The first time Gwan-il fell in love was when he was 10 star-years old. It was the first time he came across a tall handsome teenager, who he later learned was the heir to the Capital's Seo family business and probably the next future Imperial Prime Minister of the Empire, Sen Seo Ji-Hu. Those very close to him called him Polar or just Ji-Hu.
But to Gwan-il, the Sen was HIS '😍Jiji-Bear😍 hyungie'. Much to the skeptical judging looks from his two bestfriends.
Although he knows he was too young, he just wished that Sen Seo Ji-Hu would be his mate in the future. He promised himself to work hard and be stronger so he can marry the senior when he gets of age.
"Not to burst your bubble little one, but we still have a long way to go" Hanwool, the 'older' of the three bestfriends said, not lifting his head from his mixing bowl.
"And he is waa~~ay older than you" DaeChan (the maknae) adds, vigorously kneading the cookie dough. "You are 10 and he is 18"
"And too bloody tall" Hanwool huffs in annoyance.
"It doesn't matter" Gwan-il waves off
"What if he finds a mate before you are all grown up?" Hanwool questions
"Let's just grow up a bit more and think it through" DaeChan nods in agreement
" both sound like the hyungs now. Don't forget we are the same age except for aegi" he points at Chan.... who just ignores the two as he continues to battle the sticky dough.
'Cooking is really tough!! No wonder I can't be a chef!!' He thought to himself
Gwan-il understands what his bestfriends meant, but he will just keep his fingers crossed and hope the Sen remains single till he(Jason) grows up.
From then on, the little Ven worked hard in school and in business. Quite impressive if you ask any of his hyungs (mind you, Gwan hates studying).
Jee Gwan-Il Jason is the first and only Ven of the Aristocrat Jee family.
The Aristocrat Jee family are a generation of painters and photographers who has been in the capital since the evolution of the Unirse. With how noble and powerful the Jee family is, there are not many people within, unlike other families. They are quiet and like to keep low key most of their lives although they hold very vital roles in the Imperial court.
Gwan-il's mother on the other hand is from a very large aristocrat and prominent family in Country Ans, 'Nobles of House Lansfort'. With the noble titles of Duke and Duchess. They built their worth from collecting, preserving and curating antique pieces. Be it art, jewellery, clothes or furniture. Making them the second richest family in Country Ans.
It really surprised his parents and younger sister that he suddenly became studious. At first they were worried, but after reassurance from HanWool and DaeChan, they calmed down and praised him alot. Gifting him a new unlimited credit card and a car collection.
"Mum, Dad... don't you think this is a bit exaggerated?" He asked looking at his parents
"Not at all dear. You finally know what you want to do in the future. Your mum and I are very happy" his dad's usually stoic face held a wide smile.
"What if I change my mind?" Gwan-il sighs
"That's true..." his dad furrows his brows
"Well it does not matter" his mum answers waving it off "I'm sure you will still find interest somewhere or in something else"
"... That is a collection worth 2billion K. And in case you both forgot, I just turned 12"
"How do you know it is worth 2billion K?" His parents were shocked.
"Because I am your son?" Gwan-il felt confused. He has been his parents little 'tail' since he could remember. They have been going around the Unirse, evaluating historical antiques and has listened to many of their lectures when they are invited to give seminars. And he knows the value of each car in that collection. Six luxury cars from the early 2200's, each with a minimum of 300million-K. They've all been 'pimped' a bit so they can be driven around.
He still couldn't convince his parent to take them back so the collection stayed. The star-years go by in a 'slow' manner, it seems like it is taking forever to become of 'age' and all through that, his love for Sen Ji-Hu hyung grew bigger and more untameable.
From Ji-Hu hyung's handsome matured smartness. To his super responsible and caring nature. This man is just pure talent and aura.
Although Gwan-il is an exclusive member of the Monarchys, he was too shy to speak with the dashing Sen or anyone outside his clan members for a long while. The hyungs has to always involve him in almost every activity by dragging him along most times. Soon enough, he and his bestfriends became the 'aegis'(babies) of the Monarchys and gets acquinted with the foreign and mixed seniors. Having hyungs(friends) who are bi-racial made him slowly open up more but he is still the quiet one and easily gets shy when paid too much attention to. His 'secret' dream is still-
-be successful and marry 'Jiji Bear' in future.
Gwan-il owns 45% combined shares from different businesses and a broadcasting franchise by 18 star-years.
With the exception of his two bestfriends and only younger sister, no one else knows he has had a big- huge- crush on the genius senior.
But he constantly forgets how much of a worry wart his clan can be sometimes. Especially when it comes to the 'aegis'.
"Why haven't you said anything all this while you've been in love with him?!!" Crown Prince MinJun(2nd) whines exasperated. "You had to wait till some 'little chica' comes from nowhere and snatch him away!!!"
Gwan-il has his head buried in their leader, YeongCheol's chest sniffling in tears.
