
If there's a possibility for a teleportation device to have been in existence right now, I would definitely use it! I was already about an hour late for work and as I was running to be there as fast as I could, the face of Margaret Lee, my boss came to my mind.

Her wrinkled lips would have a bright smile for sure. She must be delighted that I gave her a reason to give me one of those wonderful speeches of hers, only she thought that, about punctuation on the working hours and of course my inability to sell one of her properties assigned to me, that was the subject that glued everywhere. From being late to work, even to global warming.

I entered the office and headed straight to my desk. Letting my staff on the locker behind the door, I dropped on the chair trying to catch my breath. As soon as I sat on the chair, Mrs Lee was standing on the door frame, her hands crossed in front of her chest. Her face was like a hyena excited to see her meal already at the table.

I felt a knot in my throat. I couldn't do anything to avoid it so, I just had to sit and endure the torture. The good thing is that she didn't take a long time to perform her beloved speech, of I learned so well the stages. First, the disappointment I cause to my family name since all in the family were involved in real estate and all well successful except…you guessed correct.

Second the disappointment to my father, God rest his soul, that was the best salesman she had met in her career.

Third, my general lack of skills in this area, accompanied by my late submission to work.

To be honest, I was expecting more than three stages, but my eye caught someone sitting in her office. I couldn't see much thought, because he was sitting with his back to me. I never paid attention to her words anymore, so I tried to look regretful during the torture.

Suddenly, she stands up and walked to her office she told me above her shoulder:

"There's a client who insists to speak with you. I don't know why but you better make him buy something." The poison drips from her lips.

My sight returned to the man on her desk sitting and many thoughts passed from my mind, trying to guess who he might be. But none of the people I know would match.

I saw a tall figure stand up and walk slowly towards me. When he finally entered my office, I stood up to greet him.

"Good morning Sir, I'm Electra Thompson, nice to meet you", told him extending my hand to him. Instead of a handshake, he took my hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. The gesture reminded me of Stephen the first day I met him. Although his attire was normal – in suit and tie – I recalled that this gesture is not something you experience every day.

"Delightful to make your acquaintance" he replied. His voice was cold as the worst day of winter. And the vocabulary puts me in suspicious thoughts.

We sat down and I took a moment to look at him. He was tall, with dirty blond hair and dark brown eyes. His skin was rather pale, and he also had a very small beard. But my interest was in his eyes. They looked like I saw them before somewhere. I didn't bother much, however. He might be one of those familiar faces.

"Allow me to introduce myself. Professor Paul Frost."

My blood froze in my veins the moment I heard his name. I could swear I saw his face changing, he probably noticed my reaction no matter how small it was. I wanted to find a way to escape, to go on the road and start running, as fast as I can without looking back. But it was worthless. I could not go anywhere. I had Professor Frost in front of me sitting perfectly calm and intimidating, and outside my office, I wad Mrs Lee with her claws sharpened ready to attack.

So the only option was to stick my but on that chair and pretend as if nothing happened. Yes, piece of cake.

The silence was unbearable as he kept studying me for any micro-expression that may betray my panic. And the truth is I could hardly breathe! I was feeling ready to faint from fear when finally, he opened his mouth to speak.

"I can assume that you know the reason I came to visit you, Miss Thompson. Your face at least shows like it." His voice was deep, like coming from the bottom of hell.

"I know who you are sir," I replied, trying to make my voice sound confident and not scared to death. "I know also what you want, as your men informed me the night before. But the only thing I don't know is why you came here. Usually, this job is to be done by others."

That last one was not meant to be said out loud but even in my panicked state, my mouth slipped before my mind could think. However, Professor Frost seemed rather amused at hearing it. He remained silent for a second, his eyes studying me carefully.

"You have guts to face me, I wouldn't tell you to have it in you. Though I like it, I'll give you that." Prof. Frost said with a hint of surprise in his voice. "The reason I came here is to have a discussion with you. After the unfortunate events of the previous night, I think is most appropriate to inform you about the dangers of your denial to give me my rightful item." He gives me an intent look.

Damn him! He really knew how to scare people with looks! I tried to focus but that nasty voice inside me was against me!

"As you already know, I had an item which is of high importance to me, and it was unlawfully taken from my possession. Without getting into too much detail, which is not of your concern, I found the location of that item I seek and is in your house."

I felt the blood rising on my head and my hands turning into fists under the desk. If I could strangle him right now, how conveniently would end everything? But I can't. Not at least as the hyena responding to 'Mrs Lee' was watching me. But even if I tried, he would be much stronger than me.

"Unfortunately, by the time I arrived the house was not abandoned anymore, and we could not retrieve it with such convenience." He continues casually, like threatening people was his all-time occupation.

