Wax cave

One of the guards informed Lucas, "Boss…, Anderson is heading towards our island. Should I order our guards to—?"

"No… Let him step onto our island without causing any trouble." "Come, Anderson, your doom is awaiting you."

Guards are surrounding him as Anderson steps off the boat and says, "Come with us, we'll escort you to the boss."

Anderson is moving through a passage way, where guards are transporting weapons and drugs. The guards left him as he entered the large, dark cave. Anderson is searching for the light while the light is blazing behind him. He turned up, but the light was too bright for him to be able to look at it.

Lucas gradually emerged from the shades of the light, saying, "Welcome again, Anderson, to my island. How was your trip?"

Anderson didn't give him an answer.

"Are you still mad with me for what I did to Rang?" asked Lucas as he approached him. "Honestly speaking, you are far more knowledgeable in this field than I am. If we don't exact our retaliation right away, they will advance one step ahead of us."

"I'm not here for revenge Lucas."

"But I am here for revenge, you moron," Aera, who is experiencing some dizziness, babbles.

She blinks and then slowly arises. "Am I on the island?" She took a peek around the walls of the room.

She went near the metal gates, through the narrow openings, she asked the guards, "Is this the Orchard Island?"

The guard ignores her and continues to stand there with his face hidden under a robber's mask.

"Ahh… Why didn't they respond to me?" "Excuse me, I want to meet Lucas. Call him, right now… call him…" Aera shouts loudly.

After some time, she sat on the ground while a couple of men wearing hoods entered the cell. They came up to her with a knife. "Ahh… I completely overlooked Han-na. God, please keep him safe."

She saw the man with the mask approach her brandishing a knife. She asked, "What are you doing? I wish to speak with…" They suddenly stabbed her.

All through the caves, Lucas's laughter could be heard. "What? What exactly did you say? Not seeking for revenge?"

"I am not kidding."

Lucas rubbed Anderson's chest with his hands, Anderson grasped his hands, "What are you doing?"

"Why are you freaking out? You stated that you are not here to exact vengeance. I am just checking on you, owning any weapons? Shall I check on you?"

Anderson raises his hands, Lucas examines the front and back of his shirt. "All good. Then continue, why are you here?"

Out of the blue, Anderson knelt in front of him.

Lucas asked in disbelief, "Is there a problem with your head? What does that imply?"

"Forgive me. For what I did to you and what my father did to your father."

"The great Mafia Anderson is pleading with me for mercy." Lucas says while squatting down and hitting himself in the head. "No… this is not a dream."

"I am sorry. You want to be the head of this business, I'll give it to you... I will give you all of the money that I have made throughout the years too."

"You will sacrifice everything you've got, right?"

"Everything… except Aera. Let her alone, out of this business."

"However, I heard you sent her back to Seoul. You really left her behind?"

"That's none of your business, Lucas. I will never give up on her even if she left me."

"Does it stem from love? No need to respond, because I can understand your words. Argh… You are confusing me, Anderson. Stand up and fight with me." Lucas was leaping in a fighting stance.

"I told you I wasn't here to get even."

Lucas suddenly struck him in the chest. Anderson collapses to the ground in a backwards. "Come on, now fight."

Anderson stands up from the floor and kneels down once more.

"Ahh… Why are you doing that?" Lucas repeatedly hits his nose with his head while grabbing his shirt. He then struck his face, pouring blood all over Anderson's face.

Finally, Lucas lifted Anderson up by grabbing her shirt. Finally, he used his head to beat his head again. Anderson falls to the ground.

Lucas screams, "This game is damn boring because of you. Stand and hit me up. I have the impression of striking a dead snake. Don't you become enraged?"

Anderson was in pain as he moved about on the floor.

"Okay… I now know how to enrage you even more." "Guards…"

A guard carrying Aera as he enter the cave. "Look at this, Anderson," said Lucas as he pulled Anderson up by grabbing his shirt.

When Anderson noticed blood dripping to the ground, he followed it and turned to see. "Aera…!"

