Just to be clear, we aren't friends.

"Kyla."she called.

"Yes Mum." I answered.

"Tomorrow is Daisy's birthday." she said with a smile.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot."I said.

"We have to get her a cake." she said.

"Yeah, I'll do that."I said.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm sure." I said.

"Alright. Dont remind her about it. We are gonna surprise her tomorrow." she said and I nodded. "Get dressed so you'll go and come back on time."she said and left. I went to my closet and wore a jean trouser and a blue top. I took my phone and went downstairs.

" Kyla where are you going?" Daisy asked.

"Baby, Kyla has to go get something for me." mum said.

"Can I go with her?"she asked.

"No Daisy. I'll take you along next time." I said.

"Okay." she said sadly.

"Bye mum." I said.

"Bye, take care." Mum said I went outside. The driver was already waiting for me. I got into the car and he started driving. I really wanted to come out of the house. I had always stayed in the house ever since we got here and I'm glad mom isn't the type that locks me in. I looked out through the window.

Soon we got to the cake store. I alighted from the car and went in. I glanced at the beautiful cakes, hoping to see the one Daisy would love. It has to be chocolate because she loves chocolate a lot.

"So we meet again." A familiar voice said. I turned to see the jerk. He was on a red pullover and a black trouser. He looked cute on mufti. Of course I had seen him and mufti at the mall but I never noticed how...gosh Kyla, what are you thinking about.

"What are you doing here?"I asked and he looked at me with creased brows.

"It's a cake store, what do you think I'm doing here?" He asked. That's true, what was I thinking when I asked that? I turned to the cakes.

"It's your birthday?" I found myself asking. He came beside me looking at the cakes too.

"No, it's Violet's birthday tomorrow." he said.

"Oh really? That's nice." I said.

"So who are you getting a cake for? Your boyfriend?" he asked and I look at him.

"Seriously?" I asked and he laughed.

"Who is it for then?" he asked.

"Daisy, her birthday is also tomorrow." I said and turned to the cake. Why am I even talking to him.

"Oh, the boss lady." he said. The rain started falling. Oh no, I didn't bring a jacket.

I chose chocolate cake and paid for it. It was packaged and given to me. I gave the lady my credit card and she swiped and gave it to me. The rain was still falling heavily. I sat on one of the chairs for customers. Oh gosh, why didn't I bring a jacket? I'm freezing.

Jeremy sat beside me.

"Are you feeling cold?" he asked.

"What sort of question is that? I'm visibly shivering and you are asking stupid questions." I said. He took off his pullover. What was he trying to do? He was left with his white shirt.

"Put it on." he said stretching the pullover to me.

"But you'll feel cold." I said.

"Just put the damn thing on. You need it more than I do." he said and I took it and wore it. It smells nice and made me warm. I wonder why he was being nice to me. My phone rang and it was Mum.

" Mummy." I called.

"Kyla, where are you right now?" she asked.

" I'm still at the cake store." I said.

"Where's the driver? I hope he..."

"Hello... mum.. mum.."The line went dead.

"The network is bad." Jeremy said and I sighed. He switched on his phone and was doing some stuff in it. He's got nice hair, falling over his right eye. So cute. I loved his lips, his skin tone and ugh...gosh, how can an handsome guy like him be a jerk?

"So you finally admit that he is cute." my conscience said and I looked away from him. My driver came with an umbrella.

"What took you so Long?" I asked and stood up.

"I'm sorry ma'am." He said. I proceeded in taking off the pullover.

"No don't, you can just give it back tomorrow." Jeremy said.

"Are you sure?"I asked.

" Yeah, it's cool." he said. I was walking with my driver but I turned back to him.

"Just to be clear, we aren't friends. Ok?"I said and followed my driver.


I laughed at her words. She couldn't even thank me for what I did. She's the only girl, aside from Violet, who has the boldness to talk to me like this, and I liked that fact about her. A man walked to me. I recognised him as Kyla's driver.

"Young madam wants me to give this to you." he said giving me an umbrella.

"Really?" I muttered and took it, he left. I smiled. So she's got an heart, interesting.

I got up with the cake and went outside, they had gone already. I covered myself with the umbrella to the parking lot. I got into my car and drove home.


I went inside the house. Mom was in the living room. she embraced me immediately she saw me.

" I got so worried dear." she said.

" I'm home now." I said and one of the house helps took the cake and placed it in the refrigerator.

"Whose pullover is this?" mum asked.

"It's Jeremy's." I said.

"Who is Jeremy?" she asked.

"The guy at the mall incidence."I said.

"Really? Why did he give it to you?" she asked.

" I was really cold and he offered to help."I said.

"The same guy who hurt you? Is he your friend now?" Mum asked.

"No, we're not friends." I said and she nodded.

"Ok, go and have a warm bath and come down from some tea." she said and I nodded and went upstairs. Daisy was asleep. I took off the pullover and stared at it. I perceived it and it smells nice. I liked it. I would have to give it to him tomorrow.

I placed it in the washing machine and made sure it was dried. I placed it beside my bag. He occupied my thoughts throughout the night, till I fell asleep.


The next day, Mum and I lit up the cake with candles and carried it to Daisy's room. We sang the birthday song and she woke up with a smile.

"It's my birthday?" she asked.

"Yes Daisy." I said and tickled her. She giggled.

"Make a wish and blow the candles." mum said. She shut her eyes shortly and re-opened them and then she blew the candles off. "Your dad wants you to have that." Mum said pointing to a beautiful doll house.

"Ahhh" Daisy screamed and got down from the bed to the Doll House. "It's pretty." she said and embraced mum. "Can I have some cake?" She asked.