My leg hurts.

The next day, I wore a track suit, that was what we were to wear on Wednesdays. Mine was blue with white Snickers.

I escorted Daisy to her class and head back to my class. I saw Violet and Crystal standing at a side of the mini bridge. They glanced at me and continued chatting. Crystal was on a pink tracksuit while Violet was wearing a purple tracksuit. I walked through the other side of the bridge. I was only Mid way when a brick fell off and my right leg sank into it making me fall and my leg stuck. I screamed so loud, it was so much pain.

Crystal and Violet came to me and they laughed as I wince in pains.

"Serves you right." Violet said and gave Crystal an high-five. They laughed and walked away. I tried to get up but my leg hurts because it was stuck. I felt my eyes already wet and ready to distribute to my cheeks.

"Please help me out."I cried in pains. I saw Jeremy and his friends as they watch me. They laughed, except Brian, and Jeremy, for some reasons angrily left. Brian stood helplessly. I looked away from them and wiped my tears, though it continued flowing.

"Kyla."Daisy called and ran to me. She tried lifting me up but she couldn't. I saw tears coming from her eyes.

"Daisy don't cry.."I looked at the students who were watching me and I turned to Daisy. "These people won't help me, Daisy, please call a teacher."I said and she ran immediately. The pain was getting worse, I couldn't move my leg. I cried in pain. The students stood there helplessly, some had pity on me but couldn't do anything because of Jeremy.

"Teachers soon came and tried to pull me out, I screamed more as I was eventually pulled out. I was carried to the school health clinic and treatment was given to me instantly. Daisy stood close to me, crying.

"That's enough Daisy, I'm fine now, ok?"I said wiping her tears.

"Why are they mean to you?"Daisy asked.

"I just tripped Daisy."I lied.

"You're lying."she said.

"Kyla.. Kyla baby."mum rushed in and embraced me tightly. She looked so worried.

"What happened? Why didn't you tell me what you were going through in this school? This is so horrible."she said and pulled me to herself. I felt comfortable, warm and safe in her arms. I wrapped my hands around her. She looked at me after sometime. "Who is responsible for this? I'm gonna deal with that person."she said.

"Mum, it was an accidental, I tripped."I said. I really don't know why I lied, why was I covering up for Jeremy? I know he did this.

"Mummy, it was that guy at the mall."Daisy blurted out. I shot glares at her.

"What!"mum exclaimed and stood up, she walked out before I could say anything.

"Daisy, why did you tell mum?"I asked.

"He is the one who hurt you, so he has to pay for it."she said and I sighed.


I immediately went to the male restroom. I paced to and fro. What is happening to me? Why do I feel this way? Why do I feel bad about what happened to that bitch? Of course I was responsible and I wanted it, but why am I feeling restless and hurt? I actually wanted to see her cry and now I got what I wanted but I'm feeling bad about it.

No, no, no this is not me. I've done things worse than this and I didn't feel this way. "What the hell is wrong with me?"I screamed.

She got hurt because of me, she cried because of me. "Gosh, what am I thinking?"I screamed again. She deserves it, yes, she does. I told her I would have my revenge on her and I did, but I don't feel the usual satisfaction, instead I feel guilt.

The door flung open and Violet came in and shut it.

"J, what's wrong? What happened earlier? You looked angry, why? We did exactly what you said, right?" She asked staring at me.

"Yeah, I know but I'm feeling weird inside."I Said.

"What do you mean weird?"she asked and walked closer to me.

"I don't know Vi, something is making me nervous. I really don't understand."I said messing up my hair.

"This is so not you." She said.

"Tell me about it."I heaved.

"Do you feel bad because of what we did to Kyla?"she asked.

"I don't know."I said. "Vi please tell me what's happening to me."I said holding her hands. She looked at me, not believing that I was saying this to her.


Is this the J I know? Was he feeling guilty because of hurting someone? This is bad, he shouldn't feel anything for anyone except me. I hope it's not what I'm thinking. I have to do something.

"Come on, J, what you're feeling isn't related to what just happened. It's normal to feel this way, ok? It's nothing."I said and he embraced me. I pat his back gently as. "Calm down now, ok?"I said and he sighed heavily. He was soaked in his own sweat.

"Thank you Vi."he said and I smiled. I've always loved Jeremy, but he never looked at me that way. He only sees me as his close friend and partner in crime. We've been friends for like forever and I developed feelings for him. I love him a lot. But he doesn't really think about girls that much. He doesn't like girls apart from me and I want it to remain that way. He shouldn't love anyone else but me. And I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make him mine.

He refrained from me. "Are you better now?"I asked.

"I guess so."he said.

"That's good, nothing good comes from overthinking. Let's head out now."I said and he nodded. "Hey, don't go out there and behave like a Winnie, ok?"I said and he laughed.

"You think I behave like a Winnie?"he asked.

"Yeah, earlier."I said and he laughed more and brought his face close to mine. I could feel his warm breath.

"I won't, ok?"he said and pecked me. He went out and I blushed.

"Silly guy." I whispered and followed him out. We went back to class.


"Hey dude, where did you two go?"Mitchell asked.

"To the restroom."I said and sat down.

"Wow, together?"Crystal asked naughtily.

"What did you two do there?"Mitch asked and I glanced at him.

"We went for a round."I said.

"Ooooh."they exclaimed and I chuckled.

"Hey, like seriously? Having a round with this guy would be like hell." Violet said and I rolled my eyes.

"And hot too."Crystal said biting her lower lip in a sexy way.

"I'm sure you're not able to walk properly."Mitch said to Violet.

"Dirty minds."Brian said but his eyes were on his book.

"And the nerd speaks."I said.

"What was that for?"he asked slightly angered.

"Chill bro, aren't you a nerd?"Crystal asked and Violet giggled.

"Well keep making fun of me...but this nerd.."he pointed at himself. "..will have his revenge on exam day."he said.

"Oh please, don't. My dad is gonna kill me."Mitch pleaded. Brian is the one who helps us during exams. He's the brain guy.

"Alright I'm sorry, ok?"Crystal said.

"Fine."Brian replied proudly. Jerk nerd.