CHAPTER 1- Permission To Love You


Two days later Crown Prince Ko U-Ram is willing to take back his words

*Earlier during the day*

He made a call to the mogul Min Family home and asked to speak with Madam Min to request a meeting with the family. Because according to his Petal...

"Calling Papa will undoubtedly be unfavourable. My brothers will tell Papa first which will only make it worse. Mama can cool all of them at the same time. She has the same standing as Papa. But more gentle" DaeHa said with a smile.

But there maybe one thing he did not add. He didn't want to scare his man away.

"Assistant Pan" U-Ram calls out

"Yes your royal highness" Head Assistant of U-Ram's royal assistants and secretaries responds with a bow

"Wish me luck" Ram huffs an exaggerated sigh.

DaeHa "..."

"Goodluck to your royal highness. Fighting!!" Assistant Pan says with a shake of his right fist.

Daeha "..."

U-Ram nods with pursed lips and a 'serious' face.


"Yes Petal?" switch *doting star eyes*

"..." *intense pink cheeks*

"Nothing hyungie" DaeHa

"Okay love"

"..." *intense red ears and cheeks*

"Let's do it!!"

"Mrs. Min HyoRi speaking" a gentle voice answered after the phone had been passed .

At the soft voice which also felt soothing to his nervous mind, all playfulness faded from the Sen's voice as his back subconsciously straighten.

"Annyeong hasimnikka Mrs. Min" he respectifully greets. "This is Ko U-Ram of the Western Royal family" he introduced himself.

"Crown Prince U-Ram?" she asks. She was surprised when she was told the Crown Prince of the Western State wanted to speak with her. She does not remember having any unofficial meetings with the royal families.

"Yes ma'am" he politely responds

"Greetings to His royal highness Crown Prince of the Western State" Mrs. Min greets. Even if it is through a voice call be it official or not, she still has to follow the royal protocol of address

"All formalities at ease Mrs. Min. This is an informal call" U-Ram respectifully says.

Although the Min family are part of the top three families outside the royal families, they hardly appear at social events except for a few special ones. They run one of most successful business empire in the Great Korie Empire. Which branches to almost any and every market industry. The mogul Min family head and his beautiful beloved dark red haired wife are known as the empires most powerful couple amongst their generation. With the younger generation wishing for a fairytale love like theirs. Although he had met the Min couples a few times during the special rare times the couple had honoured an invite by the Imperial Crown and other Royal family heads(mostly selected), U-Ram isn't that close to be familiar with her to call her 'aunty'.

And he didn't want to suddenly startle her by calling her 'aunty'... until he states his purpose.

"To what do I have this honour of call Your Royal Highness?" she asks with a small smile

"I should say, it is I who has the honour to call ma'am" U-Ram quickly responds with a little nervous laugh.

"How so your royal highness?"she sounds amused at the 'sweet mouth' of the young male.

Taking a deep breath to calm his nervous heart he braved himself.

'For my love!!'

"I will like to ask for the honour of Min DaeHa's hand in marriage" he respectifully says. His voice clear of any doubts and hesitation.


"So you are the reason Snowbird refuses to come home" she asks. Her tone light without any waver

"Snowbird...?"  The Sen was stunned by the name. He turned to the blushing male trying to burry his face in a soft cushion

''Soo perfect!! So cute!!'

DaeHa was wishing to burry himself in a hole. Why expose him so soon?!!

"I am sorry about that Aunty" U-Ram sincerely apologised.

"I will like to ask why you both suddenly want to get married but i think with my never failing instincts, Snowbird is pregnant. Am I wrong your royal highness?" Her tone turned cold

The sudden change of tone made the Crown Prince of the Western State feel hot sweat run down his back despite the cool A.C.

"I am sorry" U-Ram apologised once again. He was met with cold long silence. He has heard of how intimidating Madam Min can be when it comes to business. Although she chose to be known as a 'housewife', there is no doubt she is as smart and precise as her husband.

"Snowbird~ Snowbird~ Snowbird~" she singsongs in a soft tone. "First time he ever gets in trouble, he wins the top spot from his brothers"

Ram felt his heart constrict for a second as DaeHa stiffened at his side. His big palm engulf the smaller hands tightly clasped together. His pheromones gently soothing the nervous Ven.

