You are a good man

Running through the pitch-black forests. When she noticed some guards on the ground, she panicked. She whirled around to face the house and took off the locket, threw it away.

Rang, searching Aera's father on one side. On another side, Anderson entering the hall area, his eyes caught Lucas. Anderson paused as he saw him.

Lee chuckled, "It's fortunate that you came here. Shall we grab a drink, Anderson?"

Anderson doesn't reply to him.

"Was Aera safely left the house? But won't get off the Island alive."

All of a sudden, she was being chased by several thugs as she was running in fear.

"Guess what, I ordered them to shoot Aera. You are wondering why I said that... Even though she stayed with me for two days, I am bored of her. She was only thinking about you over and over. I hate that thinking, so I ordered my guards to shoot her in the head."

The guards began firing in Aera's direction.

Anderson quickly leaped on him and struck him in the face. Lucas said, "I expected more from you. I am dissatisfied with your fighting. I think Richard blood may have been a wimp like you, that's why he died quickly."

As his rage mounted, Anderson began to beat him severely. Anderson shielded his face with an elbow after Lucas threw a glass vase in his direction. They both took hold of each other's shirt and rolled each other. They are falling down the stairs, rolling.

Rang was warned by Lee, "Rang leave the house immediately."

"Aera father?"

"That is not the moment. Later, we will save him; now get out of that bloody house."

Lee instructed Anderson, to, "Ander… leave the house… Ander…?" However, Anderson's earbuds dropped.

Aera running while spotting Han-na, she hugged him. "I thought you got shot," he froze as she gave him a hug.

"No… I am good. Come on, we ought to go." Han-na and Aera are rushing away holding hands, whereas the gun fires over them.

Bo-ra struggling to locate the island, but the signal is cut off one by one. "Mr. Lee, they dismantled our quad-copter."

"It's okay. We're almost complete."

Anderson lies on the ground after being severely beaten by Lucas. He then took a gun from his pocket, pointing at Anderson, "Game over, Anderson."

Anderson smiled, "I don't think so." Rang suddenly appeared and fired at Lucas' chest. Anderson grasp a hand of Rang, who then scooped him up and they both began to run.

Lucas lost his balance and hit the ground. Yet again, lying on the ground, he pointed his gun in their direction. Suddenly and without warning, Bella showed up, squeezing his gun-holding hand, screams, "Ahh… Bella…! What the hell are you doing?"

"Paying back, my brother…"

Han-na assisted Aera in boarding the boat. Aera happily looks at Jenny and Shin.

Han-na wonders, "Lee… Where are Anderson and Rang?" However, there is no reaction from the other line.

"Mr. Lee… Mr. Lee?"

"What happened, Han-na?"

"Signal cut off."

Daniel advised, "Guards were approaching, we better start the boat."

Aera said, "Please wait for a few more minutes, they surely will be back."

Anderson rushing towards the forest, while some guards trying to attack him. He struck them as sprinting to the boat.

A sudden bullet was fired towards Aera by a guard.

Bo-ra asked nervously, "Han-na… can you hear me? Han-na…"

Rang asked, "Bo-ra, what happened?"

"Someone on the boat was shot…"

"Who is that?"

"I think Jenny, but not sure. We are unable to contact them."

Unplugging the earbuds, Rang and Anderson sprinted frantically into the forest. When they reached near the boat, Anderson beat the man who shot Han-na.

Han-na, who had fallen into the water, was hauled into the boat by Daniel. Having been shot, he is severely hemorrhaging. Daniel said, "I am sorry. The longer we wait, the sooner we shall all perish."

Aera cries, "Han-na…. open your eyes…"

Shin becomes frozen, "No… No."

While Anderson and Rang were approaching, Daniel started the boat and it began moving. After a short sail, Anderson and Rang finally made it to the boat by swimming.

They entered the boat without issue. Rang looked at Jenny with concerned eyes.

Anderson rips off Han-na's shirt and treats him with first aid.

Han-na opened his eyes gradually and turned to face everyone. Jenny said, "Hey… Han-na, are you insane? You even decided to give up your life for Aera."

While Jenny noticed Rang's worried eyes focused on her, he quietly exited the room.

Aera smiled reproachfully at Han-na. "Aera, are you okay?"

"Yes… I am sorry."

