Truth revealed

Lucas's mind was preoccupied with Bella's words, 'Aera is the focus of many eyes. What if she was stolen from you by someone? Think about it… perhaps, Anderson.'

Lucas is not in his right mind since everything he sees is hazy. He drank some alcohol. 'Perhaps, Anderson… Perhaps, Anderson…"

Aera was enjoying the moment dancing with Kang. When Lucas saw her; He became enraged, grabbed a bottle of liquor, and approached Kang. He smashed the wine bottle on Kang's head.

Anguished, Kang screams. The party as a whole fell silent. Everyone stopped dancing when the music stopped. The entire gathering was fixated on Lucas.

Kang's head is gushing blood. Aera says, "Kang… lot of blood bleeding. Kang, are you all right? Lucas, are you insane?"

Aera's hand was forcibly snatched by Lucas, who then left the hall. Aera shouts, "Lucas, what are you doing? Leave my hands. Let me go…"

Lucas gave her words no attention at all. "I think the real game begins now," said Bella, who was quietly observing them.

Lucas grabbed Aera's hand and headed to his room. Both entered the room, and he shut the door after them. Aera says, "Why have you locked the door? Open the damn door, Lucas."

Jenny wandering in the palace, "There are so many rooms in the palace. How could I be supposed to locate Aera, in this big castle?" As she was still speaking, she moved toward the space where Aera's father was talking to his wife.

Jenny was listening in on their chat secretly. The father of Aera announced, "We are heading to the island tonight."

Aera's mother says, "How about Aera, though? She will not concur with us."

"She is my daughter, I will deal with her. You know there's more risk when Aera is around Lucas."

Jenny ponders, "Why is Aera at risk with Lucas?"

Anderson is travelling at a bus, looking at the photo of Jeson and his wife, which was grandmother had given him. Taking his phone, he called the Rang number.

Rang and Cho sneakily peek inside the chamber where Lucy was previously kept. While his phone rings, "Cho, keep your phone on silent mode."

"Rang sir, that's your phone."

"Ahh… my ringtone… Anderson sir." Rang surprised, attended the call, "Sir, where have you gone?"

Anderson calmly assured, "I will be at our place in an hour."


Lustfully, Lucas touched Aera's shoulder. "Lucas, you are crossing your limit." As she removed his hands from her shoulder, Aera said.

As Aera tries to escape, he unexpectedly gives her a hug from behind. Aera spookedly walked away from him, "Are you drank? Please keep in mind that you are my brother."

"Brother." Lucas said with a sinister grin, "Aera, I am not your brother."

Aera words faltered, "Wha… What? Are you kidding right?"

"No, Aera. I'm not joking. I'm damn serious. I am not your brother. I am not your father's son. You think that the renowned Mafia leader Jeson is your father. No… My father was Jeson. My father was Jeson…" he screams loudly.

"Lucas, cut it out. You are scaring me."

"Don't scare, Aera. I won't hurt you. I only harm your father and Anderson."

Anderson continues, "I found that unknown-girl."

Rang wonders, "How? Where is she? Is she with you?"

"No, but she's safe. She is in good goods. The Unknown-girl's father is Jeson."

"What? Jeson has a daughter…!"

"Like you, I was astonished to hear that. After that, I paused to reflect on the fact that Jeson had raised me, lovingly."

Lucas aggressively said, "Richard killed my father in front of my eyes. I desperately wanted to kill him, but he died before I could. But rather than diminishing, my rage has only become worse. When Anderson sat in the chair and began to command everyone as though we were dogs. I despise him."

"As a result, I positioned your father in my father's chair. I gave your father the name Jeson, which was the name of my father. I am the mastermind behind everything your father does, and your father is my soldier. Your father complies with all except one of my orders. That was to kill Anderson."

Anderson adds, "I had been with him for more than ten years. He was such a good person. But after some disagreements with our father, he left. But, I believe he is still a good man."

"When Aera left her house, I was so afraid. I find it almost impossible to focus on my work. But now I'm relieved. Considering that she is in good hands. As a result, I am no longer concerned about Aera. Even though she hasn't been with me, she is in Jeson's safe zone."

