Chapter 3

Rachel's POV:

We both pulled away from the heated kiss for a breath of air. I was going in for another when I couldn't feel his warmth near me anymore. My eyes fluttered open.

'U-Uh..', he stuttered. His hair was all but tangled up from my tugging on it and his lips were swollen. 'Sorry.', he continued as the corner of my lips curled into a smirk.

I was about to respond when he had already made his way out, pushing swiftly through the crowd.

'Wai-', I tried to call out but my eyes had already lost him to the mass of people.

'I didn't even get your name.', I whispered to myself.

'What are you doing?', Jeremy spoke up from behind me, almost giving me a heart attack.

'You scared me!', I exclaimed.

'Gee sorry sorry.', he laughed as the corner of his emerald eyes wrinkled. His ash brown hair was a mess, probably from partying, but all that made me think about was HIM and that kiss.

'Earth to Raa Raa.", he said in glee as I cringed. Jeremy has always thought of himself as the funniest dude on earth. He calls me Raa Raa as in Laa Laa, the yellow freaking Tellytubby, making me rethink why I am even his best friend.

Jeremy and I are childhood friends from kindergarten. We have always been attached at the hip until Sophie joined us.

Speaking of Sophie, I asked Jeremy, 'Where is Sophie?'

'Oh, about that.', he said, distaste overwhelming his features, as I urged him to continue.

'She started making out with that one dandy-looking dude so I left her to it and came to find you.'

'Talk about PDA.', he added as I facepalmed.

'This is a club, Jeremy.', I stated the obvious as he rolled his eyes at me.

'Don't tell me.', I said, feigning surprise.

'Did you come to find me to make out with me as well?', I said, poking him with my elbow. He made the most disgusted face he could muster.

'You're horrible!', I shrieked and it was only a matter of seconds before we both burst out laughing. He may not be so wrong about being funny after all.

About Sophie, we had met her around our high school time as seniors. Jeremy and I were eating lunch at the cafeteria like any other day. Noises started to chatter as a crowd gathered around a table to our left. I got up from my seat across Jeremy to check it out. And, there was Sophie with a scowl glued to her face. I followed her blazing gaze to find it scorching none other than our school's infamous bullies: Sarah, Victoria and Jessica.

I didn't know what made them think it was a great idea to bother her in the first place. I mean, anyone could tell from her appearance, not that it was a bad thing but on the contrary, that she shouldn't be messed with. From her blue dyed hair to her stockings, she was something else.

'I dare you to talk behind my back again.', she said, her lips twirling into a smug smile.

'Let's just go.', Sarah whispered to the others.

'She can't even take a joke.', Jessica said under her breath as they walked off with Victoria following on their tail. Sophie then sighed and sat back down. The crowd started to dissipate when I approached her.

'Hey.', I said with a smile.

'Hey.', she replied, smiling back at me.

'I am Rachel. You were really cool there.', I said with an approving look.

'Sophie. Thanks, you're one of the few who would say that though.', she responded with a smile that didn't reach her wide eyes.

'Oh really now?', I said, raising my eyebrow in suspicion.

'Really! People, like those girls just now, usually say I am scary, aggressive and so on.', she gushed.

She acted like it didn't affect her, but her expression just then had exposed it all.

'I guess I am not people, then.', I said, in an effort to comfort her, to which she smiled.

I had thought that Sophie was such a beautiful person. I still do. She has those adorable dimples which dig deeper whenever she smiles, not to mention, her eyeliner on fleek, bringing out her chocolate brown eyes, and her pale pinkish skin tone, complementing her blue bob cut. She has maintained that hairstyle for two years or so now.

Jeremy then appeared, clearing his throat from behind us. I turned around.

'Sophie, this is Jeremy, my childhood friend. Jeremy meet Sophie.', I introduced and we have grown close ever since.

It was the next day and I was beyond exhausted from last night. I was dozing off in my anatomy lecture as the professor went on about our human body wonders and so on. Sophie and Jeremy weren't with me because of our completely different majors. Sophie majored in architecture while Jeremy majored in engineering. They had more classes in common than I ever could with my pharmaceutical science major, which I was forced into by my mom. I could feel the professor shooting daggers at me with her stares, but I couldn't care less. After two hellish hours, she said,

'I would like to give you all an assignment, but I need you to work in pairs which I will assign...'

Her voice faded as I dozed off again.

'Last pair, Rachel Anderson,'

She called out my name to which I am startled awake.

'Yes.', I said groggily.

'and Zack Miller.', she continued.

'Yes', someone answered from behind me.

'Okay, thank you. You are dismissed.', she finally said.

I rushed to turn my head, curious to whom I am going to be working with.

To my utter surprise, it was HIM.

-----End of Chapter 3----

Thank you for reading!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!