"I am also fine, after looking all of you once again."

Bo-ra gives Han-na a slight smile.

Ji-ho says, "Everyone must out. He must take a nap. One of you should stay to be around him."

Jenny said, "Then I'll stay."

Shin interrupts, "No… I will stay."

"Sure, why not. I'm worn out from boating. I relax a little."

The entire group dispersed. After taking a medical hit, Aera took hold of Anderson's hand and seated him on the bed. He gave her a solemn, inward look.

On his elbow, Aera applies the wound ointment. "Aera, I'm very sorry. Your father didn't leave the country, which I should have told you sooner."

Aera quietly tending to his injuries.

He adds, "Why didn't you question me about of what I am doing? You've never been curious about me, why? Why didn't you question me why I am doing this Mafia business even though it is a risk? Why didn't you mad at me once? Why did you not despise me…? Or… you came up with the conclusion that I am a bad guy?"

Aera unexpectedly kissed him on the lips, tears falling down from her eyes.

She moves her lips softly away from his, "I missed you."

Anderson's face is expressionless as he looks at her.

"You've known my father for more than 15 years, and I sense, you care about him more than I do. Therefore, I don't think that you would leave my father in Lucas's hand. And my father raised you, so you are not the bad guy. 'You are a good man' that's what my father told me. Also, I want to express that you are a good man."

As she spoke, Anderson kissed her while crying. He then gave Aera's hand the piece of paper.

"What's this?"

"Detailed map of Orchard Island. I promise not to allow that to happen again, but just carry it with you at all times."

Rang was seated in his bedroom on the bed. Jenny approached the room, "May I come in?"

He instantly stood up.

With the first aid kit in hand, she reached him and said, "Sit, I'll treat your wounds."

Rang turned in the other direction, "Leave the box. I will treat myself."

"Are you avoiding me?"


"Look at me then… why are staring at other side?"

"Leave, I am not in the mood to fight with you."

"I noticed you after we returned from Seoul, you've been nice to me. But then, starting yesterday, you didn't even give me a look, why? Had I done something wrong?"


Jenny stepped in front of him, "Now say it with my eyes."

Rang suddenly kissed on her lips, her pupils grew wildly wide.

Rang backed away, "I told you to leave the room. Now leave… right now."

Jenny with a great shock, left the room.

Shin was seated next to Han-na, quietly. "I am fine. You leave to get some rest."

"I am not exhausted."

"Do you have something to say?"

"I pardon you."

"Come again."

"If I were in Aera's place and you shielded me by taking a bullet to the chest. I won't even forgive you. Thankfully, you saved Aera, who cared for me instead of my mother after she passed away. I thus pardon you."

Han-na smiling with tears in his eye.

"As you stated, I'll be heading back to Seoul tonight. Once I've completed my studies, I will come with you to China to visit our mother."

"Are you okay with our father?"

"My mother has never hated our father, regardless that he abandoned her. She truly loved him until her last breath."

Han-na burst out of cry, "I swear, I will never abandon you."

"Yes… I believe you."

After a few moments, Han-na questioned, "How did you find out about my love for Aera?"

"Your eyes…"

"Huh… my damn eyes. With these damn eyes, everyone would readily find out over me."

"You know what, it is, a good thing."


"Not everyone can communicate their love in this way, but you can. Every time Aera looks into your eyes, she will be able to read your internal thoughts without needing a word from you. Now say, isn't it good?"

Han-na smiled as he gave his words some consideration. With relief, Shin leaned his head against Han-na's shoulder.

When Lucas opened his eyes, Bella was seated across from him as he lay in bed. "Haven't seen you for a long time, my brother."

"Bella, you idiot. You ruined my total plan."

"How dare you sent thugs to kill me, and then plan to live with that Aera?"

While bleeding from his chest, Lucas stands up and asks, "What are you saying? Why did I intend to kill you? Have you gone insane?"

"You are the one who became insane of Aera. You hired your thugs to kill me in the hotel."

"No… I didn't do that." After some consideration, he said, "That was Johnson's man. Have you forgotten that I was the target of a murder attempt while I was staying at Jeson's house? His allies are attempting to murder me since I deceived Johnson in order to kill Anderson."

