How could you?

It's the weekend and it's the day of the party. Cousin Maleep how do I look? asked Lelapa. You look beautiful my dear cousin, answered Maleep. Please don't come back late and drunk! Maleep stated. Don't worry cousin I won't be alone, I'm going with Uncle Pake's cousin, said Lelapa. Oh! You mean Mtase? Yes we'll be fine. Lelapa went to Mtase's house to fetch her to go with her to the party.

They arrived at the party and as they grabbed glasses of alcohol Lelapa saw someone. Look Mtase there's James. Where? Do I look good? asked Mtase. Yes you look fabulous girl, go get your man, said Lelapa. Mtase looked at James's direction. As Mtase was about to approach James he approached them where she was standing with Lelapa. Hey ladies are you two busy? No! replied both Mtase and Lelapa. James smiled. You both look gorgeous and amazing, said James. Thank you, replied both Mtase and Lelapa. Lelapa smiled. Mtase looked at Lelapa with suspicious and jealous eyes. James called Mtase out for a glass of wine and a nice talk outside by the pool. Mtase and James took alot of time talking with Mtase which made Lelapa bored because she was alone, her best friend got taken away from her, and because of that she kept drinking as a way to stop being bored. Meanwhile Mtase and Jame's conversation took a left when he started asking about Lelapa.

Mtase got upset but in the end James stopped talking about Lelapa. They hugged each other then from there Mtase went to the bathroom. James made his way to find Lelapa, then finally he found her. Lelapa got drunk, she became half blind, she couldn't see clearly. Mtase is that you? asked drunk Lelapa. No it's me! James remember? said James staring deeply into drunk Lelapa's eyes. Oh! could you please get Mtase for me, I need her to take me home now, asked drunk Lelapa. But why do have to leave so soon, the party just became fun right now, I'm really happy being here with you, I'm enjoying this time we have together, said James.

What about Mtase? Didn't you have a great time with her? asked Lelapa. I was only interested in you darling, I asked her to come with me so that I can get some information about you from her, but she seemed so upset so I stopped asking about you and I started to ask about her so that she feels flattered and special, said James. So this whole time you've been using my bestie to get through me? asked Lelapa. I underestimated you, turns out you're a smart girl after all, so does your dump bestie know about my plan or is she still stupidly blinded by love? First of all my bestie is smart and pretty, second of all no one plays around with my bestie's feelings just like that while I'm around! stated Lelapa to James.

Where's Lelapa?Mtase asked a random stranger enjoying the party. (Mtase is done using the bathroom). Mtase is looking around for her best friend. As she's wondering around at the party she finally remember where she left Lelapa, then she decides to go there, as she arrives she sees James grab Lelapa by the chin and starts kissing her on the lips. Lelapa was too weak and drunk to even realize what's going on. Lelapa how could you? asked Mtase with tears filled in her eyes. Mtase it's not what you think! James is a not the good person you thought he was! he's a monster! said Lelapa. Shut it I don't want to hear it. You we're supposed to be my best friend but you actually betrayed me! Mtase sobbed.

Mtase please hear me out! James was never in to you, he just wanted to get in between us, please Mtase you're my best friend, don't let a stupid boy like James get in between us, said Lelapa. Oh! Now my crush is stupid, I've been watching you Lelapa I know you wanted to ruin things between me and James, said Mtase. Lelapa cried in shock that her best friend chose to take a stupid boy's side instead of hers. I don't want to see you anymore, said Lelapa. Me too, said Mtase.