The facts

It was cold. Very cold. I opened my eyes and found myself once again, lying on the floor, covered in blankets. Stephen and Robert were standing above me, agony on their faces. I felt my mouth dry like a dessert, a sign that I was in that state for many hours or maybe days.

"How long am I lying on the floor?" I managed to ask.

Robert opened his mouth but he closed it immediately. Then he opened it again but this time Stephen's voice took his place.

"Almost two days." He caught my arm to help me stand. Robert followed him getting my other hand. Very slowly, they helped me stand straight. Robert let go of my arm and went to bring me a chair to sit on. I was feeling very dizzy so I placed both hands around Stephen's neck. As we were standing here, holding me firmly, I lifted my head up to meet his eyes. I could have sworn that I saw dark clouds between this dazzling green. He narrowed his eyes and I automatically turned my sight to another direction. I couldn't tell why, it looked like my body was not obeying my mind. But I could still feel his emerald eyes on me. A shiver runs down my spine.

After Stephen helped me sit on the chair, he and Robert took their places opposite me. Stephen gave me a glass of water and I drank it all at once. I took a moment to just seat and stare at the two men in front of me. On the one side, Robert. I could feel his stress. Not only metaphorically. His left leg was shaking up and down like the aftermath of an earthquake.

On the other side, Stephen, looking at me intently with these dangerous green eyes, almost hypnotising me. His face was serious. I was expecting the time I will hear him ordering me around. And the first order didn't take a long time to come.

"Tell us everything."

It's really remarkable how he can drive me furious with just a three-word sentence. Truly, remarkable. I roll my eyes and make sure he sees my reaction clearly. As if I was about to hide something from them. What an ass!

"First, tell me what happened till I fell on the floor. I'm afraid my story is too long."

I saw him stiffen. Good, I made him angry. After a couple of moments, he opened his mouth:

"As soon as you touched the stone you entered into a state that I cannot clearly describe. Like you were unconscious but at the same time, you were perfectly standing. Your eyes became bright red and then suddenly closed. You were murmuring some words that neither I nor Robert could decipher and then you collapsed. Fortunately, I managed to catch you before you hit the floor. For the rest of the time, until you woke up, we were checking your pulse and tried everything we could to make sure you were still alive. We didn't move you because we couldn't know if any attempt to transfer you elsewhere would be dangerous for you."

As Stephen was talking, I noticed some scratches on his hands that I didn't have seen before. I couldn't hold myself.

"What about the scratches on your hands? Did you hurt?"

He didn't even turn to see his hands. Not the tiniest change of expression on his face.

"These are yours. During your delirium of incomprehensible words, you began scratching yourself. Someone had to stop you."

For an instant, I felt sorry for him and my eyes drifted from his face.

"I believe is your turn to tell us what happened." He added.

I kept talking for the next hour, or more. I told them everything. For the portal, Khala Ur and his mission, the ancient civilisations of Krunat, Draden and Trot and how Paton destroyed them, and the agreement I made to take the burden and protect the scrolls using the knowledge Khala Ur had transferred me only by touching my head.

And to end my narration, I told them that Professor Paul Frost is indeed part of a secret society that worships Paton and had obtained some dark powers. Yes, that was the most terrifying part. The whirlwind of information that hit my head the moment Khala Ur touched it was nothing compared to the images that I saw last. I saw Professor Frost dressed in a dark cloak next to other people with the same attire forming a circle. I saw him, stabbing a dagger into a young woman, lying on a large table while others, whispering words in an unspeakable language. A glass full of blood, passed hand to hand between the cloaked members. Professor Frost, ripping the dead woman's heart and eating it, in front of everyone present. Khala Ur explained to me how this ritual granted him powers that maybe made him capable to locate the stone.

I took a look at them when I finished my storytelling. I saw two faces screaming agony and fear in their own special way. Robert was more of the traditional, I would say, style. His skin had turned pale white – like the blood had been drained from his body, eyes wide from fear and his mouth dropped open.

Stephen on the other hand – the human iceberg and strongest contradiction of a man who expresses his feelings - was wearing the same mask for any occasion. But his eyes did all the talking. When our gazes met, suddenly I knew all he wanted to say.

Our plan to hide from the world was in action for nearly a month and now we knew that maybe was not successful after all. If he's capable to find the stone, it's a matter of time till he's here with his henchmen and we needed to decide if we'll leave as soon as possible, or stand and fight. I had just received the knowledge given to me by Khala Ur, I was now a guardian of the Krunat scrolls and able to conduct magic but I had no idea how. We need to take action and we need it now. Time is not on our side. The more we were thinking the facts, the more panicked we looked, and the absence of a solid plan was driving all of us crazy.

"I think we should call it a day; we need rest and tomorrow morning we should consider our options and maybe we find something," I said, trying to look calm.

I took the hands of Robert, who was nearly ready to faint and gave them a gentle squeeze.

"Don't worry my friend, everything is going to be fine. We'll make sure we have the time needed to be prepared."

He gave me a faint smile and he stood up heading towards his room. As the door closed, I started pacing the floor, while Stephen remained seated perfectly straight in his place.

For a painfully long time, no one spoke a word. I continued pacing the floor while he was seating on his chair looking at the floor beneath me like he was searching for an answer and it was right there.

"I need training," I said with a long sigh, getting Stephen by surprise. He sharply raised his head to face me. There was a spark in his eyes setting everything on green fire.

"So, you suggest we stand and fight?" He said slowly, almost in a whisper.

"Of course! What, you expected to run away again? If he can find us using his powers, what's the point of changing places? We have to face him, and if I can do something with the knowledge Khala Ur gave me, I'll do it. Even if I'm fully trained by now or not."

I was determined not to let Frost or anyone else bully me. A retreat is not an option for me. And I was glad Stephen felt the same way too. I could tell by the look he gave me. It spoke volumes. However, he said nothing in response and kept watching me. I looked back at him, questioning him with my face. Then, he stood up.

"We begin your training in the morning. Good night."

And with that, he walked to the door and disappeared from my sight.

I couldn't say I slept well. The things Khala Ur had shown me and our decision to stay and fight had brought me a wave of adrenaline that first time I was experiencing. I couldn't wait to start my training!

As soon as Stephen and Robert woke up, a cup of hot coffee found them waiting on the table. They were both looking at me suspiciously, while I was walking around, tidying up with a smirk on my face. I couldn't hold my excitement! When they finished their coffee, I joined them around the table.

"Shall we?" I said smiling.