True Divinities: Journey Through The Eyes: Part 07

In the Empire, the three newly married husbands are adapted to their new work environment as they serve the punishment.

Serving as a coolie for the Emperor's military barracks is more like 'view changing' for the two Sens but for their Hexan gama, it is very intriguing.

The Holy Seer has never worked in such rough yet organise environment nor has he the need to train as hard as the soldiers do. So having to wake up earlier than the sun everyday for a whole moon-month to go through the mandatory early morning training really did ulter his normal habits.

It was sometimes tiring to run around cleaning up after various trainings are over but it did give WenYan a whole different view. Although both of his Sens were given a tougher job of working with the Imperial mechas and military crafts, they still made sure the pretty husband wasn't overly tasked and tired.

For the Imperial soldiers, it wasn't anything new seeing the Imperial Princes, especially the fifth Imperial Prince, sent to their barracks as punishments. Except for the military Major Generals, other soldiers still has to be cautious not to offend all three ancestors. Soon enough the three husbands finally finished their moon-month of punishment.

Right after the end of the punishment they are back to regular life plus planning their elaborate engagement. The news of the secret impromptu wedding was still kept quiet from the social circles, well except for the 'Gentle Gangtas' and the clans, no one else knew. But it was publicly announced they are engaged.

Now all three young men are to go through various etiquette ceremonies. First is visiting eachothers parents.

Fifth Imperial Prince YongSaeng officially introduces Hyunwoo and WenYan to his family.

Both Sens are grilled and taunted but the prettily handsome gama was already being pampered by his in laws during the family dinner.

Although WenYan was worried and felt a bit guilty at the different treatments, he couldn't stop the hearty bell-like giggles from the teasings from the Imperial family.

Especially with Hyunwoo being the Second in Command to the Imperial Crown Prince Consort's personal bodyguards. Although now he is the Fifth Imperial Prince consort, but with clan rules, he still will continue to serve as the clan leader's bodyguard.

Two days later, they visit the Mogul Min for brunch. Both Sens are told to run around the whole Min mansion five times before they would be allowed in.

Hyunjae and U-Ram are asked to monitor whiles WenYan is pulled inside by Subin, DaeHa and DaeChan.

"Don't worry. They should finish in about an hour if they are quick enough" Binnie ahrugs


"Come on, MaMa made some delicious dessert. The suns are too hot. Come cool down inside hyungie" Chan says dragging the worried gama inside the mansion.


WenYan couldn't laugh or cry at the pessimistic enthusiasm of the Min brothers. But the dessert does smell delicious and after having a bite into the butterscotch cheesecake, he believes he has married into the right home.

"Don't eat too much Xiao Yan'er" MaMa smiles "main dish is coming soon"

WenYan nods with a shy blush on his soft small cheeks.

"Wah~ Samcheon 'An-An is soo pretty" Baby U-Hyun praise, little star eyes wide blown wide in awe staring at the glittery delicate looking gama.


Everyone couldn't help chuckling at the dazed adorable six star-years old baby. But true, WenYan is very pretty. His jet black silky long hair in a high pony held by a jade crown with a matching jade hair pin. His fairy like aurora eyes and glistering diamond skin. Cherry pink small lips with a cute and elegant smile.

-they nod in agreement.

"Uri YanYan-ah is very pretty" Daejung agrees


WenYan was sure his face is almost as red as Subin's lustrous red hair. Luckily HyunWoo and YongSeang were brought in by Hyunjae and U-Ram. They could barely feel their legs and immediately slumps down on the creame fluffy carpets.

WenYan is startled and rushes to their side.

"Fine..fine-" heavy breathing, YongSaeng tries to re-assure

"We-we.. good-..." panting hard Hyunwoo waves weakly

Both Sens took a while to catch their breathe and Butler Lindsay passed them a slightly wet cold towel to clean up.

After that, the family finally settled down to have a late delicious brunch. This time Hyunwoo officially introduce his mates to his parents and family.

"So who's idea was it to get married suddenly?" DaeHa snoopingly asks

"Me" Saeng

"Mine" Woo


"I think Beam-ah is lying" U-Ram says

"How do you know?" Jiwon ask

"He is my maknae" U-Ram shrugs

"And he is a horrible liar" Yeong-Gi adds

"Hyungs!!" Saeng felt exasperated

"It's true" Hyunwoo nods "He is a terrible liar"

That ensues a long banter amongst the Sens.

"Welcome into the chaos of a family Xiao Yan'er" PaPa smiles softly at the laughing little Gama.

