
"Coach what do you mean by that?" J asked.

"You know, Wilbert, you have recently been losing focus in the game. You used to shoot the ball into the net several times but today you barely did anything." he said.

"What do you mean barely? I mean, I shoot the ball more than half of the times." J said.

"Well that's not good enough. We're talking about the States championship here Wilbert, you can't just relax because you scored more than half of the times. The competition isn't like the ones you're used to. It gets tougher, and at this rate we won't get anywhere..."

"But it's just practice, I'll do..."

"It's not just practice Wilbert.." he raised his head and I was startled. "You're getting distracted by that girlfriend of yours." he said and I gasped. What? How do I distract him?

"What does Kyla has to do with this?" J asked.

"She has everything to do with your lack of focus, Wilbert. The moment she came, you lost all your sense of reasoning." coach said.

"That's not true coach, she's got nothing to do with this. And I don't think I've been losing my focus sir. I know I've been trying my best."J said.

"But your best isn't good enough, can't you see? This competition can open good doors for you, like scholarships and it also comes with mouth-watering benefits for this school. We can't afford to lose this game and you Mr Wilbert, are going to take extra time for your practice. Have I made myself clear?" Coach asked but there was no response. "I said, have I made myself clear?" Coach asked, raising his voice this time.

"Yes sir" J said calmly. I walked away from the door and sat on the bench. Why is he being hard on J? He's not the only one in the team and he's always the best. I sighed. Am I really distracting him?

The door opened and J came out, looking a bit upset. I stood up and walked to him.

"Babe, what happened?" I asked and he smiled at me. He brushed my hair with his hands from my face.

"Nothing." he said.

"But you look upset." I said.

"Trust me babe, everything is fine. Let's go, it's getting late." he said with a smile but I knew he was faking it. He placed his right hand over my shoulder and we walked outside to his car. The school was quiet as almost all the students had gone home. We got into the car and he started driving. He was quiet. I knew he was truly upset. He was just staring at the road expressionlessly.

Soon we got to my house and he parked the car. "Come on, let's get down." He said but I held his hand.

"Wait.. J." I said and he looked at me.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I.. I kinda heard everything." I said and he sat uprightly. "Please be honest. Is it true that you're losing focus because of me?" I said.

"No, no, no don't say that. Coach was just being unreasonable. You are not the cause. Actually you are the reason I won the last competition." he said and I looked forward.

"That's not true. You always win, even before I got to the school." I said and he turned my face to himself.

"It's the truth baby." he said and I sighed.

"Then why haven't you been scoring high points?" I asked.

"It was just today, ok? Coach was just exaggerating. He's used to me scoring high points but today I didn't want to score high points. I wanted to give the other guys chances to beat me." he said.

"But it seems like they weren't even trying because you still beat them." I said.

"Yeah right? They are always depending on me and coach just keeps pressurizing me, it's annoying." he said and I smiled and cuddled his face.

"Well, he shouldn't be hard on my boyfriend because you are the best he's got." I said and he chuckled cutely.

"You think I'm the best?"he asked.

"Yes." I said.

"What if you see someone better than me?" he asked.

"No one can be better than you. For me, you're the absolute best." I said and kissed him.

"That means a lot." he said with a smiled. He sat uprightly and sighed. "Well coach has a reason for being strict with me." he said.

"Because you are the team leader?" I asked.

"No, my dad pays him to train me adequately. He wants me to be a professional basketball player. Maybe that's why I didn't really pay attention to my books." he said with a smile and I laughed.

"Really now?" I asked.

"Yeah." he said.

"Do you want to be a basketball player?" I asked.

"Heck yes.. It's what my dad wants and I love basketball so much, so it's no big deal."he said and I nodded.

"As long as you're not forced into it and you love it, then it's okay." I said.

"I told you that being a counselor is your thing." he said and I laughed.

"Quit pulling my legs." I said and he laughed.

"I'm not." he said. "Check it out, counselor Kyla Wilbert."

"Why Wilbert?" I asked.

"Because by then, I would have gotten married to you." he said and I blushed. "It sounds perfect, Mrs Kyla Wilbert, wife of Mr Jeremy wilbert" he said and I giggled.

"You're so silly." I said.

"But it's true, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, except for the fact that I don't want to be a counselor but a neurosurgeon. I've told you that severally." I said.

"Ok fine." he said. His phone rang and he picked it up. "My security." He said and hissed. "F***, how did it get so late?" He asked looking at his wrist watch. I looked around, it was getting dark. I checked my wrist watch, it was 7:05.

"Whoa" I said.

"Why didn't you make the time stop for the meantime? I haven't gotten enough of you yet." He said biting my nose and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I would if I could." I said and took my bag from the backseat. "You've got to go now. You can't afford to be driving in thick darkness." I said to him and opened the door.

"Baby." He called and I turned to him. He pulled me closer and kissed me deeply before releasing me. "Don't forget next time." He said and I nodded.

"Ok." I said and smiled before getting down from the car. "Bye." I said.

"Bye, I'll call you later." he said and I waved at him as he drove off. I walked inside.