"Bingo… Dead Aera…"


Lucas tugged his cheek in his direction, glaring into his eyes, "I ordered them to kill Aera. Now she is dead."

She was thrown to the ground by the mask man.

Anderson screams, "Aera…"

Lucas says, "I wanted to see this cry on your face for a long time. Please cry as much as you can before I kill you."

"Aera… Aera…"

"Poor Aera… If Aera had loved me, she wouldn't currently be dead."

Anderson stands up infuriated and tightens his fist. He abruptly hits Lucas in the face, "Why did you kill her?"

Giggling, Lucas wipes the blood dripping from his mouth, "Now you got angry. Come now, I am all ready"

He is beaten to a pulp by Anderson. Both were desperately fighting. With a heavy kick from Anderson, Lucas flies over and slams the cave walls.

While Aera coughed up, Anderson heard her voice stop to hit him. Uneasily turned to see Aera, who is coughing up, "Aera…!"

Aera slowly tries to get up, "Have I slept for a long? My head hurts…" she wondered as she looked around the cave, "What's this place?" and saw Anderson, "Jimin."

Lucas screams, "Aera…!" he asked the mask-wearing man who had taken her, "Why she didn't die yet? Why?"

The mask-wearing man revealed his face, which was Jeson.


"You hoped that I would flee away to save my life… No, I need to secure my daughter. You disgusting scumbag…,"

"I forgive you, but you again and again get on my nerves. Why…?"

"Go to hell Lucas," as Jeson said, he drew closer to Anderson and wiped his blood.

Lucas is preparing to draw his gun when Aera notices him. Aera suddenly drew out a small stick-like object, which she then shook into a big sword. Aera said, as she applying pressure to his neck with the sword, "Drop your gun, Lucas, or I will slit your throat."

Lucas didn't, however, throw his gun away. Aera stabs a wee bit on his neck, spilling blood. "Don't make me repeat myself, Lucas. Throw it."

After throwing the gun, Lucas glared fiercely at her.

"How did this sword feel? This sword was presented by Kang, which was designed to kill you. Even if I leave you once again, you never going to change, will continue to haunt us. What if I killed you right here?"

Anderson said, "Aera, what are you doing? You were the one who advised me, but you are now acting on it. Leave him, Aera."

"No, Jimin… I am extremely familiar with him. He won't ever change."

"If you insist on killing him. I shall use my hands to kill him… You don't need to."

Aera exhaled and thought back to Jin-won's face when he spoke from the top of the parapet wall, 'I thought I'd fall without ever seeing you.' 'It's good to hear. From now on, you won't need me. You should take responsibility of your own life."

Aera cries out loudly, 'No. How could I survive without you? I need you. And I will always need you. Don't abandon me in this fiery pit alone.'

'No, Aera. I do not deserved to be here Aera, please do me a favor. Live your life as much as happy.'

She recalled Jenny's final words while her two hands, which are gripping the sword, trembled, 'My entire life, I lived alone. I detested it so much when I had spent the day by myself in my room, glancing at the walls again and again. I quickly lost the ghost of loneliness when I began to love Rang. It no longer terrifies me, it vanished out of my life. But now, I think about Rang, that he won't be in my life…, not anymore. The ghost again haunts me.'

'Go Aera, live your life.'

She burst out of wail, "Why did you kill them, Anderson?"


"Why did you kill Jin-won, Lucas?"

Lucas chuckled at her, "Why do you still remember that dumb moron? Think only about me…, only me, who is standing in front of you."

Because of his continual laughter, Aera becomes infuriated and abruptly uses her sword to scratch his body.

As he stared at his torn shirt in awe, "Aera…!"

Anderson yelled, "Stop it, Aera…"

"Why did you kill them?" While Lucas was moving back, she continued to continuously scrape his body. Finally, he collapsed to the ground and pleaded, "You are not the kind of girl who kills people. Stop it."

A threatening-looking Aera came up to him, "But you are a monster, Lucas. Total monster." Aera raised her sword to stab him.