He had woken up with the courage to approach the senior later tonight at the vacation house they all planned to go hang out with the whole Monarchy. As slow as the time seems to go by, he is already a 18 star-years old 'adult' who has been in love with one of the most remarkable Sen in the whole Empire, Seo Ji-Hu for the past 8 star-years unwaveringly.
The day looked all bright and the air seems fresher. Gwan-il carefully picked out his 'wardrobe' for this trip and made sure to round up his responsibilities for the next few days.
But unexpectedly by midday, it was announced that the nations 'Ven' actor is in a 'secret' relationship with the Seo family's only heir.
And that had led to everyone barging into his huge studio apartment and comforting him because Hanwool and DaeChan were worried about him and told their hyungs(MoneyGhouls).
"He wanted to wait till he was 19 before approaching Polar hyung" HanWool sighs
"But we still could have been alerted. We your hyungs aren't just for decoration. We could have try to set you both up together and you will be engaged by now and marry in 2 star-years" Sen ChanQi(4th) 'complains'. The handsome Hexan Sen does have the tendancy to indulge the maknae line a bit too much. Whatever they wanted was what they got from him.
The maknae line looks at their hyung with unamused looks.
"Qi-hyung, you shouldn't encourage such behaviour!!" Hanwool scolds. "Secondly I've had DaeJung hyungie ask Polar hyung if he was dating and the answer was no" he groans really confused. As unreliable as that extroverted 'Icy' hyung is, he wouldn't lie when it comes to matchmaking.
'DaeJung hyung is as nosy as the 'love-god' (Cupid) when it comes to matchmaking' Hanwool thought to himself as he gently rubs the back of his bestfriend to console him
"Why not? Ji-Hu hyung is the best backer for uri second baby" the Hexan male shrugs unapologetically.
"He is a human not a stock value that can be easily acquired Ming ChanQi-ssi~" HanWool pinches the bridge of his nose, feeling tired already. He is contemplating if having such a hyung wouldn't put all of them in the cells soon for attempting to 'conspire' against the empire. These men are just a bunch of weird people.
"He is 25 and already the head of the Second richest family in the empire AND also training as the next Imperial Secretary of the Prime Minister. His parents have the second position after the Imperial family in the entire Empire. He is the 'Balance' between two worlds. The Sen knows~ HE- is a walking and breathing fortune" the Sen clarifies with a wide grin
"You- !!"
"I told him.." Gwan's sad tone tore their hearts
"WHEN?!!" the maknaes yells in shock
"On my 16th birthday. I met him privately with the help of BigBun hyung and I confessed to him(Ji-Hu). But he said I was too young to understand what love meant and I shouldn't say that casually"
BigBun hyung was a name given to Min Hyunjae also known as BigJae. When they were kids, the maknaes found it a bit unfair that they where given pet names, but the older ones had non. Thus the name 'BigBun' hyung was given to Hyunjae and the other hyungs also got their nicknames. Now Gwan-il was the only one who still calls him that and he wasn't going to stop anytime soon.
"Oh poor baby" WooSung(3rd) consoles
"That's good though. Considering you really were too tiny back then" WenYan(8th) mutters under his breath
"Hyungie!!" DaeChan scolds glaring at the beautiful gama "That's not the point!!"
The rest of the clan silently agreed but continued to console and coddled him for the rest of the day. By night he felt a bit better before 'kicking' everyone out to go prepare for the trip to the beachhouse later that evening.
He decided to take a different route. He still felt very sad. There's nothing he can do about it. Very unfortunate.
More tears fell.
"I need a fucking bucket of sweets!!" He wails. Dragging his crying self into the pantry area. He first picked up a box of wool wet wipes and a pack of silk tissues whiles dragging a shopping cart with a free hand and 'crying'.
He went through the entire pantry picking out all kinds of ice cream and snacks.
"How can he go for him!! Like I don't understand!! Well i get it- he is kinda pretty-- well a 'bit' pretty"
Said actor has wide 'basic' blue eyes, long brunette hair, a small face with 'cute fairy-like' stature. The 'darling' of the screen and a S+ Grade Ven. All sunshine and flowers.
While he Gwan-il is more opposite of the 'sunshine and flowers'. He has all white hair which he inherited from his mother's side of the family. He has a bit of a wider oval shaped face and the exotic looks of mixed race. His eyes are layers of crystal purple and icy grey that looks like an animated compass, which always looks either too cold or too penetrating. Well Gwan-il is a SS grade Ven.
"Ha!! At least I've got something over that 'sunshine and flowers!!" He scoffs with a loud sniff and continued picking things for his next few hours alone before his bestfriends come back to drag him on a 'Plan B' vacation. Who do you think called it so?
Yes. It was HanWool's idea.
But right now he just wants to slip on the floor and continue to 'wail' pitifully.
"But the tiles are too cold. And i want Ice-cream" he blows on a tissue.