"So, you send your men." I glared at him, trying to look the same intimidating as him. "And you didn't stop there, you actually instruct them to kill us. Because they attempted that as well."

I was furious, if my look could kill him, I would be much more satisfied at the moment. But this bastard didn't seem to be afraid at all. I was afraid of how I was reacting to his words. I hardly ever remember when it was the last time I talked back to anyone but the feeling was highly likeable.

"You already are dead my dear." He hissed. "Every moment you are near that item of mine, you are in grave danger. Also, I'm afraid that we have a common acquaintance. I suppose he persuaded you for the exact opposite. You must understand that all I am trying to do is to get you free from an insufferable fate. Give me what I want, and you will be free to go back to your normal life."

For a moment I have to admit he sounded very convincing. I just had to give him what he wanted and that's it, problem solved. But all this was just acting, he had plans for that and that plans I was most afraid for. Stephen had talked to me about his suspicions when Professor Frost gets in his hands the stone, and the results were not good at all!

I wished with all my heart all that to be a bad dream, but it wasn't. I gathered as much courage had left in me, hoping this to finish soon.

"And if we assume that I find the item you so desperately want; I don't know what it looks like. It would have been something I could have easily thrown away..."

His hands – which were linked together – flexed and a nerve appeared on his forehead. His patience must be running out but I don't care. As long as we're in the presence of my boss he cannot do anything to harm me. Then suddenly he came back to his relaxed state – as quickly as he had changed to fury a moment ago.

"You cannot ignore such a masterpiece, Miss Thompson." Said cutting my sentence. "But if it helps you, the item I am talking about is a stone, dark red in colour, and about the size of your palm."

"Nice. Then I should keep my eyes open in case I accidentally find it. Then I will inform you, or one of your scums, I give you the stone and you disappear once and for all from my life. Correct?"

I was truly amazed at myself. I heard my voice pretty intimidating, showing him that I'm quite ruthless as him. Really, good job!

"Indeed." His voice was sharp like a blade.

"Well, I think our conversation is over. I don't see any other matter to discuss. Excuse me, but I have some business to do. This is a working place in case you didn't notice. I will notify you as soon as I find your precious stone."

I couldn't believe the words that come out of my mouth. Me, being rude. And especially to someone such as Professor Frost. I mean, the guy is like a born leader of a mob or something like that. Definitely not the kind of person to be rude at. However, he agreed with my comment about the nature of the place. He stood up with a precise move he took my hand and kissed it.

"I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible, Miss Thompson." He said still holding my hand. I thought I was mistaken but he actually tightened his grip on my hand. That son of a bitch, he still tries to frighten me. I attempted to get off my hand from his grip, but he didn't let go. We stood there looking at each other trying to look scary as he held my hand tight. Then he finally let it go, he nodded and walked away.

As he vanished from sight, I dropped myself into the chair. I just had an encounter with the man that pursues me all these days. And the most frightening part is that he had given orders to kill me. On the other hand, I was truly amazed by my courage to confront him. Ideally, I would have cried until the entire place had flooded with my tears, begging him to spare my life. But not today.

The rest of the day at the office was pretty boring, I had a huge pile of paperwork and Mrs Lee was occupied having an extensive conversation at John's office. He also dropped the blinds down, so I assume they had a very time-consuming meeting. And I didn't care, as long as they leave me in peace.

My thoughts run to Stephen, I was longing to tell him everything that happened with Professor Frost today. I couldn't count the minutes until I finish my work, go home and meet him. Instinctively, my mind filled with memories of last night. Our moment in the kitchen before Frost's men break-in, then our kiss, adrenaline and passion entangled in one single kiss. How he claimed my lips with such force, demanding more and sending me to bliss.

My cheeks were burning. My heartbeat is racing. I tried to focus on the last pieces of paperwork left and I gave a hard fight to do it.

When finally finished with my paperwork, I grabbed my things and left. Mrs Lee was still in John's office, so I didn't bother to tell them I'm leaving. I felt such a relief stepping out of that place. I couldn't wait till I come home.

As I turned around the corner, I spotted two people standing on the opposite pavement. I kept walking trying not to raise any suspicion. A few minutes later, I stop and bend down to tie my shoelaces, taking a quick look only to spot these two men I saw before, still walking a few metres behind me. My eyes became wide as I recognized one of these men. Blond hair up to shoulder height, Light brown eyes, filthy costume and short round hat. And the previous night was in my house, holding me captive with a blade on my throat.