But she couldn't stab him, sobbing, "Why god? Why? Why I couldn't able to stab him? He could he kill people easily without remorse, but I was unable to kill him. Why…?"

Jeson remarked in ta calm voice, "That is the difference between him and us, Aera... No human has the power to take another person's life; if he did, he is a monster. To kill another monster, we don't need to transform into the monster Aera. Let him be; he will be reimbursed for his actions. Aera, come to me."

Aera gradually cools off in response to his father's words and disposes of her sword. She raced into her father and apologized before giving him and Anderson a hug, "Sorry…"

Jeson pats her, "It's okay, Aera. Are you hurt?"



Lucas pulling out a cigarette placed in his mouth, looked in his pocket for a lighter. He lit the cigarette using the lighter he had taken out.

Aera is embracing Anderson while crying. Jeson said, "Come on, Aera. We should leave the island, first."

"Yes, father."

Lucas laughed evilly, "You all think, I will leave you so easy without having my revenge. No one is going to leave this cave as alive."

Anderson interrupts, "Stop your babbling, Lucas."

After smoking, Lucas flung the cigarette against the bare wall. The wall gets ignited, when the cigarette makes contact with the wall.

Anderson was shocked, "What the hell?"

Lucas explains, "Wax was used to create the caves. The whole room gets burnt quickly, no one will be able to escape this chamber alive, as I previously stated."

Aera yells, "Are you stupid, Lucas? Open the damn door… Now."

"Aera, I'm prepared to sacrifice my life, right here with you. And, I am happy too."

Aera cries out as she approaches the door, "Excuse me, please, open the door… Please."

Lucas arrogantly bragged, "You know what, Anderson, I am going to win this war, even though I am going to die, and I'm delighted because you're all going to die."

Anderson punches him across the face, "You trash…"

Jeson yanks him back, "Anderson, please calm down. This isn't a time to fight. We should figure out how to leave this place, first."

"There is no way out because everything is literally melting, including the floor where you are standing. Then the entire area vastly descended into the water. There is no turning around."

A sudden thought popped Aera's head, "Han-na…!" she approached Lucas, "Where is Han-na? Answer me, Lucas… Where the hell is he?"

"Probably, he's dead now."


"I didn't direct my guards to kill your pal; I only confined him to the unoxygenated space."

Han-na struggled to breathe in the cramped space. He bangs on the door, "Help me… Help me…" Eventually, he passes out, "Aera… Where are you?"

Aera strikes herself in the face, "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have brought Han-na with me.… What am I supposed to do?" as she was speaking, again, she slapped his face.

Jeson stopped her, "Aera, look at me. Stop blaming yourself, Aera. Calm down, we will surely find a way out."

Lucas took a stealthy step backward before seizing the sword. Anderson was sobbing while gazing at Aera. Lucas then stabbed him from behind. Aera and Jeson's faces were splattered with blood..

Aera shouts, "Jimin…"

Lucas moves his hand away from the sword; he leaves the sword on his back. While someone opened the cave door, enters the room, which was Lee.

Anderson, who is standing with bruises all over his face and a sword resting on his back, startled Lee, "Anderson…" Without giving it another consideration, he pulled his rifle and shot at Lucas's hand.

Lucas's hand was stained with blood, "Ahh…"

Anderson turned around to face Lucas, "I already warned you. Don't do anything at my back. If you really wish to stab me; do so in the front, in the heart. Otherwise, worse things await you than death."

Anderson moves his hand backside, he pulled the sword out on his own. He cried out in misery, "Ahhhh... Ahhhh..."

He tosses up the sword into the air; grabs Lucas shirt dragged closer to him. As the sword came down, he snatched it and chopped off Lucas's right hand. The hand piece fell on the floor.

Lucas was bleeding, "You made a great mistake, Anderson."

He was pushed to the floor by Anderson

As Aera sobs in Anderson's arm, "Jimin…" She takes off his outer shirt and bind it around Anderson's stomach firmly.

Lee was the first to enter the cave after a large group of thugs.