Rang asks, "Then, Jeson was the one who attempted to kill you at the Dutch club."


Lucas says to Aera, "Anderson was raised by your father's hand. So your father can't kill him. So I made the decision to kill Anderson and your father. Killing two birds with one stone. I was the one who detonated the bomb in 2017."

Rang out bewildered, "What was that supposed to mean? Everyone is aware that Jeson attempted to kill you."

"No, Rang. That was what everyone said. At the Dutch club, I ran into Jeson. Why would he come if he had planted the bomb? Jeson wasn't the one who did that. You know that I have a lot of haters. One of them might have done it. But I'm confident he didn't pull off that shoddy ruse."

Aera grabbed Lucas shirt-collar, "You trash scumbag. My father cared for you, more than me. He is constantly concerned for your well. But how could you harm him like that?"

Lucas exclaimed with much laughter, "But I don't see him as a father. Because of you, I stayed all those years and hid my identity."


"I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you. I love you, Aera."

"Stop it, Lucas, you're disgusting," screams Aera.

"Come with me Aera. I'll treat you like a princess. Prior to that, there is a barrier. First, I'm going to kill your father and Anderson right in front of your eyes. After that, we shall leave."

"Lucas... You won't be able to touch my father, I swear." She attempted to escape as she spoke.

She was seized by Lucas and placed on a bed. Went up to kiss Aera when suddenly a warning signal went screaming.

Rang questioned, "Then are you going to forget that Unknown-girl?"

Anderson says, "That's best for…" a blaring alarm rang in his ears, "Rang, where are you? What's that alarm buzzing noise?"

"I am sorry, Anderson. We are here at Blue Mountain Palace because of Lucy."


Cho warns, "Rang sir, guards are coming; we should leave the place right now. That is the best for us." Rang put the phone down.

Jenny surveyed the area and said, "I didn't do anything, why is the alarm buzzing? Oh my god…! Guards…" she lift her gown and bolts.

With the wire in his mouth and a smile, Han-na said, "It took a little bit of time for the alarm to start buzzing. Everyone has now left the palace."

Due to an alarm screaming, Lucas approached Aera but stopped. He stood up from the bed and said, "Wait a minute. I'll be right back." He left the room before he locked up the doors.

Aera is shocked by what Lucas stated. Tears have welled up in her eyes as she froze to death.

Aera cautiously turns around after hearing a whisper via the window. Jenny calls out, "Aera, come over here." Aera exited through the windows.

"Jenny, what are you doing?"

"Han-na and I come here for you. He was the one who aided in locating you. Come on, we need to leave right away. We have no time. We will discuss things later." Both of them departed the area, as she said.

The guards of Kang seem to be everywhere. That area was bustling nonstop. Lucas says, "What the heck is going on here?" in the midst of the crowd.

Lucas approached him as Kang was placing ice bags on his head, "Could you stop the mess going on here?"

Kang raised his head and said, "I believe someone entered our palace. And that jerk set off this blaring alarm."

"Then why are you sitting here and doing nothing. Sent your guards to check around."

"The guards have already been dispatched. This palace is massive; it will take some time. Hold up your horses."

Jenny and Aera are rushing through the palace while holding hands. Aera halted, "This is the only way of leaving the palace secretly. But there were many guards there. What do we do next?"

"I will find a way out." Jenny again grabbed her hand, both hurried to the lower floors.

When they reached the sixth floor, a guard abruptly turned to look at them both. The guards reach out to seize Aera. Jenny suddenly smacked him in the stomach. Jenny reports, "Aera that way." Three additional guards have arrived.

Jenny and Aera approached the terrace on the sixth floor. Aera looked back while clinging to the handrail and looking down from the terrace. "What do we do now, Jenny?"

The few guards are stationed in front of Jenny and Aera as they both stand close to the handrail of the terrace. Jenny firmly states, "I am sorry, Aera."

"Why?" Aera was pushed from the terrace by Jenny, fell to the ground, she screams, "Mom…."