"Dinner at 8pm" Mrs. Min says

"Yes ma'am" U-Ram instantly replys

"You both will have to tell my husband and sons by yourselves. I can only try to reason with them before you drop the bomb on them" she says. Her tone slightly different from when he had just called.

"Yes ma'am"

"Then see you two later tonight your royal highness" she greets

"Yes ma'am" he responds

After that the dial click signalling the end of the call U-Ram slowly sink into the sofa, his free arm tightly wonded around his boyfriend's tiny waist dragging him back along with him.

"Now I understand why I need a lot of luck and blessings" he dramatically wails

Despite being scared of the impending meeting, DaeHa couldn't help but giggle at his lover's dramatics. That put the Sen at ease. He could feel the nervousness radiating from his pregnant love.

"Assistant Pan" he sits up

"Yes Your royal highness"

"Announce to the rest of the assistants and secretaries to pray and wish me goodluck" he instructs laying back down to pull DaeHa closer to his chest

"Do I tell them the reason for it your royal highness?" Assistant Pan asks

"Just say it's for the future of our Kingdom. If it goes well, everyone will get two times monthly bonus" DaeHa burry's his already red small face into the neck of his boyfriend. He is sure if he continues to get any redder and he'll finally look like a spicy chilli pepper.

"Yes your royal highness" Assistant Pan replys more vigorously "Then i should say my goodlucks and congratulations starting now. I wish you 200 and more star years of happiness" he says with a curtsey bow.

Crown Prince Ko U-Ram who had just received his first goodluck wish and congratulation didn't know he really deserves the 'lucky-wish' for a whole different reason.

*Mogul Min Family mansion*


"Yes Madam" the middle aged butler arranging the scattered papers on the big office table answered

"What is the capital punishment for killing a royalty?" she leans back into the cushioned chair. The air surrounding turning chilly.

"It will depend on the Royal Household and their position within the Royal linage Madam" he gently but efficiently wiped the coffee stains on the cleared space

"The Crown Prince of the Western Kingdom" she squints

"A death sentence for the murderer and their entire linage Madam" Lindsay replies without stopping his job. Being the family butler since the marriage of the family head and Madam Min, he knows how the Madam feels about the sudden news of the third youngmaster.

And he also can't help feeling a little upset too. He watched each of the youngmasters from their birth till now and they all see him as part of the family. Although he has a high standing in the family, he still knows better than to behave out of context of his identity as a butler.


"He is not only the apple of his parents eyes but also an excellent Crown Prince in all terms and aspects. And there are inside rumours his younger brother the second Prince is a favourite apprentice of the higher 'Intelligence' " Lindsay reports. To be in the Elite class means to know more about everything around them.

"What about a bit toughening up?" she snorts

"One moon-month of having to deal with the Imperial courts summons and questioning. Then 10 star-years years of jail time Madam" Lindsay responds


"If I may say Madam. You do not have to worry about having to go through that" Lindsay

"Why say so?"

"I believe the young masters can do the toughening up instead Madam"

A frown crossed the delicate brows. Not like she didn't believe in her boys. But she just has an itch to throttle the Crown Prince herself

"And the good thing is it can only be passed as 'combat training' amongst the younger generation" he says with a smile. He pours her a glass of water. He had come along with a serving AI trolley which carried a few desserts and drinks

"Yes you are right Lindsay" she breathes out the tension in her heart. The cold icy water calmed her itching nerves. She believes in her two little brats. They definitely will do something about it.

'I can't believe that pervert stole my baby!!'










At 7:40 in the evening they get to the Mogul Min family mansion. U-Ram is in a decent but unofficial suit. He comes as a man who wants to marry the love of his life. After introducing himself this time, he will come back again after as the Crown Prince along with his family and officially propose again.

From the moment the butler let them in the dining area, Crown Prince Ko U-Ram could see the glaring and cold eyes from the Min brothers. He could only flick his earlobe and pretend not to see.

After the tensed dinner, they move to the family hall. He then tells the family about his relationship with Daeha. The Ven sits beside him with head bowed and fingers twisting, not daring to look at his family.

Pressident Min felt anger boil at the revelation. That is his precious third child okay!! But his wife gently calmed him down while giving the crown prince an unimpressed look.

"Min DaeHa" President Min calls in a low deep voice

DaeHa sat up straight as if in millitary.

"Yes Sir!!" He 'squeaks' loudly.

"Come kneel down here and hands up"