CHAPTER 03: A Big Bear's Little Fruit Part 06

It's been over a moon-month since they officially started dating. They go on dates and Gwan-il is still showered with flower bouquets made of precious gemstones each time, but that didn't stop their work flow. Ji-Hu is the familyhead and still in training for other bigger responsibilities.

It is a weekend and Sen Ji-Hu whisks his Little Fruit to cruise the most enchanting sea around the Atlantic City. The Atlantic City that was recorded in ancient texts millions of years ago, originally called Atlantis, was revived after the evolution of the world.

The true story of the deity who had created the biggest oceans, seas and started civillisation was finally broken out to the public. She is known as the 'Mother of Time'. A beautiful melanin goddess whose powers were beyound the Unirse, bound to remain unknown as she reincarnated several times but her memory and powers were sealed. After the world entered into chaos, she awoken once again finally breaking the seals on her powers and memory. With her help, other deities and godheads who had been in the same 'unconscious' state also awakened.

The world could finally be stabled. Feeling guilty for the turmoil and destructions, she created many 'treasures' and 'wonders' for those left behind in the aftermath of the devastation. But her position as deity can't let her or other godheads intervene in the matters of mortals for too long. After restructuring the world and impacting as much knowledge as she could, she transcended into what is now known as the 'Celestial Spiritual Heavens'.

One of the many treasures left behind is her most beloved oceans and seas. She saved the many souls that were trapped in her waters throughout the billion star-years of human existence. Bringing calm and peace to the seas and oceans.

The almost dry oceans and seas were reformed and back to their 'first glory'. Making them look and feel more magical. The Mer, Siren and other magical marine species were finally able to come on the surface without worry of being hunted down by obsessed scientists from every race. Not many are allowed around this perimeter of the Atlantic, except for the Imperial family and a few officials holding very high positions in the Empire. This part belongs to the Mer folks. They have their dimension deep underneath the huge Imperial ship the couple are currently cruising on.

Gwan-il is amazed by the beauty of the glistering Atlantic. Seeing some aquatics lives he has only heard of but never seen got the Ven very excited and instantly fascinated.

In the middle of their date, Ji-Hu recieves a message from his subordinates for an emergency meeting. Gwan-il hurriedly waves his boyfriend away still enchanted by the beautiful scenery of the marine life.

Sen Ji-Hu smiles and left for his office cabin.

He enters into the oval office cabin and connects to receive the hologram call from his assistants.

"Greetings your Imperial Execellency" they both bow in greeting.

"Sorry to interrupt your vacation Your Imperial Execellency" they apologised

"It's okay" Ji-Hu nods "What is the emergency?"

They give him the detailed reports. It is about a clash that has been brewing between two underground mafia families of the Eastern and Southern States. But things have gone from stall to almost full on 'war' as an important member of the family has been assassinated.

During the world evolution, the mafia families were very active. Many were annihilated and some took advantage to expand and reform. There black market which was once mostly secret and dangerous was now well under control by specific families.

Some mafia families focuses more on gaining more power and strength. Some are still violent, but mostly under control. The current rift is between two prominent mafia families from two different states.

From bickering and minor fights, a son of the Southern State is killed by their rival from the Eastern State.

"I will get back to you" he nods ending the call.

He places a call to Pang En'Lai Eli of PurpleMoney. Eli is one of the members of the *Millitary State Intelligence and Crown Prince U-Ram's second in command.

He is the one with the nickname 'the all seeing Eye'

"Sup Your Execellency Balance"

"Hello hyung" the deep baritone of Prince U-Jin, his clans maknae came from the other side of the call.

"Hi pup"

"Pang. I need a dig"

"Name and point of focus" Eli asks

"Solidarity Group of Companies. Focus. Who runs it and what the fuck they've been up to in the past few days"

"Seems like they really got on your bad side" Eli chuckles

"Not yet. But will" Ji-Hu lightly scowls

"That bad?" Eli

"Someone killed a child of the Taeil family in the Southern State and the Taeil family want their head. 'Solidarity' happens to be in conflicts with the dead person and the family suspects them"

"Okay give me twenty" Eli nods



Sen Eli got busy on his screens while U-Jin catches up with his leader.

"Done" Sen Eli says transferring the files to the much calmer clan leader.

"It is right to suspect 'Solidarity' but it's not actually them too"

"Explain please" Ji-Hu perked an elegant brow.

"Solidarity... is too rich and just wanted to mess with Taeil San that's why 'he' got into the current status quo. Solidarity was infiltrated, making it easy to cover up the real enemies dirty tracks. Taeil San, the second child of the head of the side house of the Taeil family in the Southern State, ventures out on his own to accumulate experience- more like bonus points- in other to have a more stable standing in the family. The unimpressed pampered enemy who is constantly being compared to the outstanding Taeil San decided to get rid of the eyesore"

"And guess who this enemy is?"