Even if he doesn't show it, he secretly felt proud that his sons are good at picking their life partners. Seeing them laugh and love so genuinely fills his heart with ease and content.

'May the Unirse and Gods bless and keep my children and grandchild safe'

'Amin' a soft gentle 'thought' responds

Brunch ended with everyone in the very huge backyard, having a walk under the cool shade of flower trees, each person holding a cold drink as they walked towards the huge family pagoda over the man-made lake.

It took about fifteen minutes to walk from the main house to the lake. By then everyone felt more relaxed and more energetic.

They spent an extra day in the mansion with the family before heading off to Hyunwoo's private villa. The rest of the week was spent in a such a relaxed manner. The nights were extra special to have just the three of them, wrapped up and snuggled into eachother.

Making out, having sweet passionate sex, teasing and loving every moment in eachother's presence.

Soon they had to visit the Hexan Empire so as to meet the Liu family and the Sect leader of WenYan's sect.

Because of the special powers of Liu WenYan, he is of equally special status in the Ming Military War-Birds Sect, his marriage will have to go through the approval of the Sect Leader.

Not that the Sect leader will stop him from marrying anyone of his choice, but it is more like a show of filial respect for the Sect Master.

At first the three of them were very apprehensive at the thought of sure disapproval they will receive. Especially from WenYan's parents.

But much to their surprise, they met with Father Liu and the main elders of the family and Sect. Except for voicing their disapproval of the hastiness of the marriage, the meeting went on smoothly without a hitch. Every elder was there except for Madame Liu who is in 'closed door' cultivation.

Liu WenYan felt the sharp edge of disappointment and hurt but he pushed it aside to face the elders.

The Sens confidently but humbly introduced themselves as the bonded mates of Liu WenYan. The elders had no objection to the sudden marriage of the Holy Seer. They just hope he will still visit and care for the sect since he still has a long way to go before deciding if he wants to take the position as the head of the Seers in the far future.

WenYan had already discussed with his husbands, he will still go through official training as a qualified Seer and they will support him in anyways needed.

This decision brought relief to the elders. Father Liu didn't say much except agreeing to the decisions made by the elders.

After the long family meeting was over, Father Liu takes them out for dinner.

First he ask how they are before other questions.

"How are you?" Father Liu asks the three

"We are good sir" Hyunwoo responds with a polite smile

"We doing good" YongSeang

"Great. And very happy" WenYan coldly replied without raising his head to look at his father.

The elder man just gives a sad smile. Then turns his attention to the two Sens sitting on the sides of his only child.

"Xiao Wen'er is my precious child. Very quiet and would endure whatever bad things comes his way. No matter how he dislikes it. Just like he hates peas and beans. But he still eats them because..."

'His mother forced him to eat them'

".. hhrh~" he sighs deeply. His heart feeling heavy at the thought of his wife and child.

"Please take care of my baby Dove" he finally says with a small soft smile. At the instant, one can see where WenYan got his gentle smile from. Although both father and son look almost nothing alike, but the shape of their smile is almost the same. And they both wear reading glasses.

WenYan tried to hold back his tears but the nickname brought the tears flowing non stop for a while.

He is angry. Mad and most of all disappointed at his parents for their alienation and forceful control of his life. But at this moment he realised his father had just quietly watched on as his mother tried to control his life.

He was just eight when they both suddenly left him in the care of the nannies and bodyguards. The only time he saw them was at big events which requires his presence alongside them. And aside dropping him off in his place of residence, they disappear for long and longer periods right after only to repeat the same circle over and over again until he relocated to the Great Korie Empire.

The last time he actually met them face to face was when Ming ChanQi crossed his thunder tribulation. Except for the admonishing from his mother, urging him to relocate back to the Hexan Empire, he never saw any of them until today.

"Where is mother?" WenYan asks after calming down from his emotional tumbling. His voice was now a bit hoarse and enchanting eyes still redrim from crying.

This put both Sens in immense distress for their precious husband.


"Don't lie father" WenYan frowns

The elder sighs.

"Self reflecting" he finally answered

WenYan is stunned

"She will be out for your engagement then has to go back to closed door reflecting" Father Liu explained


"Don't worry. She's fine" Father Liu smiles "She just needs to let go of her unreasonable obsessions and cleans her soul" he reassures "I will be with her"

WenYan knew what it meant to be put in closed door reflection. Basically his mother is under house arrest until further notice. She will have no say in his engagement or wedding even if she is released. Basically lost her right to make decisions in the family.

Wenyan felt heavy in his heart and also very relieved. But he won't think too much about it for now. As long as she gets better..

'.. maybe we can get to talk more.. maybe..'