CHAPTER 2: Luxury Aesthetics of Two Moguls

Part 02

*Not long after the incident, his Mama calls them together to tell them DaeHa hyungie was pregnant for the Crown Prince of the Western State. Although he felt it unacceptable and a bit 'betrayed' for some reason, a long chat with Mama before his pregnant hyungie and his soon to be brother-inlaw came for dinner eased his uncomfortable heart.

"Family has always been the most important part in the heart of the Mins. And uri Snowbird has found someone to start a new family with. Someone whom seems to really love uri Snowbird. If it doesn't happen now, it will happen later. Although i know you wished it was later just like your papa and I, we are just happy as long as he is safe and genuinely happy just like we wish for each of you brats. DaeHa is still uri Snowbird and that won't ever change. We just need to be there to support him and make sure he never lacks for anything" her soft soothing voice and the gentle rubs on his back as they cuddled into each other in the chaise chair in front of DaeHa's blossoming mini lotus pond as the sun set behind the horizon, eased the disgruntled feeling he had in his chest.

Since then he vowed to work harder and make more money to support all his older brothers when they get married. There is another member of the family who is *three star years younger than DaeJung hyungie with a shorter 'fuss' compared to hyungie's 'gentleman's revenge' temperament and style of dealing with things. He is their second cousin from his Papa's side. A member of the "RogueGentlemen" clan and DaeJung hyungie second bestfriend. He's also the fiancé of the Crown Prince of the Eastern State.

[a/n: I made a mistake with the age and corrected it]

The Eastern Royal family are related to the Imperial family through marriage. The first Crown Prince of the Eastern State was- the now -First Imperial Crown Prince Consort of the Empire, Sen Yi Yeong-Cheol.

Long title short, Yeong-Cheolie hyung is the leader and eldest of his clan 'MoneyGhouls' and he passed the title of the Crown Prince of the Eastern State to his second brother when he married the Imperial heir of the Empire. Now Yeong-Cheolie hyung's second brother is the current Crown Prince who is engaged to his older Min cousin. Since they are related, it is easy to take care of each other. But Snowbird hyungie is on the far opposite of the Empire- that is the Western State- and their ancestral home is in the Eastern State, so he has to support him more.

He hopes his other brothers don't marry too far off. That way he wouldn't have to worry too much about how they are faring( also he can get to easily see them). But along the way of achieving more success and making money, he came to a realisation 'Money IS his Aesthetics'. He chased after the stock market, assisting the scariest but smartest young business tycoons in the 'Monarchy'. Although not yet out of his teens, DaeChan knew the meaning and value of time and hardwork.

With him being passed around to apprentice with a different hyung after every few months and almost barely having enough time to submit his assignments, he diligently did his duties, still topped in his class and manage to have fun all at the same time. Something he learned from his hyungs.

Currently he is in his first year of university studying musicals and dance. And by word he is amongst one of the best. He still plans to study Economics and Business administration later after graduating this course. For now he is going to enjoy being a partner in 'business and crime' with the craziest crackhead of a hyung called Kwon Han-Ju.

A very hyperactive mass of what seems to be inexhaustible energy for a Sen. Short natural blonde hair, eyebrows and almost white long lashes made his teal-green eyes resemble some kind of 'cat-demon' of the beast race. Handsome will be bit of an under rating to describe the Sen. Although the Sen just turned 20 star-years- same age as DaeHa hyungie- he looked every inch of sexiness Chan's inexperienced brain could conjure. And that is saying something as every member who has joined the 'Monarchys' are just downright the 'cheats' the gods created in their leisurely time.

Han-Ju hyung although chaotic, clumsy and sometimes gullible, everyone in MoneyGhouls can attest to his brilliance in creativity and arts.

The Kwon family are a whole generation of wood carvers and blacksmiths. With their natural talents and what most believe to be an affinity for the *'earth', they have created the most outstanding and best works no matter the level of difficulty.

[a/n:* like earth bending. having a connection to the soil and everything it 'creates'. plants, natural minerals etc.]

The previous deceased Emperor had bestowed the title "Imperial GrandMaster Carver" to the patriarch of the Kwon family who is Han-Ju hyung's grandfather. Whiles his granduncle (Han-Ju's grandfather's younger brother) had been given the title "Imperial Grandmaster Blacksmith".

The Kwon family has been in charge of every furniture and weaponry used by the Imperial family for hundreds of star-years now. Han-Ju hyung is the definition of "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"

Taking after his father and grandfather will be an understatement since he has far surpassed the achievements the oldmen had at his age. At 20, Han-Ju hyung and his cousins has gone head to head in almost every wood carving and Blacksmith competitions both in and outside the Empire since age 5. And shamelessly won. It felt almost disrespectful for the Empire to send the Kwon younger generation as representatives for Intercontinental Games now. But Han-Ju hyung leads his cousin by at least 4 wins.

Chan has known the senior since he(Han-Ju) returned back to the Empire at 16 star-years and Chan 12 star-years. Chan had admired how the perfectly lithe and pale looking clumsy hyung could easily lift and 'manhandle' a log six times his weight and body.