Somehow, everyone in the party dispersed. The atmosphere shifts to calm. Lucas was sitting close to the fountain while the hall was rather disorganized. Kang was still bleeding from the head, and two guards were standing nearby.

The parents of Aera arrived at the hall. Jeson said, "Mafia's meetings always end in a disaster. How did you get your head hit?"

The large door to the hall area opened as they were having a conversation. Four of them are startledly glancing at the man, who is Anderson.

He approached Kang as he entered the area in a manly manner. Kang chuckled hilariously, "I'm going nuts."

Lucas was glaring aggressively at Kang. "I swear, I didn't invite him," Kang affirmed. "Anderson, what are you doing here?"

"I am not here for your party. I am here for my guards, Rang and Cho."

"Rang and Cho… That two. No, that won't happen. What on earth were those two doing in my palace?"

"Lucy… You kidnapped Lucy once again, right?"

Kang vehemently refutes, "No way. I did not kidnap her."

A guard of Kang enters the hall, "Boss, Lucy is missing."

Kang exclaimed, "Missing."

Anderson chucked, "You're never going to change, as he spoke, he glanced up at Jeson, who was standing far away in silence. "My guards, who I presume made it out safely with Lucy, are the reason I came here. I'll then start moving. I'm not here to bother anyone."

Lucas was listening to Anderson when he noticed a man sprinting behind him. It was Han-na. Lucas suddenly took off after Han-na.

"Take care of your head, Kang," Anderson remarked before leaving the area.

Aera slowly gets to her feet. Her left shoulder, which was severely injured when she hit it on the ground. She slowly made her way out of the area.

She is walking in the roadway, but struggled with severe bleeding in her hands. She is unable to proceed. She sat down in the midst of the forest areas quite dark path. She recalls what Kang said, 'First, I'm going to kill your father and Anderson right in front of your eyes.'

Lucas has been pursuing Han-na. Han-na exited the palace and halted in the parking lot. Lucas also arrived at the parking lot. "Han-na, come out. Are you Aera's savior? How dare you come after my Aera?"

Han-na moving behind a car while heavily exhaling. Han-na is suddenly pulled by a hand. "Shh… It's me Jimin." said Anderson.

The guards also arrived at the parking lot. Lucas commands, "Search the palace. Let me know if there are any outsiders still inside the palace."

Behind the vehicles, Anderson and Jimin were hiding. Anderson inquires, "What are you doing in this place? Why is Kang's guard pursuing you?"

"He in the blue coat is not a guard. He is Lucas, Aera's brother."

"Brother…!" he remembers when he stayed with Aera, one day Aera had a call from his brother. She said, 'It's a new number. Hello, who is this? Brother! It's been a long time since I've heard your voice.'

Aera is still seated on the road. Her eyes were struck by a flashing bumper vehicle light. The driver of the vehicle honked three times. Aera is completely immobile. The driver of the car got out and walked over to Aera. Rang is that person.

Rang said, "Excuse me, this place isn't safe. Look around, it is covered full of forest. Stand up." As Rang tries to lift Aera, he notices that Aera's left hand is bleeding.

Kang is driving the car. He noted how devastated she looked, yet she didn't cry despite her eyes being welled with tears. "Tell me the location, and I will drop you off," says Rang.

Aera said in a low tone, "Bus stand."

"Okay, bus stand."

Aera is seated on the bench at the bus terminal, and Rang hands her the water bottle. Aera slowly uncorked the bottle and drank from it.

Kang asks, "Where are you heading? I asked at the counter because it was two in the morning and there was no bus at that time."

Without even blinking, Aera asks, "Where should I go? I have nowhere to go."

"You don't have a place to go."

Aera said, "Sir, thank you for the drive and the water," and then she quietly left; with the right hand she holds her left arm.

Sighing, Rang got into his car. He tried to leave the bus stop after starting the car. He didn't take his gaze off Aera. He took a peek at his blood-stained golden gown.

Rang got out of the car and approached Aera. "I am working as a guard. There are some needs for cooks there. If you are without a place to go, come and stay there. It's totally secure."

Aera blankly stare at him, "But I don't how to cook."

Rang grinned with her innocent words