Blast you, Professor Frost! He wouldn't give up so easily. Well, guess what, me neither. I kept walking pretending I didn't see them. Suddenly, I turned and entered a bookstore that was full of people, probably a book launch or something. However, it was the best chance to lose me. I saw them enter as I was going up the stairs. It was packed. Just what I wanted. I wandered between the shelves pretending I'm looking for a book. Then I passed through a group of people talking loudly about a book making gestures and other staff and entered the elevator. I managed to close the doors before they can spot who was inside. After almost half an hour of playing with the stairs and the elevator, I marched out of the bookstore and turned immediately to the sideway. I waited for a minute and no one of these men came out, they must be still inside looking for me.

I stayed sideways until I reached the park. The sun had set a long time ago and the park had not had much light on the side I was walking, so I used it to pass unnoticed. I stood outside my door and gave two short knocks. The door opened and I saw Stephen, his emerald eyes looking at me with anticipation. I stepped inside and he locked the door behind me. Just as he turned to face me, I moved forward taking him into a hug. I was so happy seeing him and being all right. And for a strange reason, being in his arms made me feel safe. His hands folded around me, resting on my back and drugging me close to him.

When we parted, I lifted my face until I met his. Sparks were coming out of his emerald eyes, making my ears red. I placed one hand on his chiselled torso.

"I have so much to tell you..."

Then immediately I realized what I had done. I lowered my face to the spot where my hand rested on his torso. My cheeks flamed and I lowered my eyes, to avoid looking at him. I was ready to step back, letting my hand from where it was, when I felt his strong hand landing on top of mine, squeezing it gently. I looked back, where now our hands were folded. I felt his warmth piercing through me, spreading through my entire body. I lifted my face to look at his sharp features. His eyes captured me at once, not able to leave sight of them. They were shining bright like a starry sky. Some part of me was ready to let go, but a part of me was determined not to. Finally, I gathered all the strength had left in me and took a hesitant step back.

"I met Professor Frost today. He came by the office." The words came out of my mouth before giving any second thought. I wanted to tell him, but I had a feeling that he won't like it. But why he could possibly care about me? After all, it's the stone he wants. The kiss may seem nothing to him. Just some kind of release from the adrenaline.

However, he grabbed me by the wrists, pulling me close to him. If his look could kill, I would be already dead. His eyes narrowed until they became a thin line of green fire. His grip was tight enough, I couldn't move.

"What happened? Did he hurt you? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

I felt his grip squeezing my wrists, even more, I could feel pain where his hands were on my skin. I looked into his eyes and saw confusion.

"He was expecting me. I went to work, and he was already there, in Mrs Lee's office! And stop squeezing me, it hurts!"

He looked startled at his hands, holding firmly mine. Slowly, he let his grip off my wrists and looked at me with an ice-cold look, like it was my fault. And that made me mad.

"Please accept my apologies." He said sharply.

"Come on," I said while giving him a nod towards the couch. "It's a long story."

For the past hour, I thought I was speaking to a soulless statue. He just sat on the couch, with his ice-cold look pinned on me, and his straight, like a ruler, posture. I told him about his warnings to give him the stone, how important it was to him and the fact that we are all in grave danger as long as we're near it. Also, the part where he expects me to contact him when I find the stone. Of, course I've omitted to tell him how scared I was during this conversation. I didn't want to think of myself as a helpless damsel in distress.

Then I told him about my successful distraction and how I escaped Bill and his men that Frost had put to follow me. At that part, I felt very proud of myself, however, when I looked at Stephen, studying me with his arctic look, that feeling vanished in seconds. When I finished, I waited for a comment, a reaction, something. He did nothing other than pierce me with his dark green eyes. The silence between us was devastating, it felt suffocating. I was on the edge. Ok, I get it you're mad at me for a reason that probably is not my fault. But not saying a word about it was driving me furious! Yell at me scream at me but at least tell me what's going on in that head of yours!

"So, the stone is still hidden in here."

I wanted to kill him! After all that happened, he just made the conclusion that the stone is in the house! The blood was boiling under my skin from anger. Suddenly, struggling him sounded like a very good idea.

"Seriously, this is your reaction?" I said, and I took care of every single word to sound with the level of irony it deserves.

"This is the most important piece of the information you gave me until now, yes."

I wanted to kill him so much at that moment. I looked at him and I couldn't decipher him. He looked angry with me, and he was so arrogant with his answers. However, when I told him I met Professor Frost his first reaction gave me the impression that he cared about me, but it was just my wild imagination. Maybe he cared more if I said anything that it shouldn't, giving him a lead. I took my mobile from my bag and dialled the numbers quickly. He remained seated looking at me.

"Mrs Lee, sorry to disturb you at this time of the night, but I really need to take the day off tomorrow, it is an urgent matter that I have to settle..." I started talking stepping a bit away from him.

When my phone call ended, I turned to him.

"Let's find that stone."