Chan loves his brothers but he is sure his buff and strong eldest brother, Hyunjae hyungie might find it a bit difficult to carry. Later through DaeHa hyungie, he found out the bouncing ball of energy was the infamous youngest master Carver and Blacksmith from the Kwon family who had just returned back from his tour around the Unirse. The sixth (6th) member of 'MoneyGhouls'. A grade S+ Sen who also has a flair for the 'Aristocrat arts' as some call it.

Musicals. Broadway musicals.

Also he feels ultra modern with his love and natural talent for modern street dance or just say any dance. This is why he believes it when DaeHa hyungie says

'The heavens do have their favourites'

Kwon Han-Ju just happens to be one of them. Chan won't lie, he did develop a tiny crush on the Sen as they worked closer and got along more. In the clan, Chan can confidently say the Sen spoils him the most. Everything Chan suggests is taken seriously by the Sen. Whatever piece of wood carving artifact the Ven wanted was what he got. Amongst his 'internship' period with his hyungs, Chan can say interning with Han-Ju hyung was his most favourite.

Their clan leader, YeongCheolie hyung had nearly tossed him to a different hyung in the Monarchy because he and Han-Ju hyung seems to have too much fun instead of working.

Han-Ju had to promise not to overly indulge him(Chan) anymore before the leader had begrudgingly agreed. And YeongCheolie hyung made sure to keep an eye on the both of them.

Chan will be turning 17 soon and he has a small wish in his heart.

'Have a mate before my next heat'

Although he is just turning 17 star-years, he has experienced his heat twice already and he doesn't want to experience the next one by himself. His family made sure he was well attended to by doctors and nurses during the first and second time. He was heavily medicated and mostly in a sleepy daze almost throughout the period except for when he needed to eat and get cleaned. He still could feel the deep sense of absence in his heart and his usually steady glands continued to twitch frantically all through the ordeal. As if waiting to be soothed.

Although less painful for him compared to many but it was still very much uncomfortable. It was as if the veins in his neck and behind his ears were about to burst open. And the continuous gushing of clear heavily scented slick makes him really question if his body is made of just 80% gooey scented slick and 20% blood.

Mama had comforted him saying he would experience it the first three times after that it will be less painful and less 'slicky' but still uncomfortable (how that was supposed to be comforting he does not know). By then he would not have to worry about missing school or other important events. And also he will be of legal age to find his mate.

He won't be able to get married till he is 18 star-years anyway but Chan really can't help wishing for a mate for his birthday.

His mind can't help but wander to a certain narural blonde, pale and very handsome Sen.

'What a pity'

Chan has two bestfriends who are both a star-year older than him and are like his diary. Well they are each other's diary at this point. They belong to the same clan. Particularly the 'last three diamond maknaes' as they've been dubbed by everyone else. Also they actually are the three youngest in the Monarchy. Taking trips when on break from their numerous amounts of work and gossiping about each other's love life is a favourite pastime for the 'Diamond Maknaes'.

If the three of them should start a reality show about their private gossips, Chan is sure they will forever remain in the number one spot of every media outlet all over the Empire and beyound.

'And make massive amount of cash in flow and probably a few enemies... well a lot of enemies. But a lot of money though' he sighs. Too bad it can't be done for privacy and protocol reasons.

Currently they are in Country AusRa with a group of friends after the second oldest maknae, Jee Gwan-il Jason got his 'heart broken' by unrequited love.

Like seriously, Chan can not for the life of him understand how his two tiny bestfriends could fall in love with giants. Like he always wonders what kind of picture that is. It is rare to see a Ven of barely 162cm falling in love with a Sen of over 189cm( and still growing by the way).

In ancient term that is a perfect definition of 'the little rabit and the giant wolf'. But hey~ it's not his problem.

'Not my ass going to get ripped in the future though' he shrugs enyoying his wine. 'Maybe I should invest in this wine?'

The rich fruity aftertaste totally covers the taste of the little(10%) alcohol. And he doesn't feel the familiar odd musky taste other low level alcohol wines seems to have due to their storage conditions. This just taste like fresh grapes wine.

'Definitely worth investing' he nods to himself going back to his relaxation therapy. He is lounged on a floating bed filled with neatly arranged snacks, pillows and a blankets in the middle of the very wide pool. The sun was setting and the cool AusRa breeze made him adjust the thick blankets. The speakers in the floaty bed playing a chill trippy song that just perfectly fit the setting sun beyond the horizon.







When they got back from their trip, his 'heartbroken' hyung seems to have his heart 'unbroken' and it's like he has been injected with chicken blood. Now he- Chan -is being dragged around by said hyung to open antique coffee shops across the Empire.

At this point Chan is about ready to quit and go find his Mama to rant to. This hyungs will make him go grey before 20! He is just 17!( a week more to go). But that's beside the point!

"Honestly sometimes i want to curse you useless hyungs then i remember you are my hyungs so i have to swallow it back" he sighs packing his laptop and other touchpads into his bag. They had just finished a 4 hours meeting. Which was filled with the usual chaos and madness familiar in the clan for the first 3 hours. The remaining hour had been a quick dealing and drawn conclusions which could have been done in 30mins. If only they had not decided to gossip about other clans and make useless arguments about who is more 'shrewd' in other clans. Annoying thing is- they are back to gossiping.