7. Progress With Hinata

AN: I'm back guys. I'm feeling a lot better and as I promised, it's two chapters today!.

So.....this chapter was supposed to be a little emotional chapter but I'm really bad with emotions and apparently writing emotional scenes too. So yeah, it didn't turned out as I wanted........ But! I still tried hard tho. So... Anyways , enjoy the chapter guys.

AN2: I was writing this chapter with the assumption that the gentle fist closing tenketsu points really hurts. I mean it seemed like it really hurts..so...there's that.


Konohagakure, inside a house in Hyuga clan compound, A little girl is laying in the bathtub, trying to coat her arm with a 2mm thick layer of water. And she seems to be in deep thoughts while doing so.

{MC's internal monologue}

Well, I'm 5 now. Nothing much happened in the last year. Hinata and I got pretty close tho. She visits me at least thrice a week and invites me to her house often too.

Spending so much time with her, I started to adore her as a person too. Before, it was like liking an actress from your favorite movie and just wanting to have her.

But now, getting to know her in a personal level, all thoughts about subtly manipulating her using my knowledge about the original timeline went out the windows. It just felt wrong. I still love her tho, even more now in fact.

So, I decided to just support her with all I can and shower her with all the love and care I could give while watching her grow up.

If she still ends up falling for Naruto, then I would just have to make sure she lives a happy life and try to get over her I guess. It'll still hurt tho. But I'll manage.

Well, enough with the sentimental stuff. Hinata also recently started training so we occasionally had some light spars. But she didn't even try to hit me and although I know why, I still asked her why and of course she said she didn't want to hurt me.

I really like how kind she is but I also didn't want her to be unable to defend herself. So I asked Raphael to develop an effective Taijutsu style that doesn't hurt the opponent but only incapacitate them based on gentle fist so that she won't hesitate to use it on enemies.

Well, the always so reliable Raphael pulled that one out real quick. The whole style revolves around ejecting chakra with certain frequencies from tenketsu points and striking the enemies with it to disrupt the chakra flow of the opponent.

A few strikes at the solar plexus (where chakra centre is)will destabilize the chakra so much that utilizing chakra will become practically impossible for a few minutes.

And unlike closing tenketsu points with gentle fist, brute forcing with more chakra wouldn't work as well. It will destabilize the chakra even more. All you can do it wait!.

With enough proficiency, the user can use this technique at medium range and dissipate projectile jutsus by destabilizing the chakra construct of the jutsu with waves of chakra emitted at certain frequencies.

With really high proficiency, the user can even make a zone around her which disrupts everything that have to do with chakra except the user's. It makes the opponent in the zone harder to use chakra or form jutsus. Even if the opponent managed to form a jutsu, it will be severely weakened if not just dissipated immediately.

So yeah, I've teaching this technique to Hinata slowly while trying not to seem suspicious.....


Shizue can be seen running excitedly into the training dojo while shouting "Mom!! Hinata!! you've got to see this!!

I've been messing around with expelling chakra from my tenketsus this morning and this super cool thing happened."

Shizuka and Hinata looked at the jumpy Shizue and asked with curiosity

"What got you so excited Shizue?."

"Y-yeah, what happened."

Shizue went near her mother, took a stance and said "Don't resist mom!" then stroke her solar plexus with her palm.

"Heh, you won't even be able to hurt a fly with this." Shizuka mocked.

"Hehe, don't be too early to judge. Try to move your chakra." Shizue replied with a smirk.

"H-huh!! What is this!! It's so difficult to move my chakra around!!!." Shizuka exclaimed, very surprised expression on her face.

"Hehe, it's the thing I found this morning. Cool, right!?. Don't worry tho, it'll be back to normal in a couple of minutes." Shizue said with a prideful tone, her head held hight.

"Don't 'hehe' me!! Why are you messing around with a dangerous thing like chakra!! It could have been really dangerous." Shizuka reprimanded with an angry expression.

Shizue realized her mistake and apologized with a regretful face "I-I'm sorry, I'll be careful."

"Sigh...I know I can't stop you from messing around with chakra since you've been extremely curious about chakra and stuff since you are little after all. But! ,in the future, you are not allowed to play around with chakra unless supervised. You can at least do that, right!?" Shizuka demanded with a defeated expression.

"Y-yes, I can do that!" Shizue replied. And then, as if she just realized something, she looked at Hinata and said "Hey Hinata, you said you don't want to hurt others so how about using this technique??. We can develop this into a proper technique, right mom!!"

Shizuka pondered for a while and said "Hmmm.... it's not that different from gentle fist so it can be used with gentle fist's moves and if we spend a few years refining it, it can become a very effective technique. And from the outside, it looks practically the same with gentle fist so elders won't be a problem. Hmmm...it's quite feasible. At least with this, you won't hesitate when using it on the enemies cause it really doesn't hurt a bit."

"B-but..." Hinata stuttered.

But Shizue didn't allow her to say excuses, she looked into Hinata's eyes and said "No buts Hinata. I really like you being so kind but what if something bad happens to you because you hesitated. I-I really don't know what to do if that happens. So please.. Hinata."

"Yes Hinata, kindness is good but if something happened to you, your family and friends will be really sad. Do you want that to happen?." Shizuka asked seriously.

"O-of course not!!!" Hinata denied with tears welling up in her eyes.

"That's why we are telling you to learn this technique. With this, you can incapacitate them for a few minutes and bind them afterwards so they can't hurt you. And this technique really doesn't hurt a bit so you can use it without hesitation. Shizue, show her an example."

"Y-yes" said Shizue, taking a stance and striking Hinata in the solar plexus softly.

"I-It really doesn't hurt at all!" Hinata exclaimed while wiping her tears.

"S-so, will you learn this Hinata? We will also help develop this technique so that no one will be able to hurt you." Shizue asked sincerely.

"O-ok, i-i'll learn it and get stronger so that no one would feel sad because of me!." Hinata said with determination in her eyes.

{Flashback ends}

So yeah, it's going pretty well. Hinata has been trying not to hesitate while striking and training really hard. And I'm steadily making the style more and more complete. In a couple of months, it will become a complete Taijutsu style.

It still won't be perfect by Raphael's standards without understanding and control of each individual muscle fibers and other complex stuffs. So I've began to teach Hinata some elementary physics, maths and anatomy. Of course, the curriculum is made by Raphael.

Raphael is one hell of a good teacher. She knows what I knows and don't and how to systematically teach me step by step so that I can completely understand what I learn. If I had that kind of teacher in my past life, I could be a doctor, engineer, lawyer, and a theoretical physicist at the same time at 30!.

So yeah, after learning for about 4 years, Raphael upgraded my training method to {Training manual for not that dumb anymore, but still dumb people}....I-I mean..it's progress, right!?.

Raphael's ego is also steadily forming. She doesn't even use 'Understood' or 'Answer' at the start of every sentence anymore. But it still feels like there's something still lacking so I'm holding out giving her a name for now.

I'm not sure exactly what kind of personality she will develop but I'm getting 'knowing and doing what you want and need without you telling her and support you unconditionally but also very bossy and sharp tonged' kinda vibes from her.

[I recommend that instead of your meaningless inner monologue, it would be more productive to focus on the chakra control exercise you are doing now.]

See?! Just as I said.!!

.........{End of Chapter}...........