"Someone from the main house?" Ji-Hu guesses


"Ting! Ting!! Ting!!!" U-Jin squeals

Both seniors chuckles.

"The ever 'loving' male Sen cousin from the main house, Taeil Shu, who lacks potential, ab-so-lutely~.. detest the aura of the promising child from the side branch. The Taeil family only picks the strongest child as the next heir. How to become stronger is entirely up to the child. Sens have a higher chance. But the Taeil family patriarch has not announced anyone as his prospective next heir. Almost every important family member in the Taeil family can see how 'brave' and 'zealous' the youthful Taeil San was, as he battled with Solidarity over a sunflower field in Jujs Island in the Eastern State. I'm sure he saw the amount of natural oils hidden under the beautiful *purple fields and wanted to increase his wealth. But the heir of Solidarity also seems to look like the soft persimmon with no 'strong' backer so, Taeil Shu decided to borrow the knife of the public rival to get rid of this potential headache"

"Don't worry about death. Taeil San is alive and kicking. Badly banged up but fine" Eli reassures

"So he fake his death" Ji-Hu

"I did say he is a promising child. He knew the storm was coming and planned ahead. Can I add he has a good eyesight. He was saved by his nemesis... or should i say frienemy?"

"Lover-nemy" U-Jin offers

"They are yet to get there Boba" Eli chuckles

"After this, they are half way there already" U-Jin shrugs

"Keng Peniel" Ji-Hu reads the name on the sent file.

"Yep. The owner of Solidarity and only precious child of the entire Eastern State's underground mafia Godfather. So Tael San not only have a good eyesight but single handedly prevented a potential bloody cross war of two powerful underground gangs. You gotta thank him" Eli smirks

"Who would win should they face off?" Ji-Hu

"I am a trillion percent sure it wi- " U-Jin was ready to give a detailed assessment on who and why they will win.

"I don't plan in giving in to your ideas" Eli cuts off his now pouting boyfriend.

"That's all you need to know. I've sent everything needed about the incident to you. My little Sen and I are going ghost for a while"

"Hm. Thanks"

"No worries"

"Bye hyung~"

"Hm. Later pup"

Sen Ji-Hu forwarded the files to his chief assistant and gave instructions on how to deal with the issue.

He goes back to his boyfriend after rounding things up. Said boyfriend already made friends with the cute magical dolphins and giggling happily.

Ji-Hu put his aura away so as not scare the magical creatures and joined his happy little boyfriend.

After a long while of making more friends with other aquatic creatures, Gwan-il bids his 'friends' goodbye and he follows the Sen in to take a rest before dinner. They will share the master bedroom for the duration of their vacation. Although Gwan-il's heart is racing as fast as lightning, his cheeks, ears and neck blushing red, he was pretty excited at sharing a bedroom with his Sen for the very first time.

Gwan-il goes to take a shower before resting. He carefully takes care of his soft smooth skin and changed into a soft wool pleated pyjama shirt and white cotton underwear.

Ji-Hu also freshened up in another bathroom and changed into his silk pyjamas. Although the young Ven tried to hide his shyness, but sharing the room together made his heart palpate in anticipation.

He is pulled out of his thoughts as a large pair of arms pulls him into a hot muscled chest.

"What is my Little Fruit thinking?" Ji-Hu neatly arranges the bed duvet to cover them both.

"N-nothing!!" Gwan squeaks, face heating up.

"Otteoke~? Why is my Gwan-ah so adorable?" the Sen teases poking the fair pink cheeks

"Hyu~~ung!! Stop~~" Gwan 'wails' pouting. "No teasing!!"

"Okay~okay... but you look cute with pink cheeks" his finger lightly graze the soft cheek

"It tickles my heart" he whispers, his eyes festing on the perfectly angular small face. Those deep pink lips looking more enticing under the dimmed golden light of the room.

"You tickle my heart too, future- husband" Gwan-il smiles widely, showing his cute perfectly aligned teeth.

Sen Ji-Hu chuckles and gently kissed the handsome smile of his little Ven. He loved the feel of the smaller tongue gliding along his as he slowly deepen the kiss. He can taste the sweet fruity taste of his love. He loves how Gwan-il's hands unconsciously grips his pyjama shirt as he push against him, getting lost in each others love.

But before things could get more heated, Ji-Hu gently calmed his love down.

"I really want to continue but not yet my darling" he husks. Both of their heads leaning against each other. He couldn't help but place soft soothing kisses on the now glistering red lips.

Gwan-il shyly nods in response, afraid to use his voice. He was a bit disappointed honestly but he knew he really is not yet ready to take the 'big' Sen.

"Let's rest" he placed a sweet loving kiss on the white hair.

They both snuggled into eachother as they took a nap before dinner time. The rest of the two days cruise was spent in a similar manner, a hot searing make out session that leaves the both of them wanting more each time. And other other subtle touches but all the same, it was a fun and relaxing vacation for the two.