9. Progress and Preparations

AN: This chapter is a little rushed so there may be some mistakes in it. Anyways, enjoy the chapter guys.

{MC's internal monologue}

It has been seven years since I came to this world. Time flies really fast huh. I'd say I have been living a pretty good life up until now. And I plan to keep it that way.

Well, in the past two years, I have been doing...well, nothing in particular. I have been spending some quality times with my family and Hinata, training the Taijutsu style Raphael developed, training chakra control, training chakra nature transformation and shape transformation etc..etc.

I have gotten pretty strong as well. My image as a super prodigy has been pretty much cemented. The clan gave me access to every and I mean every one of the clan's techniques. And if I says so my self, I'm pretty proficient in all of them.

The only problem was when I asked my parents or Hiashi to judge my proficiency in the clan techniques, they would all just say "Umu, impressive. You only lacks experience." or something like that. Like...I know I lacks experience!! I just want these guys to judge where my level of proficiency lies.

Then, why don't I just ask Raphael?? Well, everytime I asked, she just says [Pathetic] and then continues to teach me those really complex stuff in her training manual. Like..am I really that bad!??

My chakra levels are coming up pretty nice as well. If I have to compare, I would say I rivals Naruto without Kurama's chakra. By Naruto, I mean the Naruto now who hadn't gone through his puberty i.e. rapid-chakra-growth period yet.

AN: Naruto has seriously massive chakra amounts. He can produce like hundreds of shadow clones like it was nothing at twelve!!.

And my physical prowess are through the roof as well. I guess sage mode and nature energy nurturing are starting to show significant effects as well. I could do intense Taijutsu training without a single rest for 4 hours straight.

Lately, I've been trying to get used to {Parallel processing}, {Thought acceleration} and {Future attack prediction}. Yeah, I finally have enough chakra to use them for a short period of time. I only plan use {Thought acceleration} at 100× for most fights tho. The reason for that is, well it's enough for normal fights. And I'm using my own chakra for those skills so I gotta manage chakra usage too.

Yeah, me and Raphael decided that the energies stored in the storage space will only be for Raphael's uses (all the things she do passively and research and other stuffs) and for emergencies.

Also, Hinata has been coming along quite well too. She's been killing it with the new Taijutsu style I created for her. With the nature energy nurturing from her necklace and not hesitating in fights, she had left Neji in the dust a while ago.

Talking about the necklace, I've been planning to put something kinda like a Raphael-lite directly into Hinata's mindscape when Raphael can make more advanced whatchamacallit {Spiritual clones??}. It will be made with Hinata's spiritual energy so Raphael estimates it can also produce spiritual energy for Hinata.

Unfortunately, Raphael still couldn't do it. So I plan to infiltrate Yamanaka clan and 'borrow' their high level techniques. Raphael told me that if we can get those techniques, she estimates that she will be able to make a clone that basically has all her abilities but just severely downgraded.

Oh, Hanabi was also born two years ago. And Haruhi health became worse after giving birth so I had Raphael make an analysis on her. I found out that she just had a weak body and had gotten weaker after giving birth. So I just gifted her a bracelet that has the same functions as Hinata's pendant. And about a month later, she's as healthy as a horse!.

Anyways, enough about the past. Now to the future matters, the Uchiha Incident is about to happen soon, three days later to be exact. Thank god I remembered the dates of important events. So I've been preparing for that.

Prepare for what?? Of course to collect some of those Sharingans. Cause I seriously have to research about {Izanagi}. It is only said that it cast a genjutsu on reality itself....but like where is the limit??? Can someone just imagine himself being immortal and cast {Izanagi}, then boom! he's immortal?? There's so many questions to ask about this jutsu.

And I've read about it being a yin-yang release jutsu. So yeah, gotta analyze that. Cause I have yin-yang release affinity and I still can't do jack sh*t with it. Even Raphael can't do much with so little information about it.

Yin-yang release sounds op as heck so this is gonna be my first step towards even more op-ness. So yeah, gotta collect those red eyeballs. No one will be needing these eyes the ones that would are bad guys so... It's free real estate!!"

At first, I thought about saving the Uchiha clan or something but I rejected that thought quickly. There will be so many unwanted problems if I do that and most importantly, I asked myself this question - do I care about them??. The answer is a big NOPE! So....Imma just sit, wait and when the time comes, collect some eyeballs.

I've prepared some techniques for you know, infiltrating the Uchiha clan compound without being detected. One of them is named {Nature concealment}, and the other one is named {Refractive camouflage}.

Both techniques are quite simple but actually very difficult to perform. {Nature concealment} works by permeating my whole body with nature energy. You can't just cloak your body with nature energy. If you do that, it'll be like hiding behind a transparent glass. You've got to permeate nature energy into your whole body so that your body becomes the transparent glass. The technique make my presence practically the same to that of a tree or a rock depending on the location. So unless someone sees me with their eyes, no one will detect me.

And to combat that problem, the next technique {Refractive Camouflage} comes in. It works by coating my body with a layer of water and constantly adjust it so that light refract around my body and makes it invisible.

I asked Raphael to make this technique into a jutsu cause.....why not!! I mean, I have {Hand sign annulment} and there's no jutsus that need handsigns in the clan. So yeah...It's just for satisfaction. Anyways it's an actually quite complex technique (the water has to constantly shift while moving) so it needs about like over 130 handsigns to activate. I don't need it tho, I just need to think about using it. Man...I need to learn more jutsus.

Oh yes, I also developed a technique named {Spiritual suppression}. Cause I don't have Killing intent, fighting intent or things like those experienced ninjas have, so not to lose out to them, I created this. It's kinda like similar to conquerer's haki. It's could be called a genjutsu but not at the same time.

Basically, I just blasts waves after wave of spiritual energy around me. And since I have obscene amounts of spiritual energy and my mindscape is a lot more developed than most if not all of this world's people, they would experience their spirits suppressed and thus they would instinctively wouldn't dare to look me in my eyes.

I also made a mask!! I mean, it's not necessary but..... it's cool!! you know!. I don't have any idea what kind of mask to make so I just made the same one as Rimuru. He looks cools in it!! And I looks practically the same as him so I must look cool in it as well right??

So yeah, I'm good to go!!.
