "What should I do?"

"Explain it to her. She is your friend, and deserves to know the truth."

Han-na unexpectedly picks up the phone as Jenny is frighteningly staring at it, "Hey, why did you attend the phone?"

Han-na playfully warns, "Answer the phone, or she will show up in real through the phone."

On the other side of the call, Bo-ra, "Hey, do you have a death wish? What are you doing with him? He hasn't fully recovered yet."

Jenny says, "Give me some time to explain myself—"

"What you will do, it's not up to me. You should be here in an hour," as Bo-ra said, she hangs up the phone before hearing Jenny's words.

Jenny imitate Bo-ra, "You should be here in an hour...! Is she joking?" Han-na made fun of her.

She says, "Do you have a death wish? Start the bike. We are running out of time."

"Mr. Lee, you mentioned, you are no longer working on this case. Why?" Bo-ra inquired.

"It is a higher-ups order."

"What should we do next? Don't you have any plans?"

"You believe that I am leaving this case just because of those ignorant higher-ups? They don't even know what's going on. I am the one who initiated it and will carry it out to completion. And you…."

"I am all in…."

"Yes, you must in, I need some assist. Could you ask Park for information about Jeson's ally?"

"Yes, Mr. Lee."

Aera is observing Kang as he casts a wicked leer at some women who are serving supper. Aera speak to herself, "He always think about women. In my life, I have never met a man like him in my life."

Aera's mother asks, "Did you say something, Aera?"

"I was just, amazed that the dinner was so delicious."

"Lucas, when will our place be ready?" Aera's father enquired.

Kang disrupts their conversation, "Why are you planning to leave so quickly? Stay here for a while."

Lucas says, "This is not our place; we are merely a guest."

"So, you're going back to your Island?"

Aera exclaims, "Island?"

Kang explains, "Aera, you weren't aware of the Orchard Island. Compared to my Blue Mountain Palace, it was rather large. The Island is owned by your brother."

"Shut your mouth, Kang. Don't misunderstand Aera. I am going to let you know after we—"

Aera snaps indignantly, "There is no need to explain anything to me. It has nothing to do with me. Do what you all desire." She carries on eating as she speaks.

"What about me, then? You promised me that you would take revenge on Anderson for me," Kang says.

Lucas murmurs as he tightens his hand. "Stop, we will talk about this later."

Aera set down her fork and stopped chewing, looking around at the atmosphere. All of the eyes are fluttering. She stands up, "I am done eating, get back to my room," as she said, she walked out of the place.