Lucas chuckled as he sat on the ground, ""You all idiots believed that if you killed me, you could leave the island at will. I'm not really that ignorant. I'm going to ruin every one of your life." "Guards, kill every one of them."

The burned portion of the cave was still expanding. With knives and rifles, the guards are surrounding them.

On Aera's lap, Anderson was dozing off. Jeson and Lee stood guardian-like next to them.

Jeson asked, "Lee, how did you arrive here at the correct time?"

Lee remembers when Ji-ho mysteriously smiled at Anderson at his house, 'Go, Anderson.' Turned to face Lee, 'Come uncle, I have important work for you.' Ji-ho left the place with Lee.

Lee wondered, 'What significant tasks do I have more than Anderson?'

Ji-ho remarked, 'To protect Anderson.'

Lee said, "Ji-ho, my son sent me here," in response to Jeson.

"Then, what are your plans?"

"Our last hope," Lee said, pulling a little remote control out of his pocket, which has a red button on it.

Lee faced Lucas, "You are very much fond of bombs, right, Lucas? You attempted to kill Anderson in Dutch club by using the bomb and you killed Jenny and Rang by using this bomb."

Lucas was terrified, "What the hell is that thing?"

"This one… a bomb," as Lee said, he pressed the red button. Everyone in the cave at once hears the ticking noise.

One of the guards noticed the bomb which was on behind of door, "Bomb…!" The guard reached out to touch the device.

Lee warned them, "Stay far away from this bomb; it is exceedingly deadly. You have never heard of this bomb, which will demolish 15 miles."

"Within 15 minutes the bomb will blow up, and the bomb will explode simultaneously if you touch it. Everyone will be shattered into fragments and drowned in the sea. Nobody will ever be aware of Orchard Island's presence here."

He adds, "You all staked your lives a great deal over the years to be alive, but if you don't leave the island in the next 15 minutes, you will perish for nothing. Every single one of you will be doomed."

After a brief moment of thinking, caused by Lee's statements, the guards ran out.

Lucas screamed, "Guards, don't go. He is tricking you."

Jeson relaxedly grinned, "Whoa… great brain is yours. You scared the hell out of them all."

"Hurry up, we should leave the island."

"Why? Isn't the bomb fake?"

"Who said? It is the real one. I had no choice in order to leave the island, therefore I used my last hope of a bomb. The bomb is ticking, and there is no way to stop it."


"I was reluctant to utilize that bomb device. But things took place."

"Shit… Come, Aera."

Anderson was slowly raised by Lee, placing Anderson's hand on his shoulder, behind them, Aera and Jeson were strolling.

Lucas becomes enraged when they depart. He picks up the sword once more, and stands slowly with the aid of it. As he hurriedly approached Aera to stab her, Anderson unexpectedly picked up the sword. He clenched the blade tightly, his hands bleeding.

Lee said, "Leave the bloody sword, Anderson." However, he retained the sword.

Anderson's swords were violently taken from his hands by Lucas. Anderson cries out in agony, "Ahh…"

Aera was frightened when the wax began to fall, saying, "Father, we should leave the place."

As they start to leave the room, a sizable lump of wax drops in front of them. Aera said, "How should we be able to leave the room? The timer is also running."

Anderson said, "It's just a wax, therefore it will quickly melt. But the real problem is…" he fire spread to the ground, which allowed water to enter the cave. "Yes, because of this fire, we will drown in the sea."

Anderson was assisted in leaving the room by Lee. As soon as Aera exited the cave, the water within started to fill up. Lucas approached gently and said, "Dad… You are going to leave me to die."

Aera turned around, holding Jeson's hand, "Father, what you are doing? Don't believe anything he says. Let him pass away."

Aera dragged his father out of the room, "Uncle Lee, which way do we have to go?"

"This way, Aera."

Lucas is being doused in wax as Jeson turns to face him. Jeson wept for Lucas as he screamed in agony from the burns the fire had left on his body.

Aera enquired, "Dad, what are you doing? Time is running out."

"You go first, Aera…"