Dressing is everything.


After school, Dad picked us up. We branched to the ice cream shop because Daisy wanted ice cream. Then we went home. Grace came over later that day.

"You know you're a very bad person, right?" she said and I was surprised.

"How?" I asked.

"So he's your boyfriend now, and you didn't think it necessary to tell me."she said and I smiled.

" I'm so sorry Grace. It was just yesterday."I said fondling her cheeks to pacify her.

"But you could have informed me." she said.

"Ok, I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" I asked and pouted my lips like a baby. She looked at me.

"Awwn, you're so cute. Of course I will forgive you."she said and we giggled.

"Thank you so much."I said and embraced her.

"So tell me, how is he like? Is he funny? Is he fun to be with? Is he a talkative? Or does he talk less?" she gasped. "Have you guys had your first kiss together?..."


"Tell me. Is he romantic? Does he shower you with expensive gifts? Does he..."

"Slow down Grace."

"Why? I want to know everything."she said and I sighed.

"OK, I'll tell you." I said and sat well on the bed. " He's fun to be with. He's interesting. Whenever we're together, we don't run out of things to talk about. But I won't say he's a talkative. He's just himself. He's honest, yeah, he's really honest. He's free minded..oh my God, I love him." I screamed and we both giggled.

"That's nice to hear. I can't believe that you two were once enemies, not knowing then that you could share something beautiful as this, together."she said.

"Yeah, but now, it's so sweet to be with him." I said and hugged my pillow tightly.

" I'm getting jealous."she said playfully.

"Oh, don't be. I'm sure your boyfriend is on the way. Just don't fight with him when he comes."I said and we laughed.

" I won't...So tell me, has he kissed you or anything?" She asked winked at me.

"No, he hasn't." I said.

"Really? Why?" she asked looking surprised.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe he doesn't know how to do it." I said.

"How can a guy not know how to kiss his girlfriend?" she asked.

"I don't know, he only pecks me." I said.

"Pecks? Just pecks? Ugh.. then you kiss him."she said.

"Hell no, I can't do that. He's the one who has to take the first step." I said.

"What if he doesn't?"she asked and I just sighed. "Ask him about it. He must have a reason." she said.

"How can I ask him that? I would be like, ' um,why haven't you kissed me yet? Don't you know how to do it? Or am I not good enough?' " I stated and she laughed.

"Don't be that straight-forward. Ask him romantically." she said and I hissed.

"I'm not asking him about it. It doesn't matter, okay?"

"I've heard you." she said.

"Oh, I can't wait to go out with him tomorrow." I said with smiles on my face.

"What? You're going out with him tomorrow?" She asked in shock.

"Yes but..." she stood up immediately.

"And you didn't tell me? We have to select something nice for to wear." she said and went to my closet.

"We're not going on a date, just the salon."I said.

"And so what? You have to dress nicely." she said going through my loads of clothes in the closet.

"Dressing isn't necessary." I said and that seems to struck her. She came out of the closet and stood in front of me.

"Dressing isn't necessary? You've got to be kidding me. Dressing is everything. One must always look nice whenever he or she is going out." she said and I rolled my eyes.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes of course..ok, what did he think about your dressing when you two went on your first date tagged as a 'friendly date.'?"she asked.

"Well, he said I looked beautiful." I said.

"See? It shows that he loves it when you dress well. So leave your dressing to me."she said went back to the closet. I just sighed. Grace is just a fashionista. Her dress sense was just superb. She always puts in finishing touches to her dressing unlike me.

She came out with an off shoulder top and a rugged Jean trouser.

"Did you get those from my closet?" I asked in surprise, because I never knew I had those.

"No, I brought it all the way from my house." She said sarcastically and I chuckled a bit. She placed them on the bed and went to my shoe rack. "Hmm.. the salon right?"she asked and brought out a red pretty sandals. "You certainly won't need an hairband. You just need hair clips."she said and came to me. "You have to put the hair clips by the side of your hair, like this." she said and placed them on the left side. "And then, let this ones fall on your face." she said referring to the right side. She stood up and went to pick out a necklace and earrings. "You're wearing these." She said and place them on the dressing-table and also a red handbag.

"Isn't this overdressing?"I asked.

"Nope, it isn't. You always have to look nice when you're going out with him. Guys love it when their girlfriend looks beautiful, making other guys jealous." she said with a smile. Where does she even bring these ideas from?

~~~Next Day~~~

I dressed up in the outfit Grace chose for me. I looked myself in the mirror. I was ok. I looked through the window as Jeremy's car came in. He alighted from the car and gosh.. he looks so handsome. He was wearing a grey shirt, with two buttons opened, thereby revealing his chest. Why does he always do that? Even in school too. He wore a black rugged trouser and a black and white Nike sneakers. He removed his face cap as he walked in. I smiled and dropped the window blinds and took my phone and bag. I waited for some time before I walked out of the room. I proceeded to the stairs and walked downstairs.

"Good morning princess." Dad said and I noticed that Daisy has been sitting beside him.

"Good morning Daddy." I said and pecked him.

" I have spoken to him and he seems nice."dad whispered to me and I chuckled.

"Ok Dad, we'll be going now." I said.

"Alright, baby."he said. Jeremy stood up and we both walked outside.

" You've got nice parents." he said.

" Thanks." I said. We both got into his car and he was staring at me with smiles.

"What?" I asked smiling too because his smile was contagious.

"You look pretty. I love your dressing."he said and I smiled more. Maybe Grace was right, dressing is everything.