"You are lying…"

"Use your brain, Bella. Right now, you are the only family I have. I never engaged in these kinds of behavior. Anderson was playing with you. If you don't believe me," he handed his gun. "Shoot me, right now."

Bella sighed, "I am staying here. If you do anything against me. I don't give any damns, just shoot on your head," as she finished speaking, she left the room. Lucas touching the wound on his chest.

"Bye, Aera." Shin gives a hug to Aera, Jenny and Bo-ra.

"I have enormous plans to go on a long vocation with all of you. So return fast to me, I miss you," sadly remarked Shin as he waved goodbye before getting in Cho's car and driving away.

Jenny said, "I feel better now that Shin has left."

Aera said, "I too."

Jenny walks in to the house while she see Rang. She attempted to get away from him because she felt insecure, but he called out to her, "Would you give a company to drink?"


"Han-na isn't well and Cho went to drop Shin. I don't usually drink by myself… would you give a company, then?"

On the roof, Rang and Jenny were both drinking. He wonders, "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing much. Want to end this problem as soon as."

"Mmm… After that?"

"I will resume my restaurant, happily. You…? Wait, wait… You could probably continue working with Anderson on Mafia matters.

Rang as he grinned and poured the soju into her glass, "What do you know about me?"

"I guess, you've known Anderson since you were young. And you began working on things with him because he is your friend. For a very long period, you hadn't been dating any pretty girls. Busy with shooting, fighting, chasing and so on."

"I had a wife."


"I also had a son. I've known Anderson since I was ten years old. I desired to work as a police officer. During my high schooling, I fell in love and she also got pregnant. I ended my studies and boxed up my ambitions since I had a responsibility to care for two individuals. We rented the house and started living."

Jenny recalls the pregnancy of her mother, who was a high school student.

"After my son was born, we opened a small restaurant too. Although we had led peaceful lives, they didn't last forever. One day, the two gangs gather in our restaurant for a meeting. At the end of the meeting they got in to fight, they shot my son and my wife, along with five other innocent bystanders." He suppresses his tears.

"Soon after, I teamed up with Anderson to exact vengeance on them."

"You killed them…?"

"No… I wanted to be a cop, so I punished them according to the law. They were imprisoned for the rest of their lives."

Jenny ceased speaking. Rang said, "Don't feel sorry for me. I got used to it."

"Do you like me?"

He coughed, "What?"

"Do we kiss again? Morning you kissed me, that was a bit sweet. I thought that the kiss lacked flavor. But it—" Suddenly Rang gave her a lip kiss.

She remarked, "Sweet."

With a bullet extractor, Lucas self-removes the bullet from his chest. He dropped the bullet on the bowl, made the sutures, and thought back to the time when Rang shot him.

He was approached by a thug who handed him the photo and said, "Sir, he is the one who is helping Anderson."

He looked at him after taking the picture, "Richard brother?"

"Yes, sir. When Anderson was in a coma, he was the one who hid him in the States. He cleared out all his illegal works."

"You go now."

On Anderson's shoulder, Aera was sound asleep. She resisted his attempts to stand up and said, "Stay for a while."

He smiled, "Then I stay for an hour."

She kissed his fore head.

"Are you not concerned about your father?"

"Why should I be concerned about him? He will take care of his own because he is my father. My father is quite resilient."


Han-na is sleeping in his room when Bo-ra walks in. She set the meal on the table and seeing his peaceful resting. She reached out to hold his hand, but then faltered.

Rang caught sight of Jenny while she was cooking joyously and gave her a secret hug behind. She cries out, "Ahh…"

Cho enters the kitchen, "What happened?"

Rang and Jenny exchange embarrassing expressions.

"Rang sir, again you're nagging Jenny. Give it some rest, she is so pity. Don't worry, from now onward I am not letting Rang sir near you, I swear. Come on, Rang Sir, we have tons of work to do."

Cho yanked his hand, Rang left the area with sadness.

Pictures of Anderson, Rang, Aera, Jenny, Bo-ra, Lee, Han-na, and Jeson were placed on the board that Lucas prepared.

Bella questioned, "You are going to kill every one of them?"


"I don't think you will succeed in it."

He walked up to him with violent means, "Don't think low of me?"

"Then, who are you going to murder first? Aera or Anderson?"

On Rang's picture, he fired an arrow, saying, "Him…"