Why haven't you kissed me?

" I love you too." I said. He let go of me and held my hand. He showed me around the house before we went to the dining room. I wonder why he didn't just kiss me, I'm his girlfriend so what's the big deal? He pulled out a chair for me. I sat down and he sat beside me.

Soon, his parents came and they sat down. The maid served us dinner and we started eating.

"So Kyla, who are your parents?" mum asked.

"They are Mr and Mrs Francis."I said.

"You mean, 'D' Mr and Mrs Francis of the Mario group of companies?" she asked inquisitively.

" Yeah." I said and they glanced at each other. "You know my parents?" I was prompted to ask.

"Yes we do Kyla. As a matter of fact, we did business together." Mr Wilbert said and I look at Jeremy with a face that asks 'did you know about it?' He just smiled.

"Well, we're happy you two are dating."his mum said and I smiled. "And Kyla, I really want to thank you for what you did to my son."she said and I was confused.

"What I did?"I asked. He said you helped him to study and that's something I'm really grateful for." she said.

" Oh, that." I muttered to myself. " Well, Ma'am..."

"Call me mum." She said and I smiled.

"Ok Mum. I really didn't do much. He knew how to study, he just needed a challenge." I said.

"What challenge?"Mr Wilbert, or should I say dad, asked. I glanced at Jeremy he was just smiling.

"It's kinda complicated to explain, but I just made him admit that education was and should be his top priority." I said.

"And he bought that?" mum asked.

"Yeah, he kinda did." I said.

"Scale of preference right?" he said.

"Yeah."I replied, looking at him as we both chuckled.

"Cute. We've tried everything we could to make him study, but I guess he needed an angel like you to tell him before he acts on it." Mum said and we laughed.

Soon, we were done eating. I really enjoyed myself. Jeremy's parents were really fun to be with.

"It was nice having you here Kyla." mum said.

"It's nice seeing you two. I really enjoyed myself here. I now see where JeREMY got his jovial self from."I said and they laughed.

" Ok, Kyla. You should head home now, it's getting late." Dad said.

"Let's go babe."Jeremy said.

"Bye." I said to them and we both went out to the car. I really wanted to know why he hasn't kissed me yet, but I don't know how to go about it. We got into the car.

"Is there something wrong?"Jeremy asked looking at me.

"Everything is fine." I said.

"Then what are you thinking about? Ever since we stepped out of the house, you've been on thinking mode."he said and I sighed.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Sure." he said. Here it goes..

"Why haven't you kissed me?"I asked and he stared at me for some time. Did I say something wrong? He kept staring at me. "Well? I'm waiting... I just asked you a..." He pulled me close to himself and kissed me. I mean on the lips, and not my cheeks. He placed his hand on my chin, tilting my head up a bit as he continued kissing me. I reciprocated, opening up for him to gain entrance. I slowly shut my eyes, enjoying every bit of the kiss. I didn't want it to end but he slowly pulled away for us to catch our breath. I opened my eyes. Wow, that was so amazing.

"I thought you weren't ready for it.. I thought you would get angry at me if I kissed you. I didn't want to make you upset with me.. that's why." he said and I couldn't say a word. I was speechless. He ignited the car engine and soon we were on the road. I couldn't take my mind off the kiss. It felt so good. "Why do you think I haven't kissed you?" He asked, Jolting me from my thoughts.

"I thought.. maybe you didn't know how to do it." I said and he laughed.

"What? So am I a bad kisser?"he asked.

"No, I loved it."I said and he chuckled.

"Silly girl."he said and I blushed.

We finally got home and he parked the car.

" Thanks a lot baby." I said.

"Thanks for coming to see my parents." he said and I nodded.

"I love your parents so much. They are really fun to be with, and your mum is so pretty and young. If I didn't know she was your mum and I saw the two of you together, I would have thought you were cheating on me." I said and he laughed.

"Really?"he asked.

"Yes."I said.

"You are so funny."he said. "Okay, I'll see you in school tomorrow."he said.

"OK bye." I said and got down from the car. "Drive safely." I said and waved at him as he drove off. I went inside.



It was Monday morning. I hurriedly dressed up for school.

"Violet honey, breakfast is ready." mum called. I walked downstairs to the dining table.

"Good morning Mum." I said and gave her a peck. I'm an only child of my mum. My mum is a single parent. My dad died years ago, now my mum runs his numerous companies. I was to have two degrees, one as a medical doctor and the other, a business degree.

I was an angel at home. I behaved like a saint when my mum is around, so she'll think I'm a good girl. I can't afford to break her poor heart with the awareness of my mischiefs.

I sat down and started eating. My mum went upstairs. I quickly brought out my phone and dialed J's number.

"Hi Vi,"he said.

"J, are you on your way to school now?" I asked.

"No but I'll soon be."he said. I checked if my mum was coming but she wasn't.

"Okay. Do you think you could pick me up?" I asked.

" Ok, I'll call you when I get on the road."he said.

"Ok bye." I said and hung up. I want to see Kyla's face when she sees us together. My mum wasn't down yet, so I still have time to throw these veggies away. Who eats vegetables for breakfast? Ugh.

I quickly went to the trash can and emptied everything in it. I walked back to my seat. Mum came down all dressed up for work.

"Good. You are done with your veggies." she said and I rolled my eyes inwardly.

"Yeah, it was delicious." I said.

"Of course. You know what I always say. Eat healthy..."

"... stay healthy." I said with a slight smile.